Mercenary Black Mamba

463 Chapter 43 Episode 15 We Hit The Jackpot!

Vincent's innards were burning up, but Bonipas' were figuratively rotting away. To think that there would be a person bold enough to say that he wasn't happy to meet the General Director of the DGSE but was still willing to meet up for a discussion!

"Dammit, what should I do?!"

Bonipas's agony escalated.

The DGSE was considered a thug on the international stage. But that's because it traditionally focused on the HUMINT rather SIGINT side of things, and it also had a tendency of immediately resorting to violence.

France had to learn a painful lesson during the Dreyfus Affair; if an intelligence agency operating in the shadows talked too openly about its pride, not only would it fall to its knees, but it would also saddle the nation with great burden to bear.

Being straightforward and honest, and having a macho temperament became ingrained in the DGSE's DNA.

Bonipas was no different. The reason why his insides were rotting away wasn't because of his damaged pride. His anxiety stemmed from the possibility that all the hard work he had put in to build a good relationship would go down the drain. The worry tightened around his heart.

He knew better than anyone the true worth of the national treasure called Black Mamba.

The king of sabotage, a consultant that surpassed the limits of an agent, the scariest, strongest assassin - that was Black Mamba.

Quite literally, the super-grade consultant with the call sign of Black Mamba perfectly suited the DGSE known for its macho temperament and being the peak of HUMINT.

France walked away with massive benefits after just three Black Mamba operations.

Those three operations with Black Mamba achieved what 32 operations would have done, especially when measured by the DGSE's operation standards. That was why France didn't care about paying the massive fee.

Any espionage operation began and ended with humans. No matter how advanced your SIGINT was, it'd be meaningless signals without HUMINT to back it up. The reason why the Yankees failed to notice anything despite getting their asses handed to them every time by Black Mamba was because they relied way too much on SIGINT.

Machines were incapable of analyzing an existence beyond the realms of common sense. If France wanted to compete against other strong SIGINT nations like the Soviet Union, the United States of America or the United Kingdom, it would definitely need Black Mamba's presence.

In Bonipas' opinion as the head of the intelligence agency, Black Mamba was THE cheat key that needed to be theirs without question even if they had to give up the Corsica island. But he was currently pissed off, and the French government was completely at fault for that.

As if the star of misfortune was shining on them, whenever Black Mamba was carrying out an operation, the DGSE ended up screwing things up.

They either provided incorrect information, hired the wrong guides, or even handed over insufficient back data...

But even when DGSE messed up, Black Mamba didn't suffer any major setbacks during his operations. That went to show how far he was beyond the scope of common sense.

In fact, he never really blamed the repeated mistakes or the lack of abilities of the DGSE, either. He had this slightly apathetic side to him, but mostly, it was down to the easy-going nature inherent to all powerful beings.

Unsurprisingly, the star of misfortune once again shone its light during this operation, too. And it wasn't some simple mistake, either - the high ranking officials of the defense ministry and the DGSE willingly stepped forward to expose the agent's call name. Black Mamba was basically stabbed in the back here, and now, Bonipas had no excuses for it.

Having too good of an intuition wasn't always an advantage. The 'victim' in question, Mu Ssang, was currently celebrating the discovery of oil with his friends, and he was also feeling slightly mystified by the unexpected improvement in his abilities. He never said anything out of unhappiness or anything like that.

In other words, Bonipas was worrying himself to death right now because of a misunderstanding.

Tap, tap, tap-

Tap- tap, tap-

His bony fingers were rhythmically drumming on the table for the last thirty minutes straight. That was Bonipas's habit that manifested whenever he was anxious about something. He himself was unaware of it, but to others nearby that had to listen to that intermittent noise, this was like an excruciating torture session.

"Euh, euh... Can't I, like, break that finger or something?!"

Colonel Vincent narrowed his eyes and glared at Bonipas' tapping finger.

