Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 218 - judgment from true hell!





At this very moment,

zhou Ze has forgotten here, is a dream;

What happens in a dream can be preordained 80 years ago.

The dream just tells you an ending, tells you a process, tells you an established fact,

after all,

who could change the future?

According to the common values, what Zhou Ze was doing now was meaningless. What effect could he have if he kept tossing and turning in his dreams?




even worse than a child who liked to squat in the corner and watch ants fight.

Boss Zhou never thought of himself as a good person, because being a good person was too tiring, and sometimes he felt wronged.

The teacher who wore a high hat and couldn’t take it off no matter how hard he died was the best proof.

Boss Zhou had always been a salted fish. He even ate his own conscience by accident

When he recalled the taste, it was really good. After losing his conscience, he was satisfied.

Don’t care about what you shouldn’t

Don’t care about what you don’t care about

Don’t care about what’s bothering you.

Even when you’re out in the middle of a flood, all I do is stay in the bookstore and drink my cat shit coffee in the Sun.

But there’s a saying, and a thought,

it’s just,

when you’re locked in here,

watching this happen right in front of you,

watching that little girl staring at you right before she died,

watching her whole body slowly being squeezed and stretched like toothpaste,

watching those intestines that were still shaking,

those scenes,

didn’t actually bring Zhou ze nausea, nor fear,

he had walked through hell,

he had experienced life and death,

what else could he really be afraid of?

But that feeling..,

that oppression..,

was like a flood, crashing down!

The numb prisoners in the cell..,

with hope, they snatched the anklet thrown by the guard,

the husband fought desperately for it and entrusted the “Beautiful”hope to his wife and his unborn child.

One image after another..,

kept flashing in Zhou Ze’s mind,

it was like a slide show.

Zhou Ze’s breathing started to become slower and slower. His movements also became slower and slower, but they were still strong and powerful.

Every Twitch was accompanied by the further blurring of the flesh and blood at the wrist,

that tingling feeling, that tearing feeling..,

however, at this moment, it did not seem to matter.

On the laboratory table..,

the corpse of a pregnant woman whose body was twisted and veins were exposed,

the struggling infant held in the palm of his hand,

the mother with her belly cut open on five stretchers,

the man and woman who were forced to cross with animals to study their lineage,

the woman whose hands were frozen for who knows how long, and whose face was numb as she shattered and fell with a single blow of a hammer,


the mother and daughter who were still lying in the sealed container and had not had time to clean up.

This bystander..,

really could not continue to watch,

the reason that he could deliberately ignore it to give himself psychological comfort had completely lost its effect at this moment.




at this moment, it turned into the angry roars in Zhou Ze’s hoarse voice!

“Ah! ! ! !”

Zhou ze screamed hysterically,

his arm began to twitch even more crazily and incessantly,

he wanted to break free from all this,

he wanted to break free from the chains that bound his arms,

he wanted to rush over,

and tear apart the group of bastards in white coats who were acting like animals,

he wanted to eat them alive,

he wanted to drink their blood,

he wanted to eat their flesh,

he wanted to take their souls out,

and not give them the chance to go to Hell,

he will make them suffer day and night,

he will make them suffer untold suffering!

You treat this as a game,

you treat this place as your own playground,

you treat the lives of living people as “Roads”, as peeled logs,

you think you are the masters,

you think you are the demons that walk the Earth,

you Think You’re in control. You Control Life and death!


then I’ll show you today,

the real devil after all,

what It’s like!

Crawl out of Hell,

walking back from the Grave Road,

from the pool of the netherworld,

i’ll show you what Real Fear Is,

the pain and suffering I’m about to inflict on others..

Ten times,

a hundred times,

a thousand times,

ten thousand times,

i’ll give it back to you!

“Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

The shouting continued,

the silent shouting roared in his heart,

zhou ze laughed loudly,

his face twisted,

“Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

The frequency of his arm pulling the chain started to become faster and faster,

faster and faster,

fast enough to make you think you’re exaggerating.

In the eyes of these white coats,

at this time, Zhou Ze was like a wild beast desperate to escape,

even if it’s self-harm,

and break free from the chains,

choose and devour!

… ..




The sound of the crash in the safe kept coming, and nearly ten white coats in the lab all looked grave and miserable, and knelt on the ground, almost kowtowing.

