Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Aegir POV-
It took one day to arrive at the city of Kalinin, however it's taking longer to go back .
Not only is Schwartz injured, he's got three people riding on him .
Brynhildr may be lightweight like a child, but I'm worth one and a half persons in weight and Sofia is on the chubbier side .
I'm not going to ask Sofia to walk after being physically and emotionally ravaged, while there is no difference in weight if Brynhildr walks or not .
If only I could get off .
「With all those bolts in my back, it'll be hard to walk…… it's bad enough that I'm starting to feel numb . 」
The injuries on my back are not any less than Schwartz's bloody ass .
It was bad enough for Sofia to pass out when she tried to treat the wounds .
「They haven't reached your internal organs so you won't die . You're sturdier than most after all . Still……」
When Brynhildr puts her hand on my back, the pain I stopped feeling was suddenly brought back, causing a groan to escape my lips .
「Because they weren't pulled out right away, the flesh has started to wrap around the arrows . Not to mention it's starting to fester…… taking these out will be hard . It will be extraordinarily painful . 」
If the arrows aren't taken out immediately, the flesh will close around them .
In my case, my back was stabbed with many arrows and the circumstances were not appropriate for first aid to be done . There's a chance I die from blood loss if they're pulled out carelessly so there was no choice but to leave them .
「That sounds scary . I want to hold Celia's hand while they're pulled out . 」
Schwartz neighs jokingly .
Oh shut up, you're unsteady on your feet too so I don't want you saying anything .
Besides, your ass is the same . I'll get male vets to get those out for you .
「I think we've caught up for the most part, but our allies are also heading north . They might have reached Zabrela . 」
When I said that, Schwartz neighs .
I look to the front and faintly see a Federation flag .
「Oh, we've caught up . They must have been moving really slow . 」
That's an awfully slow march, though that works out for us .
Now I have time for my wounds to get tended to, and more importantly can travel around in a carriage .
「Wait, something seems off . 」
Brynhildr rubs her eyes as she comments .
It's daytime now so her eyesight is not as good .
「They're not marching . They're resting…… no, that's not it . 」
The situation comes into view as we get closer .
They have set up camp with a few tents propped up . A fence is being built around the perimeter .
「They would arrive at Zabrela if they just walk for one or two more days, so why have they camped in a place like this?」
「I don't know, but it doesn't seem like a good sign . 」
We are soon greeted with three incoming horses .
It's Pipi, Celia, and Natia . I'm sure Pipi saw our flag and realized it was us from far away .
In any case, treatment comes first .
I unconsciously let out a sigh of relief and was about to fall off Schwartz .
「Woah, that was close . 」
After grabbing onto the saddle in a panic, Brynhildr whispers in my ear .
「Now you need to joke around with that Celia girl . Just a little bit more . 」
Fumu, looks like Brynhildr found out .
After all that, I can feel my consciousness leaving me soon . Because of that, I'm fortunately having trouble feeling the pain .
「Aegir-sama, gosh! Do you know how worried you made me after leaving that letter―― your back!!」
「Y-you're terribly hurt!」
Sure enough, Celia and Pipi jump on me and scream when they see my bolt-riddled back .
Natia has a hand over her mouth and is left speechless .
「I stopped them all with my flesh so it's not as bad as it seems . 」
I lower Sofia down from Schwartz .
「More importantly, I rescued the girl . Please look after her . 」
「I-instead of me…… you should get looked at first . 」
I smile as I joke with Celia .
「She's got some huge boobs, don't you think? Fufufu, I can't wait . 」
「Muu, I thought I would have the biggest ones with only Pipi and Natia-san around, yet you bring back another girl!」
Celia puffs her cheeks . The initial heartbroken atmosphere is gone .
「I feel more tired from running here nonstop through the night than from my wounds . Let me sleep for a bit . 」
I also jump off Schwartz before finding a place nearby to lie down on my stomach .
At the same time, Schwartz also falls down in an exhausted heap .
「Yes . I'll bring the doctors and get the medicine ready right away!」
Celia runs off . I watch her leave until my eyes slowly close on their own .
I'm not actually tired . It's due to the intense pain and blood loss that I can't maintain my consciousness any longer .
