My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 425 - The Mystery of the Mantis

Chapter 425: The Mystery of the Mantis

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Suddenly, an intense golden light erupted from the body of the giant mantis.

Wherever the light pointed, the entire Gutt Forest began to erupt with intense light.

At this moment, Mike finally remembered what this familiar feeling was.

It was the divine power from the Primordial God.

After seeing this scene, Mike finally understood the origin of the giant mantis in front of him.

“White Spirit Dragon, stop attacking! Stop fighting!”

When the White Spirit Dragon heard these words, a wave of doubt arose in his heart.

Even so, he still listened to Mike’s words and instantly stopped his attack.

On Mike’s end, after the White Spirit Dragon had completely stopped attacking, he quickly circulated all of his divine power in his body.

A large amount of his divine power was released into the entire forest.

When the huge mantis saw this, it also instantly stopped.

It stood quietly and looked at Mike.

Mike saw that this move had been effective.

He smiled, then, he flew into the air.

He looked at the giant mantis.

Then, he asked again, “You were left here by the Primordial God to protect the Divine Pillar, right?”

The mantis seemed to understand Mike’s words. When it heard Mike’s words, it quickly nodded.

Seeing that the mantis in front of him was doing this, Mike smiled again.

Then he said again.

“I’ve got it!

“Do you know who I am?”

At first, the mantis shook its head.

But soon, it also began to twist the tentacles on its head.

Seeing this, Mike smiled and then said again.

“You’re right! I am the inheritor of the power of the Primordial God!”

As he said this, Mike landed on the ground again.

The White Spirit Dragon, who had witnessed all this while he was standing at the side, was confused.

He walked to Mike’s side and asked, “Mike! What are you talking about with it? Why do I not understand?”

Mike smiled at the White Spirit Dragon’s words.

Then, he explained to the White Spirit Dragon.

“It’s nothing! I just found out from this mantis that it had been sent by the Primordial God to protect the Divine Pillar! It’s not our enemy!


Mike looked at the huge mantis and smiled gently.

The mantis looked at Mike and waved its antennae.

Then, the mantis looked at the White Spirit Dragon with a fierce gaze and it started to mumble.

Mike smiled again when he heard it mumbling.

Then, he said to the mantis, “Okay! Okay! Don’t be nervous! He’s not a bad person!”

The White Spirit Dragon saw this scene and immediately asked, “What? Mike, does he think I’m a bad person?”

Mike smiled, turned his head to look at the White Spirit Dragon again, and said, “It’s because of the undercurrent that you released to him just now. It made him think that you had been sent by the Evil God Headquarters!”

After he heard Mike’s explanation, the White Spirit Dragon could not help but smile.

After that, it opened its mouth and spoke to Mike again.

“Then, quickly help me explain to it that I’m not a bad person!”

Mike quickly looked to the huge mantis and spoke to it again.

“You heard him! He’s not a bad person. He is here to help us! Don’t worry!”

After the huge mantis heard Mike’s words, it once again twisted the antennae on its head, looking happy.

Seeing this, the White Spirit Dragon said to Mike again.

“Alright! Mike, let’s quickly ask it about the Divine Pillar!”

Hearing this, Mike once again looked at the huge mantis in front of him and asked, “Do you know the location of the Divine Pillar?”

When it heard this, the huge mantis started to mumble again.

“What?” Mike instantly exclaimed.

The White Spirit Dragon, who was standing at the side, looked at Mike in bafflement.

His heart was also full of doubts.

Then, Mike asked again, “Then, do you know the location of God’s Miracle Fragments?”

When the giant mantis heard Mike’s words, it started to mutter again.

In an instant, the expression on Mike’s face became happy again.

“Really? That’s great!”

As he said this, Mike said again.

“Well then, hurry up and take us there to have a look!”

Mantis muttered a few more words, then turned around and walked back.

White Spirit Dragon looked at the scene that had just happened and the doubts in his heart became even more intense.

Then, he looked at Mike and asked, “Mike, what were you guys talking about just now? Why can’t I understand it at all?”

Mike smiled and looked at White Spirit Dragon beside him.

Then, he opened his mouth and said, “You’ll know in a while! Hurry up and follow us!”

As they were talking, Mike and the White Spirit Dragon stepped on the giant mantis and kept walking forward.

After a short walk, the two of them also came to a huge tree cave under the guidance of the giant mantis.

In the tree cave, Mike and the White Spirit Dragon saw countless Fierce Beast skeletons.

However, among these skeletons, Mike and the White Spirit Dragon also saw traces of God’s Miracle Fragments.

Seeing this, Mike turned to look at the giant mantis and asked, “Did you do all of this?”

The giant mantis continued to twist the antennae on its head, and then began to mumble a few more words.

When he heard this, Mike also smiled at the mantis.

Then, he spoke again.

“Well done! This is really great!”

Mike also turned his head to look at the White Spirit Dragon behind him, and then said, “Alright! White Spirit Dragon, it’s time for us to go in and take a look!”

“Go in and take a look?”

The White Spirit Dragon asked.

Mike gave a mysterious smile and spoke to White Spirit Dragon again.

“That’s right! Don’t we have to collect those God’s Miracle Fragments before repairing the Divine Pillar?”

As he said that, Mike took the lead and walked into the tree hole.

As he got closer, Mike smelled a pungent smell.

It was the stench coming from the carcasses of the Fierce Beasts in front of him.

“Mike, this is too smelly!”

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