She had also made a hemostatic ointment, created from the herbs nurtured from the hemostatic seeds that Second Uncle had procured.

However, her hemostatic ointment was different from the type available on the market. The hemostatic ointment on the market could only fully stop the bleeding after five minutes.

Meanwhile, hers could basically stop the bleeding upon application.

Its effects were more or less similar to the secret ointment that the crown prince had smeared on her hand the first time they met. Or perhaps, its effects were even superior.

However, after experimenting and producing two small jars of this hemostatic ointment, she was disinclined to make any more.

As for medicinal powders, she produced a few poison powders with a stone mortar and pestle, but they were so-so and were only effective towards mystic cultivators level-seven and below. She didn't even bother to give them names.

At her current level, these kinds of poison powders weren't too useful to her. Her opponents now were great mystic cultivators level-10 and above, so she was basically making them for nothing.

When all was said and done, it was all because she had too little variety of herbs. Only seven to eight <anno data-annotation-id="d9638adc-ca06-4eb2-8779-ab59f2add32d">mu</anno> of her 30 mu medicinal field, not even a third, had been planted with herbs so far.

After a round of inspection, she was quite satisfied wherever she looked. Afterwards, she went to the treehouse and fed the little white squirrel several mouthfuls of the life-prolonging medicinal solution. After holding it in her arms for a while, she retraced her steps to the front of the peach forest.

This kind of life-prolonging medicinal solution guaranteed that Chirpy wouldn't lose its source of life in those two to three days, and its little life wouldn't be endangered even if it didn't ingest a grain of rice.

Oh, she wondered when her pitiful little squirrel would awaken.

When she returned to the empty land before the peach forest, she saw the little treant bouncing over slowly in her direction while carrying a moderately-sized pot of cabbage and meat slice stew.

Qiao Mu reflexively took a sniff when she saw the steaming pot of cabbage and meat slice stew. Her eyes sparkled slightly, and she jogged over to Qiuqiu, lifting it up in her hands, as well as taking over the pot while she was at it.

"Thank you, Qiuqiu." Thank you for humoring me so and accompanying me this entire time; you are a companion I cannot do without in my life…

"Master, what are you saying. You don't need to thank me for something so simple!" Qiuqiu blinked its black and beady eyes, gazing at her cutely.

Qiao Mu twitched her mouth slightly as she sat down cross-legged. She then picked up her chopsticks and started eating in small mouthfuls.

In actuality, she didn't eat too much, as it wasn't possible for one person to finish off an entire pot of food. It was only that she liked smelling the aroma of and seeing that gradually rising steam and smoke from cooking on Paradise Planet. It was just like, like… home was right before her eyes.

"Master, is it tasty?"

"It's tasty." Qiao Mu nodded. She didn't say that this fellow Qiuqiu forgot to put in salt again. Mhm, after all, it was better than her cooking through the bottom of the pot!

"Master, someone's outside." Qiuqiu's perception had now already advanced a lot and could immediately catch on to any danger nearing her within a few kilometers.

Qiao Mu sneered and picked up two slices of meat with her chopsticks, stuffing them into her mouth. "Don't mind them. Let them be."

She hadn't even finished a third of the pot of cabbage and meat slice stew, but Darling Qiao wasn't willing to throw out the rest either. Wasting food was shameful after all!

Since it wouldn't spoil inside the paradise, she covered it with the lid and climbed up to the treehouse, falling asleep soundly while hugging the little white squirrel.

The next day.

When Second Qin received news saying that a block of rooms inside Blue Mountain Courtyard had caught on fire and burnt a maidservant to death, his heart couldn't help jolting slightly.

He immediately brought someone with him to Blue Mountain Courtyard in all urgency. Upon summoning Caiwei over, he lashed out at her and castigated her harshly. His complexion sunk as he asked, "Where is she?"

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