The next day, the group arrived in Miao Jiang.

They had rented several houses from the people in Miao Jiang, but there were not many rooms, so they needed to squeeze a little.

After discussing it, it was decided that the three men would sleep together, while Jian Han and Ning Qing slept together. This was the best and most effortless arrangement.

The local people brought dinner, and after they had eaten, they discussed strategy.

Zhou Yao took the map and spread it out on the table. "Big Brother, Tang Xueli is hiding with his men in the Han Palace not far ahead. Our people have already surrounded them. As far as combat effectiveness is concerned, it is not a problem for us to exterminate them. However, Tang Xueli has the mother maggot in his hand. If we force him into a corner, he will certainly do something unfavorable to you. It's imperative to find out who has the mother maggot."

Zhou Yao's deputy commander said, "Boss, we have been monitoring them for several days. They are quiet and have had no contact with others. I think the person with the mother maggot must be hiding in the Han Palace."

Zhou Yao nodded, and he looked at Lu Shaoming. "Brother, we can't rush into the Han Palace. Now… If only someone else could infiltrate…"

Zhou Yao looked at Ning Qing.

Tang Xueli wanted Ning Qing to go. Ning Qing was the best and only candidate.

"Alright, I'll go." Ning Qing stood up and said, "That pervert Tang Xueli likes to play, but he will not play someone to death straight away. I know his personality well, and when I arrive there, I will act according to the situation. We can cooperate from both inside and out."

"No!" Before Ning Qing could finish speaking, she was rejected by Lu Shaoming.

Ning Qing looked at the man and softly said, "Shaoming, this is the best way. You can rest assured that I won't let myself be in danger…"

Lu Shaoming's thin lips were slightly parted. His eyes were serious and sharp. "Ning Qing, since you know that Tang Xueli is a pervert, do you think he will give you a chance to cooperate from the inside and out? He won't kill anybody, but that's not the problem. Are you really going to deliver yourself to his door?"

Ning Qing was immediately speechless.

Lu Shaoming looked at Zhou Yao. "Let's think of another way."

Zhou Yao looked Ning Qing in the eye. He was a commander on the battlefield. When the situation was urgent, he was decisive and cruel. He would also exchange the life of the whole team for one person's life. There was no way out. This was the battlefield, and battle is ruthless.

But, Ning Qing was different. If she were to encounter even a slight mishap at Tang Xueli's hands, Lu Shaoming would not be able to live with himself.

"Alright." Zhou Yao shrugged, admitting that this was not a good plan.

Ning Qing wanted to speak again, but at this time, Jian Han went forward and held her little hand while shaking her head gently. Young Master Lu would never agree.

Ning Qing stopped talking.

Just then, Lu Shaoming said, "Ning Qing, go back to rest with Jian Han. Fighting is a man's business. You don't have to worry about it."

"Alright, Ning Qing, let's go to bed." Jian Han took Ning Qing's little hand and went out.

When Ning Qing and Jian Han had left, Lu Shaoming looked at Zhou Dayuan. "Dayuan, give Ning Qing some drugs at night and have her sleep for a couple days."

"Why? Afraid that something would happen to her?"

"Yes. I know her character. Tang Xueli has asked her to meet him. She won't miss the chance to go to the Han Palace. I'm afraid she'll do something rash."

Zhou Dayuan laughed. "Shaoming, treat Ning Qing better in the future. This woman, she is willing to do anything for you."

"Do I need you to remind me?" Lu Shaoming raised his eyebrows.

How could he not understand the woman's feelings for him?

Zhou Dayuan stood with his hands in his pockets. He shrugged. Fine, just take it as he hadn't said anything.

Knowing that his wife was coveted by other men, Lu Shaming was not happy. Given his gentlemanly demeanor, Zhou Dayuan would not bicker about it with him.

Jian Han and Ning Qing entered the room and closed the door. Jian Han softly said, "Ning Qing, don't be too nervous. I also don't agree with you about going to the Han Palace. You haven't seen Zhou Zhilei's tragic state. That Tang Xueli is really a psychopath. He has all sorts of ways to torment women. Who do you think Tang Xueli is? He won't give you a chance to fight back. What if he really touches you? Young Master Lu will never allow this to happen."

Ning Qing sat beside the bed, her small face depressed. "But the mother maggot is in the Han Palace. Our people can't get in. Shaoming's life is still in the hands of Tang Xueli. Should I watch Shaoming be in pain like that again and again?"

Jian Han went up and touched Ning Qing's small head. "Young Master Lu will find a way. After all, we have them surrounded."

"Mmm." Ning Qing nodded.

At this time, a couple of knocks sounded. The indigenous people of Miao Jiang brought two cups of tea.

The Miao Jiang girl was very enthusiastic. "Sisters, this is the rice tea that we've brewed ourselves. It tastes good. Drinking a cup before bed is helpful for sleep and beauty. Come and have a taste, Sisters."

"Thank you, Little Sister." Jian Han and Ning Qing thanked her politely.

Jian Han took a cup of tea first, and she tasted it. "Mmm, it tastes really good, with the fragrance of rice," said Jian Han, taking another cup and handing it to Ning Qing. "Ning Qing, try it."

Ning Qing nodded and she was about to drink it when she saw several soldiers standing outside the door. She asked, "Sister Jian, who is outside the door?"

