New Game+
55 Epilogue Of Act One
Meryl unceremoniously pulled the sword out of the wall. Richie grunted as he fell down the floor. He struggled and sat upright and stared at everyone who entered the room.
Charles had already rushed towards Seeker' to tend to his wounds.
"So this is why I never felt threatened by you. You kids never wanted to kill me. If anything, I feel that you…. value me." Richie laughed.
"Yes. That's exactly why Perfect Prediction failed you for the first time." Arthur answered coldly.
"I get it. You value me. And you know my capabilities. Therefore, trying to kill me isn't really killing me? So I can't perceive the threat if you guys know that you can't kill me." Richie laughed.
"Yes. And that's precisely why we defeated you. Our Commander had to sacrifice himself though." Arthur shook his head.
"Change of plans guys." Seeker struggled as he slowly walked into the room with Charles assisting him.
"Seeker? You alright? Your eyes look empty." Alean noticed.
"I've cut off all senses except hearing. My brain overloaded in that fight back there. And I'm about to put myself in a forced coma."
"What?!" The team asked in surprise.
"He sensed your entries at the windows and made the necessary preparations to make you and Charles enter at the most necessary moments. We neither had any prior plans nor communicated with each other yet we somehow managed to beat Richie. Seeker was obviously pushing his Realm Somatotopy to its limits. Your entrance, your very attacks, and how he set the stage of the battle was part of a meticulous plan." Arthur explained.
"Thanks for the documentary Arty." Seeker responded sarcastically. Charles positioned Seeker down on the floor allowing him to be more relaxed. Worry appeared in Charles' eyes. This was exactly the symptoms he saw Lynd had.
"As you suspect Arty, I might have gone a bit over the Proficient level. Thankfully my brain's physiology has already been changed which allows me to reach levels higher than what Lynd could reach."
"So you'll be alright?"
"No Meryl. I'll just leave a few instructions and will force myself into a coma. You need to get the coolant liquid otherwise my brain will fry if I awaken.
The team looked grim.
"Enough of that grim face. I could hear your heart rate changing." Seeker laughed.
"Richie. I bet you have a lot of questions but I won't answer any of it."
"Smart." Arthur reacted softly.
"But you need to answer mine. Who are Gary Corners's closest associates?"
"Gary Corners?" Alean gave a curious look.
"He's an Aragarian. Seeker felt it when he pushed his Unlocking the moment he laid his eyes on Richie." Arthur responded again.
"I'm a professional, kid. I don't talk about the people who hire me." Richie smiled.
"Fine then… Guys, push your unlocking to your highest capacity and get your weapons ready just in case."
The entire team immediately went on full alert and readied their weapons.
"Using torture? How pathetic. As if death can make me squeal. You will kill me but don't think I can't give you hell even when I'm in this state."
"This isn't for them to kill or torture you but to protect me because of what you might do with what I'm about to say next."
"Oh?" Richie had a curious look.
"Before I say it, know that I'm extremely frail right now and if your anger causes any… uncanny results I might go into an unwanted coma and you'd only have yourself to blame for losing it." Seeker spoke strictly.
Richie's now had a confused look.
"I know a way to beat the Tyrant Empress." Seeker spoke loud and clearly. He then braced himself for the pressure.
Richie sat down looking straight at Seeker. His confused look suddenly turned into an angry glare.
His face didn't reveal a speck of this anger. But his eyes carried the entirety of his emotion.
"I'm listening." Richie slowly spoke.
His voice was like a light breeze of air that paralyzed whoever heard it.
Arthur collapsed as he heard this voice. It was unlike the sensation that Seeker brought.
His mind went blank. His control over his senses weakened.
Alean, Charles, and Meryl were barely able to maintain their stand. Their guns and swords were held with shivering hands.
Seeker seemed like he was struggling with something. But he managed to withstand it.
"Still the short-tempered Richie, eh? " Seeker tried to bring out a smile.
"Try to kill Meng the Dragon. He has an ability similar to that of the Tyrant Empress. But his skills are also similar to yours. It's just a difference in how you apply it." Seeker finally managed to smile as he spoke. Sweat was pouring over his face. Even the wound on his chest didn't make him fidget, but Richie's voice penetrated deep into his hearts and clenched it.
"Skill?" Richie then asked once more.
The pressure slowly disappeared. Arthur came back to his senses while the three standing were gasping for air.
"What? Is it gone? Hmm... So you haven't mastered it yet. Maybe I shouldn't have said what I said." Seeker fell into contemplation. Then his expression immediately turned into a mischievous smile.
"Oh… never mind. That could work too." Seeker had a confusing worried look which then turned into a mischievous smile. Seeker took out his phone and began typing something.
"Arthur decode this and send this message to Richie in three days time."
For some odd reason, Richie had an even more confused look. He couldn't understand what Seeker was typing and due to the lack of senses, his Perfect Prediction couldn't pick up any information.
"Now, answer my question, Richie." Seeker then laughed.