「You did well . How manly . Let me praise you . 」
Right before completely losing consciousness, I feel a small hand brushing my head gently .
Morning .
「Ugooooh . 」
「B-bear with it…… I'm really sorry……」
As I lie on my stomach, Celia straddles my back and pulls out a bolt .
I let out a groan despite biting down on a cloth .
Having them extracted is way more painful than being shot .
「There are still seven left . As I thought, wouldn't it be better if a doctor does this instead?」
「No, if I let that guy pull out one more, I might break his neck . You do it . 」
The first two were pulled out by the doctor and not only did it hurt, it was a dirty middle-aged man who did it .
The pain from getting the first one removed turned into murderous intent and I could feel my hands start moving on their own after the second one . There won't be a third .
I can endure more when it's Celia .
「I brought the dragon's blood with me, but it can't be used……」
「It would have been better if the wound was from a sword . 」
The dragon's blood is a medicine that can heal any injury . It can heal a fatal injuries and heal people from near death situations .
My injuries would instantly be cured by the blood, except it can't be used .
「……it will be a huge problem if only the wounds were healed and the arrows are left lodged in your back . 」
「Umu…… I may actually turn into a real porcupine . 」
The dragon's blood can't be used when my back still has foreign objects stuck inside . Each and every one has to be pulled out before medicine can be applied to the wounds .
Six left . Celia wipes the leaking blood away and then slathers the ointment on .
「Oh yeah . Explain what's going on with the army in the meantime . Why are they camping here?」
「I was thinking of telling you after this, but I guess it can help to distract you . It isn't a very pleasant report though . 」
So it wasn't for a good reason .
「We retreated to Zabrela for a brief moment…… however the fog lifted almost at the same time we arrived . 」
Well, that was inevitable .
「And then the Empire already had a large fleet on the other side of the fog . 」
「Oi oi……」
「We were immediately bombarded . They had too many cannons for us to even think about firing back, so we ran away from the river and decided to set up camp here . 」
「We knew the fog was going to clear eventually, but we didn't think the enemy would be waiting near Zabrela for that exact moment . 」
「I led the 105th division to retreat . They were not at the front so the amount of casualties they suffered were few in comparison to the other squads . A portion of them did get blasted though . 」
「Aah, good job . Celia, you're so dependable . 」
Celia smiles happily when I compliment her .
I'm only able to leave the army so freely because I know she's there .
Wait, that female commander of the Empire's river fleet…… Ivanna, was it? What happened to her? Don't tell me she's dead .
「The headquarters might have more information . I'll go and――」
「You can't . Eei!」
Celia holds me down as I try to get up and yanks out another bolt .
Celia applies the ointment to my wound when I fall back to the bed .
Something like a pain-numbing agent must be in that, as the wound feels slightly more soothing .
「Regardless, we can't return to the north coast . We are isolated now . We're unable to head north and there's a strong enemy army in the south . The west is still under the enemy's control…… the situation in the east is unknown . 」
It was clear this would happen when the river gets blocked .
「It's not something we can do anything about on our own . We need to get support from White City, except we don't have any way to contact them since we are unable to use ships . 」
「This isn't time for me to sleep . 」
Celia makes an angry face .
「No . The other corps commanders said you can show up after you get treated . 」
「Hm? They shouldn't have found out about me leaving though . 」
That's why I used the plan I spent an entire night thinking of .
「……you mean those objects you left with the letter to let Yakov disguise as you?」
「Yeah . If he does all that, nobody would know the difference . 」
I left all the props necessary on the day before too .
「Smear charcoal under your eyes to create dark circles and change the face . Always use falsetto to disguise the voice . Stuff strange fruit in the crotch area to―― disguise the size of the genitals . That was everything, right?」
Exactly .
「He got exposed in three seconds . Yakov was about to be killed for mocking the other commanders . 」
「Tch, so that guy screwed up . My perfect plan was wasted . 」
Celia lets out a big sigh .
「He's loyal enough to actually follow through…… so please free him from house arrest later . 」
She clears her throat with a cute "ahem" .
「Your objective was also obvious . While Aegir-sama was sleeping, that girl…… Sofia, she talked with the other commanders . 」
I guess I'll never be a resourceful general .