"...Vincent. When a VIP partner of yours is not happy about you, is there a good way to patch things up?"

Bonipas didn't ask that because he didn't know. No, he asked because of his frustration.

'Looks like the Special Military Adviser found the Serpent's definitive weakness, huh.'

Spend 30 years in the army and you could dig trenches with your fork, or so they said. Vincent quickly read the room and decided to play along. "Mm, let me see. I guess it'll depend on the VIP, sir. Shakespeare once said that, when a woman is angry, buy her gifts and then lie to her, and when a man is angry, tell him the truth first and then give him a gift afterwards, sir."

Vincent sneaked in Shakespeare into the conversation to extricate himself out of it. He certainly had no desire to get dragged into the battle of giants and get hurt in the process.

"Isn't that declaration a bit sexist? Why does it have to be that way?"

"It's not down to the differences in one's sex but disposition, sir. Women place importance in their feelings, not truth. Rather than hundreds of explanation, just one word of sympathy would do the trick, sir.

"On the other hand, when men hear poor excuses, they would more than likely think that they are being disrespected. Remember, sir, that there is an old saying about it's always better to get punished first."

Bonipas slowly nodded. What Vincent said was perfectly reasonable. Even Balzac said, 'Approach women with heart but approach men with truth'.

The secret to maintaining good relationship with Black Mamba until now was being moral and upfront with him. A person whose head was filled with pride would not allow any attempt at tricking them.

"He's right. It is better to get punished first and ask for forgiveness later." Bonipas made up his mind. He shot back up to his feet, then put on his dress coat. "Vincent. When dealing with an intelligent wild predator, you must hand over the gifts first then get punished afterward."

Vincent sucked in his breath after checking out Bonipas's attire.

In Djibouti, the temperature would not dip below 30℃ even after sunset. Yet, the General Director was wearing a Mousseline shirt, a Cashmere waistcoat, a pair of trousers pressed to resemble a blade's edge, and even a dress coat on top.

With clothing like that, it was only a matter of time before you were covered in heat rash. Vincent was about to say something only to clamp his mouth shut. General Director could really be a cold-blooded lizard man here, someone capable of wearing a dress coat in the modern era.

Not someone who'd listen to Vincent's advice, in other words.

"...Well, sir. I sincerely pray that your worries will get cleared up like the sunny and uncluttered Djibouti skies."

Vincent bowed his head at the back of departing Bonipas.

The... constipation had finally left the building, it seemed. For Vincent, today had to be one of the most torturous days in the past three years he spent in Djibouti's 13th regiment.



The intercom rang noisily. Samdi rapidly snatched up the receiver.

-Dear guest, a gentleman calling himself 'Piscine' (the swimming pool, the DGSE's nickname) wishes to speak to you.

"How many people?"

-It's just one person, dear guest.

Samdi heard the front desk's message, then shifted his gaze over to Mu Ssang, the Black Mamba. The latter nodded.

"Let him in!" Samdi barked at the reception, then put the receiver back in the cradle.

Mu Ssang, somewhat flabbergasted, slowly shook his head.

His nodding was meant to indicate that he would personally go down to the hotel's lobby, but Samdi misunderstood the gesture as the permission to let the guest in to the suite, instead.

Ombuti and Samdi both seemed to have a certain similarity in this regard, kind of like a woman zealously 'looking' after their one and only true love. Which sent a little bit of shivers down Mu Ssang's spine.



Bonipas was about to enter the suite but he hurriedly backed off. That's because he met the gaze of a massive lifeform lying on its stomach on the carpet.

Anyone that didn't get shocked after running into a predator and its scary glare in a hotel room would not be a normal human being. For a brief moment there, the list of predators stored in his memories sped by his head. Lions, tigers, panthers, jaguars... None of them matched this beast, however.

"That's just a little puppy. It's Wakil's pet, so you can relax." Samdi smirked deeply as he opened the door wider.

"Uh-heok?!" Bonipas took another step back.

