My Entire Family's Gone Haywire!

859 I won't be tricked again

Gu Nian continued to drive the donkey aimlessly. In the end, the donkey recognized the way and arrived at the Zhou clan town. She was in a daze the entire way and did not know what she was doing.

It wasn't midnight yet, and the town's taverns were still open.

She knew that the pub was owned by the Zhou family, and the wine used was brewed by someone his father had asked for. So she got off the donkey and led it there.

The tavern staff recognized her and tied a donkey to her. She asked for a jar of wine and a plate of peanuts. She sat on the second floor by the window and looked down at the deserted Street.

She had been drugged, perhaps by the person she had fallen in love with and felt that she could get married?

In the past year or so, images of her interactions with li Muyan appeared in her mind. She couldn't believe it. How could such a good person ...

What should she do? She was a little lost.

Go and question him? What was the point?

This was probably the most embarrassing thing she had ever done in her two lives!

In order not to let everyone worry, she had to keep her spirits up and act as if nothing had happened.

She had always thought that she was smart and had good judgment.

Unfortunately, he was wrong this time.

It turned out that the saying was true. Only the sun and the human heart could not be looked at directly.

She felt depressed.

She drank one jar and asked for another. The shopkeeper saw that something was wrong and quickly sent someone to inform the old master. This second young lady of the Gu family was probably going to get drunk!

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves rang out on the deserted Street, as well as the voices of two youths talking.

The voice sounded familiar to her. She looked over. Oh, he looked pretty good. Then, she looked again. It was Lu Zheng. Then, she looked again. Heh, it was Xue Qianyu, the one who gave her the gloves but didn't dare to recognize her.

She chuckled, then put her thumb and index finger in her mouth and whistled.

The horses stopped, and two handsome young men looked over.

"Hey, who's that?" Gu Nian waved her hand. The second Xue who silently cared about me, gave me Ice Silk gloves, and bribed my brother to not tell me? Prince Xue, is that you?"

Lu Zheng was speechless.

Xue Qianyu frowned.

Gu Nian held her face with one hand and looked at the street. "I was wondering why there were three more pairs of taxis today. So Prince Xue came to our village? Why didn't you come to see me? What kind of man are you to like me behind my back! Hahahahahaha!"

Lu Zheng facepalmed. She must be drunk!

He had suppressed all his unhappiness and then exploded today?

Xue Qianyu ignored Lu Zheng. He got off his horse and walked up.

As he stood in front of Gu Nian, he was a little angry as he looked at her flushed face and crooked body.

Gu Nian placed both her hands on the table and stood up. "You like me, right?"

"Yes," Xue Qianyu replied.

"Scumbag!" Gu Nian snorted in disdain. He had a fiancée, but he still liked someone else! Have you considered your fiancée's feelings?"

Xue Qianyu looked at Gu Nian with an unreadable expression. "Who told you that I have a fiancée? You know something that even I don't know? Are you that concerned about me?"

"Don't try to lie to me!" Gu Nian pointed at Xue Qianyu. I'm no longer the me who just arrived! I've already experienced so many rotten flowers and scumbags. I won't be deceived again! Hahahaha, I won't be tricked again!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Gu Nian felt weak and immediately sat on the bench. However, she lost her balance and fell backward.

Xue Qianyu grabbed her, pulled her up, and carried her. Then, he carried her downstairs and planned to send her back.

Gu Nian sobered up a little and struggled to hit Xue Qianyu. "Release me, release me! Men and women can't accept it clearly! From today onwards, I'm going to cut off all contact with men! I want to follow the rules of the great Zhou! Men are all bad. Let go of me, you scumbag!"

Xue Qianyu lowered his head and said,"I won't carry you. Lu Zheng will carry you!" Do you want it?"

Gu Nian was stunned for a moment before she shook her head and shouted, " "Don't! Lu Zheng is Xinxin's!"

"Sis, I'll prepare a carriage for you right away!" Lu Zheng said immediately. I won't let that scumbag hug you for a while longer."

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