「Be that as it may, Aegir-sama should still show up tomorrow . Once the arrows are all removed, the dragon's blood can be used . 」
Celia attempts to pull the next arrow, which seems to be buried deeper than the others, but is unable to budge it .
I feel a terrible pain, though I try not to look too uncool by letting out a groan instead of pathetic whining .
I tell her to put the brakes on when I realize something .
「Not good . Stop!」
「Eeeh!? D-did it hurt that much!? I'll go get the doctors-!」
Celia becomes flustered . No, it's not about the pain in my back .
I get up from my lying down position and sit on the bed .
「Pull it out like this . 」
Celia makes a troubled face .
「Eh? I think it would be easier if you laid down . The pain may get worse if you're up like this . 」
That's not it . It's not about that, Celia .
「Look here . 」
I pull Celia closer so she can look at more than just my back .
Celia looks down at my crotch with a face full of concern and confusion, and sees how my dick is sticking out after tearing through my pants .
「It's been hurting pretty badly for a while and no wonder . If I lay on my stomach like this, it would be painful for my erect member . The pain in my back is nothing compared to this . 」
Celia falls prostrate on the bed .
「Why are you getting hard in this situation…… I was worried so much that I thought my heart would stop beating……」
I pat the complaining Celia . Still, it's gotten bigger if I do say so myself .
「It's incredibly large…… way more than usual . The veins are popping out and it's almost like a deadly weapon . 」
I'm pent up plus I got injured in battle . If I'm not careful, I may end up turning into a beast and destroying a woman or two .
Celia circles around to my front and blushes .
「Should I suck you off first? It's gotten terribly big . 」
「Hmm . 」
Refusing an offer to get a blowjob is out of the question, however getting serviced while my back still has arrows in it is a strange sight, and it honestly still hurts . I'd like the bolts to be removed before I cum .
Celia, seemingly already in the mood, kneels in front of me, grabs my rod and opens her mouth .
「Pardon me . 」
At that moment, an intruder walks in .
Seeing what can only be considered as me getting a blowjob from Celia, the intruder lets out a gasp of surprise, while Celia screams when she realizes somebody looking at her .
「Oh, it's Sofia . I'm surprised you knew this tent was mine . 」
I smile and put my dick aw―― my pants are ripped so I can't, and have to talk with it sticking out .
「Y-yes . I asked the soldiers and they all told me this one……」
She's not looking at my face . Her eyes are completely fixated on my dick .
When I tighten my stomach and make it twitch, her gaze also follows .
「Haha, sorry for letting you see an unsightly side of me while I'm being tended to . 」
「It's awfully large and considerably…… no, nevermind . 」
Sofia composes herself as Celia covers my crotch with a towel . The bulge makes it appear more indecent .
「I talked…… with my father . 」
「You talked with your chichis1 !?」
Sure, they're splendid but I didn't think they could talk .
「Yes . My father cried when he saw me . He said he was really happy that you saved me . 」
「They cried……」
Perhaps breasts are a more mysterious thing than I thought .
「I heard from my father . He didn't actually ask you to do anything……」
Sofia hugs me .
What do you mean by being asked by breasts? They were always hanging from Sofia's chest .
「You are my savior . My father said "I will probably lose everything . So you should depend on Lord Hardlett and live happily . Offer everything to him and let him make you happy" . Well of course I also…… you know…… want that . Rather, it's impossible not to fall in love after being saved like that――」
Sofia continues to speak, but none of it registers in my mind .
My mind is occupied with the thought of her breasts .
In the first place, what is this 'everything' her breasts are going to lose? I can't think of anything besides her nipples .
Still, her breasts are really intelligent . Is it possible a certain amount of intelligence grows in proportion with their size?
If so, then Nonna's breasts might have a certain level of genius .
「I have permission from my father, the head of the family . Please treat me however you wish . 」
I can't hide my surprise from the shy girl .
「H-head of the family, you say?」
「Yes, my father is the head of the family, what about it?」
I never expected there to be a family where breasts are the head…… wait, Sofia should be the daughter of the Wolnasky house .