Anyone would've been shocked when a black giant man, three heads taller than you, suddenly appeared out of the blue and bared his teeth like that.

'This guy... must be that First Sergeant Samdi, Black Mamba's bodyguard.'

Bonipas scanned Samdi from top to bottom using his hawk-like eyes.

A physique that stopped you from breathing just from its sheer scale, and then, the powerful aura matching his size continuously exuding from him...

This was to be expected of Black Mamba's bodyguard, of course.

Bonipas quickly scanned the interior of the suite. A never-before-seen predator and a giant black man big enough to beat up a grizzly bear were present in this place. Who knew what else could be in here?

Much to his relief, though, other than a milky-white metal box resting in the corner, Bonipas couldn't spot any other monsters.

Mu Ssang sat by the window sill and caught Bonipas' eyes.

"Congratulations on getting the post of the General Director."

Mu Ssang extended his hand, and Bonipas firmly shook it. Like a wizened old man looking after a little boy, affection was overflowing in that gesture.

"Thank you. Mitterrand's signature is on the appointment certificate, but the one that really got me appointed is you, wouldn't you agree, Black Mamba?"

"Nonsense. I'm just another field agent, that's all."

"If you're just another field agent, then I'm a certifiable voyeur."

Both Bonipas and Mu Ssang were not the type to worry too much about promotions, to begin with. And that's why they didn't even bother to exchange a single well-wish.

The corners of Mu Ssang's lips slightly curled up. The DGSE was a spy agency, so technically speaking, its boss being a voyeur was correct. That's what he liked about Bonipas, the General Director, the Frenchman did not care for formalities or conventions.

"Again, you took care of things in a flashy manner. Thank you for your hard work."

"No need for praises, though. We all are doing what we can to keep breathing, after all."

Mu Ssang's cynical-sounding reply managed to stiffen the back of Bonipas's neck. His brain interpreted that reply as a low-key threat to calculate everything properly.

This was the sorrow of the beggar getting wounded by a passing remark by the one with power.

"...Our famously lazy president personally penned this letter to express his gratitude, Black Mamba. It also contains an invitation. He expressed his eagerness to meet you personally once you return to Paris." Bonipas pulled out a blue envelope from his briefcase and handed it over.

However, Black Mamba didn't find the gleaming gold edges and the flashy seal on the envelope much to his liking. After receiving it, he lightly flicked the envelope with his fingers.


The envelope flew across the living room and stabbed the top of a mahogany table. Although that was a stunning display of the application of the 'Dancing Flower Plucking Leaves' technique, it was still nothing compared to the 'Finger Wind'. Bonipas had become pretty much used to such scenes by now, so he wasn't as surprised this time.

"I'll read it when I have some free time. I'm not Marguerite Duras (A French novelist, screenwriter and a close friend of President Mitterrand. The two often met, starting a rumor that they were lovers), after all. I'll have to decline the invitation. Dear Mister President is already busy having a 'liaison' with a sweet little author, so what exactly would he like to tell an agent reeking of blood like myself?"

Bonipas could only smile bitterly. Those words were meant to ever so slightly criticize Mitterrand that began leaning left while claiming to be a President of art and culture.

The man before his eyes was someone capable of unhesitantly declining an invitation from the President of France. Not someone who'd be moved to tears by a letter of gratitude, in other words.

"In that case, here are proper gifts from us."

"...Gifts? Not extra pay?"

At that unexpected revelation, Mu Ssang stared straight into Bonipas's eyes. The General Director wasn't someone who'd bring up 'gifts' without a good reason.

"It's just a gift, nothing more. What do you need the most at the moment?"

"Huh, aren't we in a generous mood today or what? Well, I need lots of things. A geological survey instrument using soundwaves, a set of rods (set of pipes required for drilling), a turbine drilling rig~..."

"Hold on. Could it be that you..."

Mu Ssang didn't hold back and revealed the truth. "Your guess is on the money. We found an oil reserve in Doba's Samaria farm."