They knew what was inside, and they also understood how terrifying it was for the things inside to suddenly start hitting the safe.


they also knew how terrifying it was..,

even if their hands were stained with blood on a daily basis, even if they were all butchers and executioners, they still had feelings of fear and fear.

One of the oldest men in a white coat, who had been in the most heated argument, suddenly rushed forward. He grabbed the latch of the safe and rubbed his face as if he was a man seeing his first love.

He was excited,

he was oblivious,

he was saying something loudly in Japanese,

it was like he was speaking,

it was like he was singing,

this behavior of his seemed very crazy and very difficult to understand.

But this was a nest of perverts, a residence of “Demons,”and the people who lived and worked here could not be measured in the ordinary sense of the word.

Under the old man’s excited speech,

there were many people in white coats around with looks of longing and excitement on their faces. They began to hug, they began to cry tears of joy, they began to cheer, they began to jump.

The Japanese had been conducting experiments on human bacteria for a long time, but they had found something really useful, an invention that could have some effect on the battle situation ahead, it was the method of filtering drinking water in the wild that was accidentally discovered in the experiments on bacteria warfare.

This method had indeed helped the Japanese troops fighting in Southeast Asia to reduce some of the malaria and other diseases caused by drinking water problems. Other than that, throughout the entire human experiments, there was no second discovery or result that was worth using.

Although the raw materials were easy to obtain, convenient, and extremely “Cheap,”the Japanese military had poured a large amount of resources into the various research institutes, and the results were still not showing. They were unable to really support the expansion and Battle of the Great Japanese Empire, the pressure on these researchers was also exceptionally great.

And at this moment..,

the sound of the safe knocking allowed them to see a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope for their own success. The things stored in this safe..,

had actually come to life!

This was a miracle..,

a miracle under the protection of His Majesty the Emperor..,

it was the glory that Tenshou God had bestowed upon the Daiwa nation..,

it was the future of the entire great Japan Empire!

The sound of collisions rang out continuously,

the safe began to shake as well,

however, this safe was too thick and heavy. As a result, even if the things inside continued to collide, they were still unable to come out.

The white coats from the other laboratories in the research institute were also attracted by this huge commotion. They all put down the experiments they were doing and walked over to take a look at the situation.

Some of the lab experiments were still going on, but the lab coats had left. They did not care whether the experiment data would be invalidated or not. After all, there was no lack of living specimens. If they did not do it well this time, they would just have to do it again.


there were seventy to eighty staff members standing inside and outside the laboratory with the safe. They were all looking inside and communicating non-stop.

The old man holding the safe was very excited. His words were very provocative. Gradually, more and more white coats began to echo. They were excited, they were crazy, and they laughed happily.

Some people began to sing Japanese military songs,

this atmosphere began to spread,

the old man holding the safe also began to sing,

slowly, everyone seemed to be immersed in this emotion,

“Loud and sonorous”military songs formed a chorus here,

they even had tears welling up in their eyes,

they felt that their “Hard work”had not been in vain,

they felt that their “Efforts”had not been let down,

they were celebrating, they were singing loudly. They felt that they were a lucky group of people, the “Pioneers”who had witnessed the imminent rise of the great Japanese Empire.


only the four white coats who were in the same laboratory as Zhou Ze knew what was going on,

while the central laboratory was singing along with the sound of the safes hitting,

the four white coats in the laboratory felt a chill in their hearts,

every time Zhou Ze moved the chains,

the safes in the distance let out a loud “Muffled sound”at the same time,

they knew,

it was this man,

it was this road,

the vibration he caused,

the reaction he caused!

And Zhou Ze’s madness still continued,

he convulsed madly,



his flesh and blood had already begun to tear,

blood began to spurt,

but he still had no intention of stopping!

Especially when Zhou Ze heard the distant singing,

his suppressed emotions were completely and completely ignited!

You guys..,

are still singing! ! ! !

“Ahhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

“Kacha! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

The iron chain did not move,

but Zhou Ze had gained his freedom,

because at the position of his wrist..,

it was actually forcefully torn off by himself!


At the same time,

in the laboratory that was still singing loudly,

the safe that seemed to be “Impregnable”

Suddenly cracked open a hole,

a hand full of scars and bones,

stretched out from within.

The singing,

also at this time,

came to an abrupt stop..

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