Liu Yizhi sat up nervously with his stooped back, and he abruptly grabbed Qiu San's arm. "What is that sound?"

"Sir, I will go out to check!" With a flash, Qiu San hastily hid behind the room's door, and he saw red flames shooting up into the sky from the thin window frame.

He indistinctly saw many people running about as the sound of hoarse roars and crackling wood frames were heard through the town.

The entire Ping'an Town seemed to have descended into… hell on earth!

"Bam!" Soon afterwards, a heavy impact was heard at the door.

Qiu San hurriedly opened the door, and a subordinate covered in blood staggered inside while shouting intermittently, "S-Sir, Sir! I-It is terrible, a-a lot of… a lot of soldiers have come to Ping'an Town. Ugh!"

Swish! A feathered arrow sunk into the back of his head, killing him on the spot.

Qiu San flew up and kicked that person out the door before quickly closing the doors shut. Afterwards, he heard a series of clinks and thuds, which were the sounds of feathered arrows being shot into the doors and walls.

"Sir! We have been surrounded!" Qiu San turned to look at Liu Yizhi in horror.

While wearing a white middle layer garment, Liu Yizhi coughed violently at the edge of the bed before suddenly smashing the bedside table with his fist. "Northern Mo's heir apparent! He has gone too far!"

An intense hatred burst forth from his eyes, and he abruptly stood up with a stomp, eliciting another bout of hacking coughs.

"Sir." Even though Qiu San quickly supported Liu Yizhi, he was unable to restrain the panic in his eyes. "W-What should we do now, Sir! Could it really be Su Fang that old b*tch who exposed our whereabouts."

Liu Yizhi raised his hand, stopping Qiu San from continuing to ramble on.

It was of no use to speak about this now. The most important task on hand was to think of a way to leave this place as soon as possible.


Beilan City, which was near Ping'an Town, was also roused from sleep by this huge tremor. Everyone pushed open their windows to look at the distant horizon in terror. Nevertheless, they could only see a patch of crimson flames burning brightly while casting light upon the horizon.

City Lord Lin Yongyi's voice was soon broadcasted above Beilan City: "All residents do not need to be nervous, the city has already taken ample safety measures. Even if scattered zombies get drawn over, they cannot charge into our fortification."

This eased the common people's moods somewhat, but they still couldn't fall asleep again after withdrawing back into their houses.

Gazing off into the direction of Ping'an Town at the window, Lin Yongyi shook his head while muttering to himself, "This time, His Highness has led three thousand mystic cultivators and tens of thousands of elite soldiers to besiege the entire Ping'an Town in a single night. Shuntian Prefecture's surviving members will probably be unable to take flight even if granted wings."

The fires in Ping'an Town burned for most of the night.

Those swaying zombies that were drawn over by the firelight and the sound were rapidly dealt with by the mystic cultivators who were keeping a lookout at the periphery.

Liu Yizhi and Qiu San each wore a pitch-black mantle, intending to slip away from the rear of the town.

Yet how could they still escape when the entire Ping'an Town had been surrounded?

The two people waited for an opportunity to escape as they fought their way out. However, Liu Yizhi felt his blood run cold when he sensed that the surrounding atmosphere was slowly turning tranquil as they fought.

He abruptly turned his head around in realization!

A snow-like light streaked past in the dark night.

The strong and slender fingers wielding the thin jet-black Raven Moon, whose sword blade was emitting a black light, thrust it directly at Liu Yizhi's neck.

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