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99 Your Apprentice Fired His Apprentice

Gu Mang rested her chin on her cool and fair wrist as she looked at the blackboard nonchalantly. The Mathematics teacher, Chen Bo, was talking about the last question on the exam paper last week. When he accidentally exchanged glances with Gu Mang's beautiful dark eyes, he felt upset.

Why did such a pretty young lady meet with such bad luck? It was okay even if she didn't know how to solve the math problem. But how was it that she couldn't even get a single question correct on the multiple-choice questions? Did she dip her hands into a nest of bad luck?

If he took this wretch to win-loss betting, he would be rich overnight. He would simply bet against Gu Mang. He heard that Gu Mang managed to answer one question right on the Chemistry exam, compared to the previous monthly examination.

The question asked how many isomers a certain organic compound had. She answered "five" and scored three points. Xi Yan was no longer upset. Gu Mang promised her that she would improve her score. Three points was better than zero points.

After going through the question, there was still twenty minutes left in the night self-reading session.

"Look through the paper again and ask me if you have any questions." Chen Bo walked away from the lecturn and walked down the aisle and looked around.

Class Twenty was much more studious than before. Meng Jinyang and Shen Huan's scores encouraged everyone and they became more eager to study as a result.

Chen Bo walked up to Gu Mang. He was comforted as he saw her copy every word of what he explained about the question.

Although her grades weren't good, at least she had a good attitude.

Chen Bo said patiently, "Gu Mang, whenever there's anything that you don't understand, be sure to clarify it with the teacher promptly."

Gu Mang looked up with a cool, dark gaze, the tilted corner of her eyes giving off a queer vibe. There was no emotion on her face as she acknowledged him. "Mm".

Chen Bo was even more glad upon hearing that. "Study well."

After saying that, he continued walking down the aisle.

Looking down at Chen Bo's answer to the last question, Gu Mang raised an eyebrow.

The problem-solving process was quite complicated.

In the second period of the night self-learning session, Meng Jinyang came over to sit with Gu Mang.

Gu Mang pushed a piece of paper in front of her, lay down on the table, and started to sleep.

Meng Jinyang glanced at the paper. It looked like an answer to a math problem. She looked at Gu Mang curiously. Upon returning to look at the answer, her eyes widened in astonishment. It was the last question that the teacher explained in the previous period.

The answer written on the paper was more concise and the method used to solve the problem was very clever and elegant. Who wrote it? Meng Jinyang couldn't help but look at Gu Mang and she felt a strange feeling inside her.


The next morning, during a long break between lessons.

Gu Mang and Lu Yang went to the supermarket to buy food. They bumped into some Class One students on the way. None of them thought it was a pleasant meeting.

Gu Yin was among them. Upon seeing Gu Mang, she avoided eye contact. Gu Mang had scared her witless that day and she didn't dare provoke her again. Gu Mang was typing on her phone as she walked nonchalantly.

Watching the group of three including Lu Yang behind Gu Mang, Gu Yin couldn't help but feel jealous. Needless to say, Lu Yang, Chu Yao and Ling Qian, also came from wealthy families of prominent status in Ming City. Yet they had such a good relationship with Gu Mang.

She was clearly so much better than Gu Mang. Why did everyone like Gu Mang, a girl who was notorious for her bad deeds and abysmal scores?

Pursing her lips, Gu Yin quickly walked away and went toward Class One's classroom.

The boys who followed Gu Yin quickly caught up to her.

Lu Yang sneered as he bit a blade of grass in his mouth. "Sister Mang, is she really your sister?"

Chu Yao and Fatty looked at Gu Mang together. They were also very interested.

Gu Mang gave a nonchalant affirmative grunt as she replied with a message to Lin Shuang on her phone. "The old man spent the money so quickly? Lu Chengzhou just gave him fifty million two weeks ago."

Lin Shuang: "How's that enough? Your apprentice fired his apprentice and now the Lu family won't let him invest anymore so there's a serious shortage of funds."

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