When they reached the snow-covered land outside the city, uncle Gu did not mention his eldest daughter who had made him sad. He called a few children to get off the car to play in the snow.

Apart from Huo Yanyu and Gu Nian, the rest of them had never touched snow before.

Gu en ran far away and threw a snowball at uncle Gu.

With his launch, the children all fought for uncle Gu.

Uncle Gu was having a lot of fun with them. He even called Bai er and Bai si who were driving the carriage to join them.

White two and white four despised uncle Gu. You're already in your thirties. You look normal. Don't act like a fool.

Even though they despised him, they still joined in the snowball fight. Of course, they were helping the children bully uncle Gu.

When they were tired, Gu Nian would build a snowman with the other girls. Although it was cold, everyone was in high spirits as if they could not feel the cold at all.

hey, there's a cave over there. I think I saw someone go in! Gu Xin had finished building the snowman and was about to tell her sisters when she saw a figure flash past in the distance.

Everyone looked over. There was indeed a cave there, but no one was there.

There was no snow around kun city, so they had walked a little far.

White two looked around and said, " we've been here before. We didn't find any caves. I think it's covered by plants. Now that there's heavy snow, the plants are thick. That's why we can see the caves.

Gu Xin suggested that they go over to take a look, but second and fourth uncle Gu didn't. After all, it was a little far away. No one knew what the situation was like around the cave before it snowed. What if they fell in?

Or was there a beast in the cave?

In this world of Ice and snow, the wild beasts had nothing to eat.

Gu Xin was actually very curious, but she was more obedient. Since her uncle had already said so, then she should just not go!

Uncle Gu then asked Gu Xin if she really saw something enter the cave.

Gu Xin nodded her head with certainty,'there really is something inside. But you said there were wild beasts, so I'm not sure if it was a man or a beast. Anyway, it can move, so I saw it with my eyes."

"Let's go back then! Anyway, I've played for a few hours and I'm a little tired."

Then, the group returned to the carriage and ate some pastries in the carriage.

After the carriage set off, Gu Xin stuck her head out and looked in that direction.

However, the place where the carriage was parked was a little far from where they had built the snowman. Gu Xin could not see if there was anything there.

Gu Nian pulled her back. stop looking. The snow is floating in. Be careful not to catch a cold.

Gu Xin pursed her lips. uncle, sister, I feel like someone really went in just now. Should we come back and take a look after the snow melts? "

Uncle Gu shook his head. I don't have the time. I have to go to Chinan city tomorrow. Let niannian and sisi accompany you!"

Gu en immediately raised her hand and said,"third sister, I ... I will accompany you!" However, you have to help me tell second uncle!"

Gu Xin,'I don't want you to come! Even if I tell father, you don't have the time! Have you forgotten that by the time the snow melts, it's already spring? you're going back to Qing Province for the exam. "

Uncle Gu,"Oh, right! En 'Zi, you're going to be alone in Qing Province for a few months to prepare for the exam next year! Son, do well, our main branch is counting on you! If you become a scholar, your sister and sister won't be bullied!"

"Father, no one will dare to bully them even if I don't become the scholar," Gu en pouted.

Sigh, when will this end!

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