My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 452 - Zhou Jian Ending – Zhou Dayuan, I Love You

Jian Han lifted a tender fist and hit him on the shoulder, pushing him hard. "Wuu…" She didn't speak; she just kept crying.

Zhou Dayuan allowed her to hit him, and he covered her trembling red lips. In a trance, he did not know whether it was his tears or her tears. They mixed with rain and dripped onto the ground.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I had no choice. Can you teach me how to do it? I admit that I had forced you into a corner deliberately and made you sad intentionally, but when you were in pain, my heart ached as well. Honey, forgive me. Can you forgive me?"

Jian Han cried in his arms as he held her tight. She had cried too hard and that had led to her temporary lack of oxygen. She fainted immediately.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already in the bedroom. She saw a magnified handsome face in front of her eyes. The man smiled at her and said, "Honey, you're awake. You were caught in the rain just now. In order not to catch a cold, let's take a hot bath. I'll carry you there."

He lifted the blankets off her and lifted her.

It was already summer now. She didn't feel too cold after getting caught in the rain. Jian Han looked down at herself in his arms. Her clothes were gone.

As soon as he got home, he helped her take off her damp clothes and wrapped her in the blankets.

Jian Han closed her eyes tight and buried herself in his arms.

Bathing in a bathtub wasn't suitable for pregnant women at her stage, so Zhou Dayuan carried her under the showerhead. The water had been adjusted to a very comfortable temperature. He first took a little warm water to drench her skin. "Is it hot? Do you want to wash while I carry you?"

Jian Han's pale little face turned red quickly, Zhou Dayuan didn't know if it was from the hot steam or shyness. She struggled to get down from his arms. She turned her back and stood under the showerhead to wash.

Her little hand cupped some water, and she washed her face. Then, she heard a sound behind her. A metal belt fell to the ground. She heard the sound of expensive cloth slipping to the ground. He also took off his watch.

A long arm stretched out and took the shampoo from the shower rack. He whispered in her ear, "Close your eyes. I'll wash your hair first. Just a quick shower. You can't wash for too long."

Jian Han's long, cattail-like eyelashes fluttered, and she pushed his hand away as he tried to touch her.

"What's wrong, Honey?" He hugged her behind him. "Did you forget who I am? I'm your man. It's normal to help you shower. I haven't done that thing with you yet."

With a snap, she turned around and slapped him.

Zhou Dayuan was stunned from the slap.

Jian Han slowly retreated to the corner of the wall and looked at him quietly amidst the hot steamy mist formed by the warm water rushing from the showerhead.

Zhou Dayuan looked at her apricot eyes, they had lost the dull and blank look from half a year ago. Her apricot eyes were gentle and beautiful. Her clear eyes reflected his present appearance and were full of him.

He was stunned, and there was a huge joyful surprise in his chest that felt as if it was about to explode. He stared at her with a dark and burning gaze, and he dared not blink.

He feared that it would be another dream.

Suddenly, the woman jumped over. He reached for her, held her in his arms, and rested his back on the cool white tiles. She kissed him on the cheek she had just slapped.

She was kissing him.

Zhou Dayuan looked at her. She did not close her eyes. She looked at him gently and quietly. At this moment, he felt that the years they had missed were nothing. At least in their eyes, they were the best form of life to each other.

He turned around, grabbed her waist, pushed her against the wall, and planted lingering kisses on her little face.

Jian Han touched his face too. She felt the heat beneath her fingertips. The tears in his eyes rushed through her fingertips.

"Thank you, Honey."

He was thanking her for not leaving him.

Half a month later, Jian Han could no longer go to the psychiatric clinic. In addition to her physical condition, her lower limbs were too swollen. She was waiting for the due date in her apartment. She was carried up and down by the man and occasionally sat in a wheelchair when she went out.

She was very quiet. She had not spoken a word since that rainy night, but Zhou Dayuan was satisfied. Every day in the bedroom, he watched her half lying in a rattan chair. Her entire body would be bathed in the warm sunshine. She would look down and touch her big belly with two soft, fair hands and a light and happy smile would linger on her soft little face.

Sometimes, he would kiss her. She would avoid him, her black head buried in his arms, her small face blushing as she hid from him. Her long, fan-like eyelashes trembled so much as she dared not look at him.

He loved that version of her so much.

Nine and a half months later, Zhou Dayuan carried her into a luxury business car, which began a long journey.

The back seat was spacious, with a wide sofa. Jian Han curled up in the soft sofa and buried her head in his lap. At first, she was quiet and slept well. After waking up, she looked through the window. When the familiar road came into sight, she was startled and panicked.

Struggling to get up from his leg, she shook her head at him. No. No!

Zhou Dayuan took her into his embrace and let her lie in his warm, powerful arms. He gently planted kisses on her cheek and her hair. He murmured, "Be good, Honey. Relax; don't be afraid! Uncle is not going to make it. We'll send him off one last time."

Jian Han gave up struggling and slowly closed her eyes.

In City X, when Zhou Dayuan wheeled her through the door. The three big rooms were all covered with a white cloth.