If he wanted to develop the oilfield, he would need Bonipas's assistance. The General Director was a potential helping hand, not a hindrance, after all.

Bonipas's eyes widened. "Huh. Looks like Allah's blessings are pouring on top of Black Mamba... No, on the invincible Eastern Swordsman, then. However, that issue is quite complicated, so why don't we discuss that at length at a later date? Is there anything else you need?"

"I need a way to produce electricity. We've been using mobile generators in Novatopia's construction sites, but I hear they are hopelessly inadequate for the job."

"That's it," Bonipas replied while snapping his fingers loudly. "We shall construct a 800MWp diesel thermal power station for you. That level of generation capacity should be enough to provide a reliable supply of electricity to a large city of one million lives."

"...for free?" Mu Ssang asked in surprise.

A power station was not the kind of a gift you'd exchange while casually chatting.

"Of course. It's our gift for the founding of Novatopia."

"How strange. The General Director I know isn't usually this generous..." Mu Ssang's head gradually tilted to the left.

"Don't be like that now! My head might be small, but my balls are big, let me tell you. A gift to commemorate a country's founding should be at least that much, wouldn't you agree? I've already got Mister President's permission, too."

Bonipas jumped up.

"That is amazing news! Thank you, General Director. You must be Santa Claus coming to visit me in the middle of June."

Mu Ssang was genuinely elated.

A stable supply of electricity was the first step in constructing Novatopia's infrastructure.

Once electricity was supplied, the living standards of the refugees should improve by several folds. However, a large capacity power station wasn't an infrastructure that could be built overnight just because you had the money.

Mu Ssang didn't know why the French government was being so generous like this, but hell, it was not cool to look a gift horse in the mouth!

As soon as the oil reserve was found, a power station suddenly landed on his lap next, too. It felt like a huge, invisible hand was expertly putting together all the pieces with great timing.

"Hmm, hmm! Seeing you happy is making me pleased as well."

Bonipas was high-fiving himself inwardly.

This was his first time seeing Black Mamba this happy ever since they joined hands. With this, half of Bonipas' reason for personally crossing the Mediterranean had been completed.

"Wakil, I called for some room service. I figured that, if you want to avoid people calling you stingy behind your back, you need to treat this man with a glass or two," said Samdi.

Samdi was still very observant, it seemed. The moment he noticed the atmosphere getting quite amiable, he quickly organized booze without fail.

"Heol. I'm learning from Samdi of all people. Anyway, good call," Mu Ssang chuckled cheerfully.

Even he knew that he was not all that good at socializing. If he stepped up as a negotiator, he'd end up begging for food in no time at all.

"Is this friend the one and only Sergeant Samdi that beheaded hundreds of kidnappers with nothing but a shovel?"

Bonipas stared at Samdi standing tall behind Mu Ssang.

The genuinely intimidating air oozing off of him was ten times more visceral than what's written on Mekisi's report.

"Mm. I hope you did the proper security arrangement this time?"

"But of course. I've made sure the security clearance required befits your call name."

"Hmph. You mean the exposed call name that some reporter from a privately-run broadcaster can easily chase after?" Mu Ssang scoffed.

Bonipas's complexion became pale from that sharp rebuke before returning to its original color. "I'm the current person in charge, so it's my job to apologize to you for what happened. Minister Germaine, Director Lagos and Chief Cabaye have all been dismissed from their posts."

"That's terrible! It's a pity to see valuable talents like them getting fired," Mu Ssang muttered sarcastically.

"The female reporter that bothered you will also get her just desserts soon. Once again, I humbly apologize," Bonipas said as he slightly bowed his head.

"Hahaha! The sounds of clinking gold can even melt away one's disappointment, you know? I just received a generous gift from you, so how can I stay so narrow-minded anymore? Don't worry, I won't take it to heart."

Mu Ssang accepted the apology while remaining cool.

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