My Entire Family's Gone Haywire!

435 En 'Zi and her grandfather are the same type of person

Master yang was one of the best carpenters in Taoyuan County. His house was very large. He and his daughter only had four rooms for daily living. The rest of the rooms were for him and his disciples to do wood work.

many apprentices had already finished their apprenticeship, but as long as master yang gave the order, those apprentices would come back to work. anyway, the salary was the same wherever they worked. they might be able to learn more things from their master!

As a result, the Yang family was now a small workshop.

Cai Xiaolian had designed several types of furniture that combined ancient and modern styles. Master yang had determined that these would sell well. Now, the Yang family's Wood storage room was full of furniture that had already been painted and dried.

At the end of February, a Yang family's furniture store in Zhou town opened for business.

The three shops were connected, and there were all kinds of furniture inside. There were sofas, beds, folding tables and chairs, multi-purpose desks, and all kinds of wall cabinets.

yang xiaohuan stood at the counter, dressed in a refreshing outfit. master yang's grand-disciple acted as a waiter and introduced the guests.

On the first day of business, Cai Xiaolian, as a business partner, had to come and take a look.

second sister-in-law, come and take a look. We have 16 orders in just one morning! Yang xiaohuan called out to Cai Xiaolian excitedly.

"there will definitely be more in a while. i see that the customers in the shop are quite interested! Your father's Grand-disciples didn't learn the craft, but they clearly know the principle. They introduced it without any ambiguity!" Cai Xiaolian praised.

The joint furniture store they had discussed on New Year's Eve took nearly two months to open.

This was also thanks to Master Yang's many apprentices, and the apprentices 'apprentices were also many. As a result, there were more craftsmen, so it was easy to make samples.

their business model was that customers would choose samples in the store, and it would take half a month to a month to deliver the goods. some would take two months.

"Second sister-in-law, you said that you wanted to find special workers, and I even said a few words to you! i didn't expect you to be completely right. business is so good, we don't have the time to deliver our own goods. we'll probably be busy with orders." Yang xiaohuan was glad that she had listened to Cai Xiaolian's words. Otherwise, they would have to deliver the goods themselves.

"We'll make it bigger and bigger in the future." Cai Xiaolian laughed.

"I believe in your second sister-in-law!" yang xiaohuan said firmly.


At noon, the Gu family's sisters came over.

"Mother (second aunt), aunt xiaohuan!" The sisters came in and greeted the people at the counter.

"How was it? Did you see the Yingying you were talking about? Does it look good?" Cai Xiaolian asked with a smile.

"It's alright!" Gu Hui said.

"your skin is so white! Mother, your skin is really good if you eat tofu and drink soy milk often!" Gu Nian said.

but he's not as gentle as brother said. He's fierce and can even scold the Auntie who wants to take advantage of him. The key is that he won! gu si said with lingering fear. fortunately, she was younger than her brother by less than two years. it was time for her brother to get married. otherwise, such a fierce sister-in-law was so scary!

yes, yes. My son is the same type of person as grandfather. Gu Xin nodded.

"Why?" The crowd looked at Gu Xin in confusion.

"Uncle said that Grandpa only sees the good in grandma. In grandpa's heart, grandma is good in every way and there's nothing bad about her. enzi is this kind." Gu Xin explained.

Cai Xiaolian and the other three sisters were already used to it. Gu Xin often spoke of her uncle's words.

"Hey, mother, isn't that Meng Meng?" Suddenly, Gu Nian saw a group of people outside the shop. One of them was Meng Meng.

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