Her uncle's children saw her sitting in a wheelchair, and they came forward one after another with tears in their eyes as they spoke in a low voices. "Ah Han, you're here. Your uncle can't make it. He wouldn't shut his eyes, and he keeps calling your name."

Jian Han's face was pale, and her two little hands clutched the soft blanket over her legs.

Then, she felt a warmth on her shoulder. Zhou Dayuan put his right hand on her shoulder. He bent over and kissed her intimately. "Don't be afraid."

He wheeled her into the room.

Her uncle in the room was lying in bed. As a person who was about to die, his face was yellow, and his eyes were cloudy and scattered, but he refused to close them.

Her uncle's daughter came forward and whispered in the old man's ear. "Dad, Ah Han is here."

Her uncle froze, and his eyes that had lost focus slowly swiveled over.

Jian Han was wheeled to the bedside. She saw her uncle stretching out his hand to her.

The tears came so unexpectedly that Jian Han did not even notice that she was crying. She trembled all over and wanted to stretch out her little hand, but it hung in the air. She was afraid and confused.

At this time, a big clean, warm hand stretched out from behind, covered her small hand, and brought her hand to hold her uncle's old hand.

Her uncle's purple lips moved as he spoke.

Jian Han slowly bent down, leaned over, and put her ear to her uncle's mouth.

Her uncle's eyes were filled with tears. "Ah Han, these days… I always see… Your parents… They cried in front of me. Saying that I'm… Wrong…"

Her uncle closed his eyes.

Her uncle's children were crying as the funeral horn sounded outside. Jian Han's palm felt empty as her uncle's hand slipped from her palm.

Her shoulders shook as she covered her face tightly with her little hands, tears streaming down her face.

Zhou Dayuan wheeled her out. Just as they were about to get in the car: "Ah Han…" Her aunt in a white cloth called out as she hurried out of the house.

Her aunt came forward and gently embraced the tearful Jian Han. Her aunt was saying, "Good child, you are your parents' only daughter. They love you. At that time, we did not understand. To be honest, everything's alright as long as you are happy."

All parents under the sky feel the same; it would be alright as long as she was happy.

Her aunt released her, and Jian Han was carried into the back seat. The man did not get in the car immediately. Jian Han looked sideways and saw him standing beside the car and talking to her aunt in a low voice.

Jian Han couldn't hear what they were saying. However, she caught the last sentence. Her aunt said, "Dayuan, her uncle and I shall hand Ah Han over to you. She's a poor child; treat her well."

The car started again, and Jian Han continued to curl up on the sofa. The tears on her face were gently wiped away by the man's fingertips. He did not speak; he just looked at her.

Jian Han shut her eyes and moved her pink lips because she had not spoken for too long. Her voice was hoarse when she spoke. "Have…you been here?"

If not familiar with each other, how could her aunt call him "Dayuan?"

Zhou Dayuan's eyes shone like the stars hanging on the edge of the sky. She was willing to speak at last.

"Yes, whenever I'm free, I come often. You are pregnant. All the filial piety you should exhibit should be handed over to me."

Such a simple answer, but Jian Han knew that it had not been easy for him. Since she had been ill, he had always been taking care of her. He was also busy with medical charity matters. Where does he get the time to do all this?

Besides, her uncle and aunt used to…hate her…so much. How can they have treated him well?

How much time and effort had it taken him to get their approval?

Jian Han didn't want to ask. All the hardships and pains she had suffered in her life had brought peace and quiet in his arms at the moment. She just wanted to hold on to every second.

"Honey…" she called him.

She finally figured out that her parents died for her happiness. The best way for her to repay her parents was to be happy forever and ever.

The man's big hand that was caressing her beautiful hair froze. Then, he smiled slowly, "Yes…" He replied with, "Honey…"

Back in T City, Jian Han's stomach hurt. Her amniotic fluid had burst. At nine and a half months pregnant, she was giving birth prematurely.

As she was sent to the hospital, Zhou Dayuan wanted to help her give birth through a cesarean section, but Jian Han, even though her little face was already scrunched in pain, insisted on having a natural birth. She wanted to have the baby by herself.

Unable to win her over, he wore a white coat, and they went into the delivery room together.

Eight hours later, after suffering from night till dawn, Jian Han gave birth to a baby boy. 2.8 Kilograms. Although he was small, his loud cries of "Waa" at birth echoed throughout the corridor. The boy was in good health.

When Zhou Dayuan took the baby from the nurse, the tears in his eyes fell again. He held his son in his arms and brought him to Jian Han, who was weak all over. He kissed her gently on the forehead. "Honey, thank you for the son that you've given me."

Jian Han smiled and went to sleep.

She had slept for four days. When she opened her eyes, she was lying in the hospital bed. She glanced sideways. A small pram was beside her. The little fellow was sleeping in the pram. Zhou Dayuan was sitting beside her. The man was obviously very sleepy and was sleeping with his eyes closed.

Jian Han sat up slowly. She reached out and touched her son's tiny face. Then, she looked at the man. His head was against the wall. Jian Han realized that a single white hair grew among his short hair.

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