My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 394 - Reunion in the Snow

Chapter 394: Reunion in the Snow

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

These days, the weather had gradually become cold and a burst of snow had started to drift in the south of the prairie.

Mike and Sally lived in the southern prairie for a long time.

During this period of time, Mike tried to live every day in the best way that he could for both himself and Sally.

He wanted to keep every memory with Sally.

At the moment, he was standing in front of the window of the cabin, staring at the snow outside.

By now, Mike had gradually forgotten how long he had stayed in the original period of the Miracle World.

He only remembered that he did not have much time left, and he would be leaving this world soon.

He would then go back to the world that he belonged to.

Just then, Sally walked towards Mike.

She stood quietly behind Mike.

She followed Mike’s gaze and looked out of the window.

After searching for a while, she still could not find what Mike was looking for.

So, Sally slowly said to Mike, “Mike, you seem to have something on your mind.”

When he heard Sally speak, Mike turned around to look at her and smiled.

Then, he replied, “How could that be? I was just admiring the snowy scenery outside the window!”

Mike then turned around and placed his hand on Sally’s abdomen.

Mike gently stroked it, and followed it with a loving smile.

Then, Sally said, “This is rare. I didn’t expect it to snow in the south this year!”

Mike smiled at Sally and said, “Yeah!”

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared outside the window.

Sally immediately exclaimed to Mike when she saw that figure.

“Mike, look! Look who it is!”

Mike stood up and looked out of the window.

Soon, Mike saw a familiar face, and saw that the person was Ogallas.

However, this time Ogallas had turned back into a child.

He walked in the wind and snow with difficulty.

Mike looked at Ogallas in the distance, and soon noticed that he seemed to have suffered a serious injury.

“Sally, wait for me in the room. I’ll go and take a look!”

Sally nodded and Mike immediately rushed out of the room.

He pushed open the door and a strong gust of snow blew into the room.

Mike opened his eyes with difficulty.

‘The snow in the south is really heavy this year!’

Mike thought silently in his heart. He immediately walked towards Ogallas.

Suddenly, Ogallas stopped and fell to the ground.

When Mike saw this happen, he instantly rushed in his direction.

He picked Ogallas up and discovered scars on his body.

Then, Mike immediately carried him into the wooden house.

After pushing the door open, Sally appeared before Mike.

However, when she saw that Ogallas was injured as he lay in Mike’s arms, she immediately asked, “Mike! How did Ogallas suddenly end up like this?”

Mike shook his head and said, “I don’t know! It’s really hard to imagine what he went through!”

Mike carried Ogallas to the bed.

Then, he rummaged around in his backpack for a while.

Soon, he found a pill which he then fed into Ogallas’ mouth.

After a short wait, there was a sudden violent cough in the room.

When Mike heard the cough, he knew that Ogallas had woken up.

He immediately went forward to check on Ogallas’ condition.

When Ogallas opened his eyes, Mike immediately spoke to him.

“How are you? Ogallas, are you okay now?”

Ogallas opened his eyes, looked into Mike’s eyes, and said, “Mike… Did you… save me?”

When Mike heard Ogallas’ question, he immediately replied, “What time is this? Don’t worry about it! Tell me, how did you end up like this?”

In reply to Mike’s question, Ogallas said, “After parting with you, I searched the world for traces of the seven bodies of Addimus.

“After a long time of searching, I finally got a result. But just as I was about to make my move, I was attacked by Gu Wuya.

“The seven bodies attacked me together with Gu Wuya, and I found that their strength had increased significantly compared to previously.

“After battling for some time, I returned to my original appearance, and I asked Sifusco to retreat before a war started!”

Upon hearing this, 10,000 questions rose in Mike’s heart.

After organizing his thoughts, Mike said, “You met Sifusco? When did this happen?”

In reply to Mike’s questions, Ogallas said, “I met him during my search, and took him as my disciple. Later, he followed me and became my assistant on the search.”

Hearing this, Mike nodded and continued to ask, “Then, why did Senior Brother suddenly attack you? Wasn’t the evil power in his body suppressed?”

Ogallas heard Mike’s words and said, “It’s useless. The seal in his body was only temporary. But according to my judgment, it’s far from the end of the seal!

“I think there must be another reason that he became like this!”

Hearing this, Sally could not help but feel a little worried, so she quickly asked, “Ogallas, what should we do next? Is the Miracle World going to suffer the same calamity as before again?”

Hearing Sally’s anxious questions, Ogallas said, “I need your help!”

“What should we do?”

Mike and Sally immediately asked together.

Ogallas looked at Mike and Sally and said, “On my way out, I met two young people who possessed the power of God. Judging from their style and dress, they looked like people that you would know!”

Mike and Sally blurted out at the same time.

“Heavenly Punisher and Jadeite Moon Tower?”

Upon hearing these two names, Ogallas said, “I actually don’t know their names, but by the looks of it, they seemed to know Gu Wuya.

“The two of them then went to the battlefield!

“In order to cover my retreat, they stopped those seven bodies and Gu Wuya!”

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