Jian Han looked over. "General Zhou's men. Probably sent to protect us. Ning Qing, what's wrong?"

Ning Qing pressed her lips together and shook her head. "Oh, nothing. I'm too nervous. Everyone seems like the enemy now." She finished the cup of rice tea.

The young Miao Jiang girl took the teacups, talked and laughed for a few minutes, then left.

When the door was closed, Jian Han went to the bedside to tidy up her blankets. Ning Qing quickly went into the bathroom. She bent down and spit all the rice tea in her mouth into the toilet.

"Ning Qing, what are you doing? Come to sleep." Jian Han was calling her.

Ning Qing quickly turned on the tap and the sound of rushing water could be heard. She answered, "Sister Jian, I'm washing my face. I'm coming."

Ning Qing washed her face and went out.

The two women were sleeping under the blankets. Jian Han was talking to Ning Qing, but no one answered for a long time. She looked sideways and saw that Ning Qing was looking at her cell phone.

"Ning Qing, the signal here is very weak. You can't send messages or make a phone call."

Ning Qing put her cell phone under her pillow, and she smiled sweetly. "Sister Jian, I was just looking at the time."

Looking at the time?

Jian Han didn't know why she wanted to know the time.

"Ning Qing, go to bed soon. Goodnight."

"Alright, goodnight, Sister Jian." Ning Qing closed her eyes.

The next morning, when Jian Han opened her eyes and looked at her side. Ning Qing was no longer there.

Jian Han sat up and looked around. She opened her mouth and cried, "Ning Qing, Ning Qing…"

There was no answer in the room.

Jian Han looked at the time. It was 7 o'clock now. She patted her head. How could she have slept so late?

Ning Qing had already gotten up.

Jian Han didn't think too much about it. She got up, got out of bed, washed her face, and opened the door.

When she went out in the bright sunshine, she happened to see Lu Shaoming and others. Jian Han looked at them and did not see Ning Qing. She asked, "Young Master Lu, where's Ning Qing?"

Lu Shaoming had intended to see Ning Qing for a moment. Last night, Zhou Dayuan had drugged her, which guaranteed her two days' sleep. Only when he saw her would he feel relieved.

Hearing Jian Han's question, his eagle-like eyes widened and he asked, "Ning Qing is not in the room?"

Jian Han shook her head. "No, Ning Qing was gone when I got up. I thought she was worried about you, so she got up very early to find you."

Behind him, Zhou Yao secretly said, "This is bad." He strode forward with his long legs to the special guards who guarded the door. In a bad temper, he cursed, "I asked you to watch the people inside. What did you do all night, sleepwalk? Where's my sister-in-law?"

"Boss, we're innocent. We dared not close our eyelids last night. There was no movement in the room. Nobody came out, and we don't know what is going on." The soldiers were at a loss.

Zhou Yao kicked open the door of the room with his long legs. He glanced around the room, then he went straight to the window. He opened the window and looked out. "Big brother, there are footprints under the window. My sister-in-law has escaped."

"Escaped?" Jian Han was shocked. She hadn't expected Ning Qing to run away. Where had she gone?

At this time, her shoulders were grasped. Zhou Dayuan half hugged her in his arms. The man's body smelled of floral Chinese medicine. He had probably been busy all night.

He squeezed her shoulders and gave her the strongest support and comfort. "Don't worry."

As he said that, Zhou Dayuan looked at Lu Shaoming, "Shaoming, Ning Qing must have gone to look for Tang Xueli. By now, Ning Qing must already be in the Han Palace."

Then, a soldier shook his head and said, "No way. We have surrounded the Han Palace in groups. If someone were to enter the Palace, we would know. But it's so strange that Sister-in-law could enter the Palace so silently… Unless…"

Zhou Yao's entire face sank. "Big Brother, there's a secret way into the Han Palace!" he concluded with certainty.

"Tang Xueli could obviously escape through the secret pathway we didn't know about, but he didn't; he waited for you and Sister-in-law to come. Sister-in-law is in danger. Brother, what should we do now, rush in immediately to rescue Sister-in-law, or… wait for news of Sister-in-law's?"

"Shaoming." Zhou Dayuan took a step forward. "Ning Qing must have had a plan to leave when she chose to go to the Han Palace. She took the risk for you. If you make a bold move at this time, you will waste all her efforts and intentions. Ning Qing is always alert and wise. We can wait for her."

"No." Jian Han shook her head. "Ning Qing was prepared but so is Tang Xueli. Ning Qing's alertness and wisdom can't make a difference in the face of a psychopath. Let's not take a risk with Ning Qing's life."

"Jian Han," Zhou Dayuan said with a low voice. "Ning Qing's life is a life. Shaoming's life is also a life. Don't forget that the mother maggot in Tang Xueli's hands, if we fight him head-on, the result would be defeat and injury on both sides."

Jian Han didn't speak anymore. Her eyes were wet. She couldn't imagine what would happen if Ning Qing, a girl so delicate, were to fall into the hands of someone like Tang Xueli.

"Big Brother…" Zhou Yao looked at Lu Shaoming and asked for instructions.

Zhou Dayuan sighed softly. "Shaoming, don't you know what Ning Qing's intentions are? She already knew you were going to drug her, and now she has cut off all means of retreat, tying her life together with yours.Are you going to choose to let her efforts go to waste or to cooperate with her from the outside, going through the hard times together? You think about it."

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