If her breasts are the head, then where does her now arrested father stand――
As I was about to sink into the swamps of my thoughts, Celia brings me back with her unhappy face .
「Aegir-sama, she's referring to the previous commander Doskevich2 Wolnasky-dono as her father . It's not those lumps of meat swaying unpleasantly in front of me . 」
I can feel my body instantly go limp .
That's a relief…… I was feeling worried and was racking my head thinking about how to talk to Nonna's breasts when I get back to the mansion .
When I think about it now, everything seems so obvious .
My mind may have gotten dulled by the injury . Let's go with that .
「And Miss Wolnasky . 」
「Sofia is fine . 」
Celia addresses Sofia with respect since she's a noble, though the venom in her words can't be hidden .
「As you can see, I am currently treating Aegir-sama . If you have finished your business, could I ask you to step out?」
Sofia must have a timid nature . She doesn't make any retorts and looks to me for help .
「Then why don't the two of you treat me . 」
The more girls there are, the less pain I feel .
「It's not fair!」
「Funi…… I'm sorry . 」
Celia roars, while Sofia apologizes .
Celia is sitting behind me on the bed and providing treatment to my back after pulling out the arrows, like she has been doing .
On the other hand, Sofia is standing in front of me while I press my face against her exposed breasts .
「I get dizzy when I see blood or wounds……」
She is still a young noble lady despite having suffered a hellish experience . She can't do first aid and she has no tolerance to blood . That's why I had her stand in front .
Nevertheless, she can still be useful . If she puts those boobs on my face, I won't have time to think about the pain .
「Guooh…… Celia, pull it out a little slower . 」
「Are you alright!? Do you want more of my breasts!?」
This dream-like treatment has a weakness .
「I can't bear it, this is like torture . 」
Burying my face in her boobs feels wonderful, except that leaves my crotch open .
My hard dick is being left alone .
If I don't get stimulation there, lust will just keep building up within me .
「Um, I can use my hand . 」
「No! That's too unfair!」
Celia complains when Sofia extends her hand .
Is there any girl who can save my dick?
「Pipi is here!」
Pipi jumps into the tent . Behind Pipi is Natia, who is covering her face with her hand .
I guess they came to check on how I was doing .
「Ooh, that would be a big help . Swallow it!」
Pipi throws her clothes off as soon as I speak, slips between my legs and puts her mouth to my dick .
「It's too big and won't fit in my mouth . Pipi will use her whole body!」
Pipi grabs my rod and hugs it against her chest, then proceeds to move her body .
The overflowing pre-cum and her saliva mix together to create a sticky sound as she rubs against my shaft, granting me pleasure all the while .
「Oooh, that's good . Do more . 」
This treatment is wonderful, with there being a single pair of cold eyes . They belong to Natia .
「……you're the worst! I even made you a medicine with painkillers in it to help with the bad injury!」
She throws a bottle of medicine at me . When I take a drink from the bottle, I really do feel the pain diminishing .
「You made it especially for me? Thank y―― ooh . 」
I let out a strange groan because Pipi is sucking on my urethra .
That made me not finish my sentence . Look, she's angry now .
「I'm going now . Enjoy yourself then!」
「Wait . 」
I call out to stop Natia from leaving out of anger .
「You're not going to watch?」
Natia yells angrily .
「Haah!? Are you stupid? Of course I'm not going to watch!」
I exert strength into my stomach and make my meat rod even more erect .
「You're interested in humans, right? Watching humans make love here and there can be quite educational . 」
I know she's staring at my dick with eyes full of interest in between her fingers .
「Human? Seeing something so dark and thicker than an arm…… not to mention the wide tip, a monstrous penis like that can't be used as a reference!」
「Wah! It's getting bigger!」
The instant Natia begins to talk dirty, my cock inflates and makes Pipi scream out .
「Don't be like that . Come see if your medicine is effective . 」
When I give her an excuse, Natia closes her eyes unwillingly and sits in the corner of the room .
Of course, she opens her eyes slightly to stare at my cock .
「It's not like I want to see! I just want to ensure the efficacy of the medicine I gave you! I'm looking!」
My back is treated by Celia, my face is buried in Sofia's breasts and my dick is getting sucked by Pipi .
