Qiao Mu was dumbfounded as she looked at this senior master, and she couldn't resist grumbling, "Is this all a trick? There simply aren't any secret treasures and spiritual weapons."

She was aware that although this senior who was sitting on the roof beam seemed to be talking to her, the person was merely a remnant apparition.

Everything she said had all been programmed at the very beginning.

Don't think that this darling came from the boonies, and that she was easy to deceive…

"Little fellow, you are the first person in these two hundred plus years to have truly advanced a level in ten days in this secret realm. I truly haven't waited bitterly in vain, sigh."

Qiao Mu lifted an eyebrow.

"After opening and closing this secret realm of mine for over two hundred years, it has received at least twenty parties. If my calculations are correct, the consolation prize, the Xuanji Pill, should have run out after the last secret realm trial!"

Qiao Mu's mouth suddenly twitched.

If Wei Nanshu and the others were to hear this, she wondered if they would spew out mouthfuls of blood on the spot…

"Sigh. Child, from today on, you are our Xuanji School's Second Headmaster!"

"Wait!" What Xuanji School's Second Headmaster?

Then didn't that mean that the first headmaster was this Senior Xuanji before her?

She was only the second headmaster after three hundred years…

How poor of a sect was this!

She didn't want to become some headmaster, she refused to accept this kind of assignment that forced someone to put a square peg in a round hole!

"Don't think that being our Xuanji School's headmaster is demanding work. Actually, there are a lot of benefits."

Even so, Qiao Mu curled her lips noncommittally.

Suddenly, that figure that was sitting on the roof beam drifted down before her, her hand holding a fist-sized item that was as dazzling as a ruby.

"This is a ten thousand-year Xuanji Core." Senior Xuanji sighed quietly. "It contains all my cultivation and strength in this lifetime. You only need to absorb it into your dantian and slowly assimilate it. After several tens of years, you will one day convert all my cultivation into your own."

Qiao Mu gazed in shock at the Xuanji Core in that person's hand.

This is… Before dying, Senior Xuanji poured all her cultivation into it.

It was similar to Teacher Long Chuyun's pill inheritance that she had accepted before, but what she was about to accept now was a pure cultivation inheritance.

Normally, no one would attempt this kind of cultivation inheritance.

Injecting one's cultivation into the inheritance jade was quite painful, and the process was also very dangerous.

There was more than a 90 percent chance that you would turn into ashes before you could even complete the cultivation injection.

Additionally, you might face all sorts of strange problems even in the remaining less than 10 percent probability of success.

That's why, even when the elders of a clan departed the mortal world, very few people would choose to be so imaginatively resourceful as to choose to pass on their cultivation to their juniors as an inheritance.

Because it was too difficult…

Of course, if there truly was a senior master who engraved their entire lifetime's cultivation onto an inheritance jade and passed it down to you, that would signify a meteoric rise.

Think about it, one could cut short at least 60 to 100 years of hard work. A country bumpkin could immediately make a comeback as an amazing expert!

"This inheritance red jade contains this senior's entire life's cultivation! Right now, the opportunity is present before you! Little fellow! Agree to be my Xuanji School's Second Headmaster. Just kneel down and kowtow to this senior!"

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