My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 454 - The Correct Entrance to the Sky

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Mike opened his eyes to see a group of strange caves in front of him.

The whole world here appeared to be slightly dark.

He could see a countless number of caves before him.

At a glance, there seemed to be a thousand million of them.

Seeing this scene, Mike felt helpless.

He closed his eyes again.

“I hope I can find the right entrance this way!”

As he said this, Mike began to focus on feeling the spiritual qi in these caves.

Mike focused all his attention on all the caves.

“One… two… ten… a hundred… A Thousand!”

Mike kept calling out in his heart.

In the process of doing so, Mike eliminated countless caves.

“I can’t believe that Sifusco likes playing these kinds of games too!”

Mike complained in his heart.

Just then, a narrow cave attracted Mike’s attention.

“Strange, why is the spiritual qi in this cave so low?

“Could it be?”

Mike seemed to have found something, but he was still unsure about it.

“In that case, to be safe… This is the only way!”

As he said this, Mike accelerated the speed at which he sensed the spiritual qi of the caves in front of him.

“9000… 10,000… 15,000…”

Mike kept shouting in his heart.

“48,000… It’s finally over!”

After Mike had completely sensed all the 48,000 caves in this space, Mike finally came to a conclusion.

That was, other than the first cave that Mike had felt the least spiritual qi in, the spiritual power in the other caves were all the same.

“Is that so? I finally understand!”

Mike said as he looked at the cave with the lowest level of spiritual power and grinned.

Mike quickly stood up again and flew in the direction of the cave.

However, just then, the entire space began to spin again.

Mike was also a little surprised when he saw this happen.

Immediately after the spinning ended, Mike looked at the cave where the spiritual qi was low again.

The spiritual qi there suddenly became abnormally abundant.

Looking at this scene, Mike quickly thought of what Hagrid had told him at the beginning.

“Is that so? If that’s the case, it seems that it will take some effort!”

With that, Mike started to sense all the caves in the space again.

The same spiritual qi was contained in all of these caves.

Mike had to start again and he slowly began his search again.

After searching for a while, Mike finally found the cave with low spiritual qi.

“It looks like I won’t have to test it again this time!”

As he said that, Mike immediately put aside his search.

He started to fly towards the cave.

After entering the cave, Mike felt the space shrink again.

A feeling of dizziness filled his body again.

He could only close his eyes and use his physical strength to forcefully resist this uncomfortable feeling.

Fortunately, that feeling disappeared from his body very quickly.

Mike opened his eyes again, but the scene was not what he wanted to see.

What appeared in front of his eyes was actually the row of caves.

However, this time, the number of them seemed to be much more than before.

“Could it be that my judgment was wrong?”

Mike muttered to himself in puzzlement as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Suddenly, a chaotic aura erupted from Mike’s body.

When Mike felt this feeling, he immediately began to place his aura there.

Very soon, he smiled confidently.

“It seems that I’m overthinking! Sifusco, you really know how to joke!”

As he said this, Mike once again focused his attention on all the caves.

Very soon, Mike once again discovered one of the caves with low spiritual qi.

“I’ve found you!”

As he said this, Mike once again ended his search and rushed into the cave.

When Mike entered the cave, he felt his world spinning again.

However, this time, it was not as uncomfortable as the last time.

By now, Mike had obviously gotten used to this feeling and he quickly closed his eyes.

Soon, after the feeling of the world spinning ended, he opened his eyes again and looked at the desert-like cave in front of him.

His heart was once again filled with dissatisfaction.

“Sifusco, was it necessary for you to be like this? Did you need to guard against a gentleman?”

Even though Mike complained, he once again began to seriously feel the spiritual qi that was within.

After another intense search.

Mike finally felt an unusually low spiritual qi in the cave.

Mike smiled before he withdrew his search again.

“This should be the last time!”

Mike said as he looked at the cave.

Then, Mike flew into the cave again.

However, this time, Mike did not feel any dizziness.

On the contrary, this feeling made him feel rather comfortable.

Soon, he was completely sucked into the cave.

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