"Meng is not an easy guy to find. Even Arty's father can't bring him out of his cave." Richie chuckled.
"Tell him Rosa says 'hi' and he'll try to kill you." Seeker laughed.
Richie maintained his deadly gaze. He sat there silently as a few seconds passed.
"Richie. I only have about 3 minutes left. Tell me who Gary's associates are."
"I'll tell you if I can fight Meng." Richie responded coldly.
"That'll work too. Alright, guys. I don't have much time left. So Arthy, you're in charge.
"What?" Meryl suddenly interjected with a surprised expression.
"Trust me, Meryl. Right now what you need is strategy and I don't have time to explain things. Arthur, take charge of this team. I trust you can manage the upcoming battles?"
"No problem." Arthur nodded.
"My recovery process might take a bit of time. I'll try to break through and get a permanent seating in the Surmounting level and this could take weeks. So other than the obvious task, make sure to gather intel so that you can protect the Jews."
"The Jews?" Charles was bewildered at this order.
Alean and Meryl looked at each other.
"I see. Of course. Why didn't I think of that? Makes sense."
"What?!" Meryl shouted in frustration.
"All my earnings from my streams, use it to buy a convertible. It should be just enough. Look for the ones with-"
"The ones with the best handling." Arthur interrupted.
"That's my Arty. Always quick on the uptake. If you're confident, you can use it on the next battle. Lastly, things haven't been going exactly as planned." Seeker smirked.
"Oh. Whatever gave you that idea?" Charles remarked sarcastically. Almost every plan they had gone sideways thanks to unexpected situations.
"My mistake is that I was so fixed on events that I know of, that I never expected those happy revelations to cause things to escalate this quickly. But it was all worth it. When I'm out, I'm not sure what could happen. Killing those Aragarian's might have caused a ripple of events that even I cannot foresee and you might fall into little surprises like when we met Richie here. So I don't want you guys to make any regrets in the choices you make while I'm out. I can't protect you all. So right now, I'll just leave you with these tidings from the future."
Seeker then faced Alean's direction.
"Alean. You better take advantage of this freakin' chance I've given you with Lynd. He might wake up sooner than I will so make the most of every moment. Use seduction if you must."
"What do I need to do? How will this benefit his Unlocking?"
"His Unlocking? There's nothing you can do to help him with that. Just do that to make him happier. Now, Meryl."
"What? That's it?" Alean complained.
"You'll be in charge of training. I need you to build a special task force. Our special task force. Take only those who you can trust with your life. A few of the Programmed Slaves should do. Once Lynd is awake train together with him."
Meryl was surprised.
"Me?" She voiced out hesitantly.
"No need to be surprised. Among all of you, Lynd was always first with you tailing a close second. So you're the best person for the job." Seeker commended.
"Arthur. You'll be in charge of this group for a bit. So while I'm gone I'll leave you with an important reminder."
Arthur listened attentively.
"You know who the most important people in this team are. But for you, there is someone whom you should consider to be more important than the rest. I do not want you to have any regrets. You've had quite a lot in the future. So should the situation arise, protect Meryl at all cost. You don't know it yet, but you will fall desperately in love with her."
Everyone was shocked at Seeker's statement.
"What?!" Meryl cried in surprise.
Arthur just wore a frown. He then started to look at Meryl.
"I don't feel it yet," Arthur responded.
"I know. Just trust me in this, Ok Arty? I might have altered the progression of your developing romance but knowing that you should be keeping her alive is important as it may help you reach World Champion. At least now you know what not to risk."
Seeker then faced Charles.
"Charles, there's something you should also know about your future love life. In a world without hope, you will need that love to be stronger. And so because I don't want you to have any regrets… remember…" Seeker began.
Charles was listening attentively. Romance had never been Charles strong suit. His strings of relationships left him broken and confused. It was a series of betrayal that led him to his books, to the army and even to his now accomplished fame. But out of all the girls in his life, who would it be that would be the remaining joy in a dark world?
"Protect Ricardo at all cost." With the crucial information passed, Seeker then forced his brain to shut down. Seeker's eyes which were opened slowly closed as he entered his peaceful comatose state.
Charles looked at the feinted Seeker. He did not know what to do. Suddenly the urge to slap Seeker awake appeared and he lifted his hands.
"NO! Charles! Seeker's already unconscious!" Meryl grappled Charles arm to prevent the downward bitch slap.
"WHO THE HELL IS RICARDO?!" Charles shouted in anger.
"I see. It all makes sense" Arthur seemed to understand.
"You know what he means?" Charles turned to Arthur. Arthur has been able to understand Seeker's minimal instruction. Hope rekindled as Charles begged with his eyes on this ice cold being birthed for information.
"It makes sense. Your careful attention to your good looks, the modeling jobs you do, your perfectly smooth skin… You have latent homosexual tendencies."
Agony, confusion, and fear crept into Charles' heart. Was this his end?
