Power and Wealth

Chapter 1007: Making Xiao Dong drunk


A man walked out slowly from the back when all the guests were seated. He walked slowly and steadily and was surrounded by many younger military officers. He walked to the main table, and all the guests stood up to welcome him.



"We wished you longevity."

Everyone wished Commander Xiong and the restaurant to quiet down.

Dong Xuebing, Li Feng, and his men knew that man was Deputy Commander Xiong. This was their first time seeing him, and he looked like he was in his early fifties. They followed the rest over to the main table. But they stood too far away, and Commander Xiong could not see or hear them.

Commander Xiong seemed to be healthy and had a loud voice. He laughed and said. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Commander Xiong, please say something to everyone."

"Old Sun, are you trying to embarrass me? Hahaha…."

"Hahaha…. It's your 60th birthday today. You must say something."

The banquet was well prepared. Although it was not a grand event, the restaurant was well-equipped. A restaurant staff immediately handed a microphone to Commander Xiong.

Xiong Liping took the mic and cleared his throat. The guests immediately keep quiet. He laughed. "You all should know me. I am not good at speaking, but Old Sun insisted I say something. Thank you, everyone, for coming to my banquet. I shall not say more. Let's start the banquet. I had not been drinking these few days for today. I want to drink with you all. None of you are allowed to not drink. I know everyone's limits. Don't act in front of me."

Everyone laughed.

"Alright! We will drink with you!"

"That's right. We will not go back until we are drunk!"

Xiong Liping waved his hand, and a junior family member passed a glass of alcohol into his hand. "Here! I shall finish this glass first!"

A middle-aged woman beside grumbled. "Dad, don't drink too much."

Xiong Liping retorted. "I am in a good mood today! Here, I give you all this toast!"

The middle-aged woman and the junior family members were helpless. They knew Commander Xiong's temper and did not stop him.

Commander Xiong had raised his glass, and the guests drank with him.

After that glass of alcohol, the banquet started. The guests returned to their seats and started eating. A while later, the guests at the main table offered a toast to Commander Xiong and his family, followed by the second and third tables. Liu Guowei brought his son along to the main table and wished him well wishes. Xiong Liping should not know Liu Guowei, and he just smiled and nodded. No guests from the fourth table onwards offered toasts because their ranks were not high enough. It's okay for low-ranking officials to offer toasts, but it will be embarrassing if your rank is too low.


Dong Xuebing did not move.

Li Feng knew his place and went to the main table.

"Here, Director Dong. Let's drink." Li Feng raised his glass and smiled.

Dong Xuebing also raised his glass. "Sure. I had caused lots of trouble in Da Feng County in the past. I offer this toast as an apology to you, Mayor Li."

Li Feng quickly replied. "Don't say that. We are just doing our jobs. We are also in the wrong. Let's forget about it."

"Right. Let's forget about it. Cheers."


They drank from 40 ml glasses and finished all the alcohol.

The ten tables in became small social circles. The guests started chatting among themselves.

"You all are…." An officer asked Dong Xuebing, Li Feng, and his men.

Li Feng replied. "Da Feng County Government, Li Feng."

Dong Xuebing added. "I am from the City Commission for Discipline Inspection."

The officers drank a glass of alcohol with them and did not speak to them again. They were not interested in them as Dong Xuebing and Li Feng was from the local government. Dong Xuebing and Li Feng did not mind and started chatting among themselves.

Dong Xuebing whispered to Li Feng. "We seemed to be unwelcomed here."

Li Feng laughed. "We should not come in the first place. How about we go to another place? I will treat you to something nice."

"Are you free at night?"

"Yes. Let's have dinner together tonight."

The banquet was lively, and Dong Xuebing and Li Feng were outcasted. They were from the local government and were not in the same system as the military. The other guests saw Dong Xuebing arguing with Commander Xiong's guard at the entrance, and the guard almost drew his gun. Dong Xuebing was a troublemaker to them, and no one was willing to talk to him.

Another table.

Liu Haibin was drinking with his friends. His father was a local military base Commander, and he grew up in military family quarters. That's why he knows a lot of military officers and their family members.

"What's wrong, Haibin? You are looking terrible."

"That's right. Who had provoked you? Tell us."

"There's a bruise on your face. Did something happen?"

A few youngsters gathered and started chatting.

Liu Haibing replied angrily. "Don't bring that up. That Dong guy had embarrassed me." He told them what had happened. "How can he do such things? How can he bring those people out from my father's military base and ask the Discipline Inspection to investigate me?! Luckily, my father demanded the City Party Committee punish him. He is going to get punished. F**k! Want to investigate me?! Let's see who will have the last laugh!"


"Dong? Which Dong? Is he here?" A twenty-something young man asked.

"Yes," Liu Haibin pointed to the sixth table. "That's the guy."

That man frowned. "He is the one who argued with the guard outside."

"This guy is too much. How can he become a Discipline Inspection leader? How old is he?"

"Alright. We cannot let Haibin suffer and not do anything. We must not let him off. Haibin, let us teach him a lesson."

Liu Haibin blinked. "How are we going to teach him a lesson?"

That man laughed. "Let's go. I will show you."

The rest started giggling.

Sixth table.

Dong Xuebing was chatting with Li Feng when he saw Liu Haibin walking toward a group of seven young men. Some were in military uniforms, and some were in civilian clothes. They should be the children of the military officers at the banquet.

Da Feng County leaders and Li Feng looked at them. What are they trying to do?

The leader of the group was Wang Yue. He smiled at Dong Xuebing and said. "You must be Director Dong."

Dong Xuebing looked at him. "Yes. What is it?"

Wang Yue said. "Nothing. Haibin is our childhood friend, and we grew up together in the same neighborhood. I heard you are Haibin's leader, and we are here to drink with you." He grabbed an empty glass and filled it with alcohol. "Cheers!"

Dong Xuebing looked at him and finished his glass of alcohol.

"Let's change to a bigger glass. This glass is too small." Wang Yue waved a waiter over and took a few bigger glasses from him. These glasses were 150 ml glasses. He filled up two glasses and raised one of them. "Here, Director Dong. Thank you for taking care of Haibin. Cheers!"

Dong Xuebing looked at him and finished the 150 ml glass of alcohol. His alcohol tolerance was around 150 ml, and he had reached his limit after this glass.

Another youth stepped forward. "Here, Director Dong. Let me offer you a toast."

Dong Xuebing heard him and was amused. Oh, these people are taking turns making him drunk. Let's see who will be embarrassed.

Wang Yue looked at Dong Xuebing. "What's wrong, Director Dong? Are you not giving 'face' to my brothers?"

Li Feng frowned. "Xuebing had drunk a lot earlier. Let me finish this glass for him."

That youth ignored Li Feng and looked at Dong Xuebing, waiting for him to drink.

Liu Haibing smiled coldly as he looked at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing pushed Li Feng's hands down. "Mayor Li, I am fine." He turned to the youths. "Are you all sure you all want to drink with me?"

Wang Yue and the rest replied. "Of course."

Dong Xuebing replied. "Alright. Let's drink."

The youths saw the weird expression on Dong Xuebing's face and were puzzled.

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