My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 756 - Wait For Me To Come Back

He was laughing at her again.

He heard everything that she’d said just now, and he took it as her weakness.

The anger in Xia Xiaofu’s heart came flooding back again. She hugged Little Xuyan in her embrace before forcefully hitting him as she said, “You’d better get lost. I still have many matters that I have not settled with you.”

Who would have expected that after she hit him, the handsome figure in front of her shook before his eyes closed, and he fainted immediately.

“Young Master!” Ah Li was quick witted as he went to catch Ou Luoxi, who fell down.

Xia Xiaofu’s irises contracted greatly, and it was only then that she saw the wound on Ou Luoxi’s chest, and the clothes that he was wearing were all soaked red.

Outside the operating theatre

Xia Xiaofu carried Little Xuyan as they sat down on the long bench. She looked at the red light outside the operating theatre, and she could not stop shedding tears. She did not know what curse they were under. Ever since they’d gotten together with one another, it was either him and her in the operating theatre.

Little Xuyan nested herself in Mummy’s embrace quietly, and she was also crying.

Xia Xiaofu took a breath through her nostrils before she stretched her hand out to wipe her tears away as she said, “Little Xuyan, tell Mummy, how did Daddy get injured?”

“At that time, I was hung…up in the air by a few bad uncles, but I undid the rope that was on my hand by myself, and I fell onto the floor quickly. The ground suddenly…had a huge part that sunk down. There was a large hole. I… almost fell inside… At that moment Daddy grabbed onto my…hand…

“Daddy caught me, and those bad uncles rushed forward immediately to stab…Daddy. Daddy was injured…but Daddy did not let go of my…hand. He smiled at me and even asked me not to cry. He said…that Mummy was waiting for me outside…

“Daddy picked me up, and at that moment, a few bad uncles lit the bomb on fire. Although Daddy…did let me fly, we were still…bombed and flew out… Daddy protected me firmly in his embrace, and I did not get injured…”

Xia Xiaofu had a rough understanding of what happened from Little Xuyan’s description. He did what he’d said, it was just what he promised her beforehand; he brought Little Xuyan back.

As a Daddy, he protected Little Xuyan successfully.

Xia Xiaofu touched Little Xuyan’s soft black hair and gently said, “Yeah, Daddy and Little Xuyan are both very awesome. Daddy loves Little Xuyan very much. Mummy also loves Little Xuyan.”

Little Xuyan’s large, glistening eyes were sparkling brightly. She looked at Xia Xiaofu as she went into Xia Xiaofu’s embrace.

Xia Xiaofu let out a sigh. She knew that it was difficult for Little Xuyan to accept Ou Luoxi in such a short period of time, and they had to do it slowly.

Suddenly, the main doors of the operating theatre opened, and the doctors walked out.

The nurse pushed Ou Luoxi, who was in a coma, towards the hospital ward, and Ah Li quickly asked the doctors, “How is the patient doing?”

“The wound on the patient’s chest is not life threatening, so the surgery was very successful. After the anaesthetic wears off, the patient should wake up, but the wound is very deep, and the patient lost too much blood. He has to recuperate for a few days.”

It was only then that Ah Li was relieved. The doctor left, and he walked over to Xia Xiaofu’s side and said, “Miss Xia, Young Master will definitely need to stay in the hospital for a few days. I will help you arrange a place to live in now. Are you going to stay in the hospital, or do you want to look for a house nearby?”

Xia Xiaofu saw Ou Luoxi go into the hospital ward before her own eyes, and the huge worry in her heart disappeared. She hugged Little Xuyan tight and shook her head. “There is no need. I am not staying here. I want to go back.”

“What?” Ah Li was shocked.

Xia Xiaofu carried Little Xuyan before she turned around and left.

Ah Li had no other choice but to arrange a car for Xia Xiaofu. The car headed towards T City, and Little Xuyan lifted her head up to look at her Mummy, “Mummy, why didn’t we stay behind?”

Xia Xiaofu pouted her red lips to snort out loud as she said, “Because your Daddy did something wrong, and I want him to reflect on his own.”

Wasn’t he a hero? Heroes did not need anyone to accompany them, and he should just continue to be a hero then. She was going back.


He was such a bastard!

By the time they returned to T City, it was already the next morning. Xia Xiaofu carried Little Xuyan into the bathroom and helped her to bathe carefully. After confirming that she was not injured anywhere, she washed her till she was extremely fragrant. Xia Xiaofu carried Little Xuyan and placed her on the bed as she said, “Babe, go to sleep.”

“Okay. Mummy stay here and accompany me.” Little Xuyan grabbed Mummy’s hand, and closed her eyes silently.

Xia Xiaofu knew that Little Xuyan was still a little afraid, so she did not go away, and at this moment, the phone that she placed on the bed stand rang.

She took the phone up to have a look, and Ou Luoxi’s name was shown on the screen.

He was awake now?

Xia Xiaofu bit down on her lower lip before she hung up fiercely. Hmph! She did not want to answer his call.

A text came in very quickly. She tapped it open to see the contents — [I am awake now. Have a good rest together with Little Xuyan, and wait for me to go back.]

The corners of Xia Xiaofu’s lips curled up slowly, and she had a sweet smile on her face.

The following days after that, Ou Luoxi would call her everyday. Xia Xiaofu did not answer any of his calls to give him a harsh lesson and to ask him to reflect on his actions, and that night, she took a bath and came out of the bathroom, but she realized that Little Xuyan answered her phone.

Little Xuyan was nested up in the soft blankets, and the phone was on speaker. His pure voice came over from the other end. Ou Luoxi was telling Little Xuyan a story —

“In the past, there was a girl named Snow White, but she had an extremely evil stepmother, but this stepmother always took the mirror and asked, ‘Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman of them all?'”

Xia Xiaofu climbed onto the bed gently. Little Xuyan had already closed her eyes, and her small, childish face had a smile on it.

Xia Xiaofu felt comforted as she kissed Little Xuyan. Ou Luoxi had hurt Little Xuyan’s small young heart once in the past, and the time in Dun Qiao Village could be considered a blessing in disguise. He saved Little Xuyan from danger. Little Xuyan treated him like a hero in her heart, and she also felt that it was the way that Daddy gave her love.

Small children were hurt very easily, but as long as he was willing to spend time to accompany her, there would be a day that she could feel that he cared for her.

Little Xuyan was someone he cared for.

Xia Xiaofu pulled the blankets up and covered Little Xuyan up before she switched the lights off. She left a table lamp on, then she lay down.

The pure voice on the other end stopped also, and he laughed gently as he said, “Is she asleep already?”

He was talking to her.

Xia Xiaofu’s long eyelashes fluttered, and she did not say anything.

“Xiaofu, I miss you.”

Xia Xiaofu curled the corners of her lips up, and she still did not say anything.

“I will go back tomorrow. Don’t eat tomorrow afternoon. I will come over to pick you up from school. I will bring both you and Little Xuyan to have a big feast.”

Xia Xiaofu could not control herself and laughed before she closed her eyes sweetly.

The next afternoon, there was already no one inside the school office. Xia Xiaofu and Little Xuyan were famished as they sat down by the table.

Both of them stared at one another, and Little Xuyan said, “Mummy, it is already noon now. I am so hungry. When can we eat?”

“Little Xuyan, Daddy is coming back today. Daddy said that he would come over to pick us up to eat a big feast, so we cannot eat anything. Leave some space in your stomach. After Daddy comes over, we can eat a big meal then.”

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