Natia is watching all of that . Even if I didn't have the painkillers, there's no way I would feel anything .
「This is the last one . I'm taking it out now . 」
Celia finally pulls out the last arrow .
I don't know if it's the relief from it being the last one, as soon as the arrow was removed, I feel a wave of pleasure come over me .
「I'm cumming . 」
「Pipi will take it all!」
As Pipi strokes my shaft, she puts her face in front and opens her mouth .
She intends to take my seed on her face .
However, a dull pain unlike the pain from the wounds on my back runs through my dick .
「Looks like it got stuck again . 」
It's something expected . If it's this backed up and this thick, the answer is obvious .
「Celia, Sofia, grab my balls . Pipi, put your finger in my urethra . 」
「U-understood . ……so semen is something that can get stuck . 」
「Yes! ……Aegir-sama's load is special . 」
「Like this?」
「No, push your index finger to the root . 」
Celia and Sofia massage my balls from either side while Pipi stimulates my urethra .
Until finally my thick, thick lust shoots out .
I grab Pipi's shoulder first and ejaculate standing up .
The unbelievable load spewed out makes me think my dick broke down . The viscosity is just as unusual as the amount .
The yellow-tinged semen instantly turns the small Pipi into a sloppy mess .
I see Messerschmitt, who was sleeping nearby, also heavily splashed by the juices and trying to run .
He's fast despite those droopy eyes .
Maybe I should shoot some semen at Tristan the next time I see him sleeping during a meeting…… or not, that's pretty gross .
「Waabh! So hot! I can't breathe!」
Anymore than that and Pipi will drown, so I have Celia sit down next, plastering her from head to toe with my seed .
「There's so much! It feels like I'm getting burned!」
The fluid wasn't coming out in spurts matching the timing of my dick's pulsing . It was more like an endless fountain .
I also straddle Sofia who has unconsciously fallen on her butt and get her face covered too .
「You're cumming too much…… my husband and the men who raped me…… everyone seems like toys in comparison……」
I pour more of my seed over the three girls' already languid bodies bathing in semen .
It really isn't stopping .
I can't make Natia, who has dropped her cup and staring blankly, feel left out .
I approach the sitting Natia while stroking my cock .
「Wait, you don't have to! Stay away! Stooooop!」
She's trying to say something, but I can't hear her .
The tremendous amount of yet-to-cease semen not only dirties her from head to toe, but also flows into her open, screaming mouth .
「Nooooooo!! It went in my mouth!」
And thus my treatment ends .
The Next Day .
「I have plenty to say to you―― however there is no time for that . 」
The next day when I attend the meeting with the other commanders, everyone is looking at me with cold stares, though they seemingly have nothing to censure me for .
「Just now, an ally who infiltrated the enemy ranks has just sent a messenger with orders from headquarters . 」
The man replacing Wolnasky as the commander of the landing army states .
「The headquarters has not abandoned us . They will put their troops on the ships constructed in the eastern region and have them engage the enemy . It will be a fierce naval battle . 」
The fighting hasn't ended .
Federation VS . Empire - Comparison of Military Forces (Current + Losses = Max Mobilization . In the case where numbers don't match, it means there are spare forces . )
Olga Federation
Military Strength - Current: 1 130 000, Max Mobilization: 2 550 000, Losses: 1 420 000, Civilian Victims: 980 000
Garland Empire
Military Strength - Current: 1 420 000 (460 000 of which are military slaves), Max Mobilization: 3 100 000, Losses: 2 140 000 (Military slaves not included)
Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett . 24 years old . Early Spring .
Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave . Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area . Mountain Legend . Friend of the Dwarves . Friend of the King of Aless . Dragon Slayer Hero .
Elf Mediator .
Army under command: 105th Division Provisional Army: 5000 men
Accompanying: Celia (soupy), Natia (soupy), Leah (confused with being anxious), Marta
Brynhildr (sunlight sickness), Pipi (soupy soupy), Sofia (soupy)
Messerschmitt (soupy), Schwartz (injured ass), Mirumi (submerged), Yakov (house arrest)
Assets: 13,000 gold
Sexual Partners: 450, children who have been born: 55 + 555 fish
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