"Great. I just lost to a prophet of the future, some army Major who is about to get into some major pedophilia, two kids in puberty, and a potentially gay national treasure." Richie laughed in the background.
"That's why I love life. It's things like this that makes you want to live for it."
About an hour after the attack on Stormson Tower, the world was shocked at the events that occurred that day. The Malay-Pangean President was attacked on Australian soil and met the worst kind of opposition. The Australian government revealed it was done by an extremist military group which was tied with several international crime syndicates.
The Australian Secret Service pulled no stops in revealing their suspicions to stop a possible war between two countries. Gary Corner was one of the possible leaders behind this syndicate and was even connected with Feltrick Ung-glaive's organization.
President Colestar immediately addressed the nation and believed that it would be a terrible mistake to immediately begin a war.
"A Continental war is not the answer. We have all seen its dangers and the damage it creates. It leaves families desolate, our landscape changed and the very way of life altered. I urge the masses to not make hasty assumptions and not take any critical actions towards Australia. We must strive for peace and resolve this issue without causing massive deaths on both nations!" President Colestar announced with a grave expression. The entire Pangean Nations watched and observed this broadcast. But then a sudden twist occurred.
All major media station stopped broadcasting the address and started airing an emergency broadcast coming from the Military office of Harker Cipril.
"Citizens of the Pangean Nations! I come to you now in what is the darkest moment of our history since its founding alliance. I have discovered a malicious plot aimed to take over our nations!" Harker announced with terror in his eyes.
"Everything which you have witnessed these past days, the horrors of Feltrick Ung-Glaive's organization were all linked to Australia. They have been using our country as a harvesting ground and even utilized one of our nations as its main base. This was done to shift international attention if ever their operations would be discovered."
The world was shocked at the sudden development. The State of the Nation Address of President Colestar was cut short and a new broadcast was playing. The poor President was not aware of this development and failed to realize that the eyes of the world were no longer on him.
The media reporters present did not even inform the President of what had occurred. Station managers claimed that their system was hacked. And while many of the most prestigious reporters knew that the company had intentionally stopped airing the State of the Nation Address, they did nothing to inform the President or other government officials while the speech continued. They simply acted as was ordered of them.
"Early today, I had received reports of an attempt to kidnap Malay-Pangean President, Albert Hoross. Luckily, the Heroes Army was able to stop the plan. President Hoross who secretly went to Australia to show support to his son who is known as Lowengren were faced with assassins aiming to blackmail him or possibly kill him. The Stormson Tower were infiltrated with various military soldiers as you can see in this clip."
Suddenly a video clip of the military surrounding the Stormson Tower was shown as several armed forces were entering the building.
"We managed to save the President who is now with my daughter, Major Alean Cipril. She also confirmed my suspicion. Gary Corner, President of L-Corp has been using his companies influence to support the human, sex, and organ trafficking operations that are done in the Pangean Nations. Australia wanted to protect him. Too bad. We have his head with us. Enjoy what remains of his body, Australia!" Harker spat in disgust.
The broadcast continued with most of the Pangean Nation getting enraged at what had been happening.
Harker then expressed his disgust at how the President is still pushing for peace when one of the Presidents of their nation had just escaped death. This was considered an act of war and should be reciprocated with war. The entire nation was reacting to this sudden news. Many were enraged and urged Harker to attack Australia immediately while others feared for their lives for a possible war that could destroy their very home.
As the world shattering news continued to broadcast creating forth a wave of unknown reactions, Arthur was already strapped in full military gear and was already explaining the plan of the attack. They used one of the home appliance factories which secretly belonged to General Cipril. Despite the loud sounds of the military equipment's being built the none of its surrounding neighbors found it suspicious.
Arthur stared at the satellite images that were being displayed on a large screen and started to mumble numbers under his breath. Soldiers were moving back and forth in this building. Some carrying weapons, others tinkering with devices and others locked on their computers. Charles, Meryl, Alean, and Cliff stood in the background awaiting the orders of their new commander.
"So Act Two begins huh?" Charles sighed as he looked at the detailed maps produced on the screen.
"Act Two of New Game+. And Chapter One opens with a war." Meryl gave a worried sigh.
"New Game+? Is this what Seeker called it?" Arthur asked.
Meryl just nodded at Arthur. She couldn't maintain eye contact for even a second. Arthur however, had no problems to peer deep into Meryl's face.
"You're not that bad. I guess it's alright." Arthur mumbled carelessly while Meryl was blushing red.
"Alright Commander. I've told my soldiers that you are the acting leader now. How do you plan to act on this?"
"First, buy me this convertible. I have decided we are ready to use this to attack the military base."
"Well, you sound as crazy as Seeker. So I guess it's a relief. " Charles laughed as he saw the image of the convertible in Arthur's comm device.
"Without Seeker… things are bound to get harder. I hope we all live through whatever hell awaits."
"We can only hope, Doctor. For now, let's hope that Seeker's trust in me was well-placed. New Game+, Act Two: Arthur's Acts, begins."
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