Mercenary Black Mamba

436 Chapter 41 Episode 29: Ampadombe Fist of Justice

Steve spit out the words in a dry voice. Although it was unknown in the academic world, Ituri Tarantula's poison was used in biological experiments and maneuvers at the CIA. Ituri Tarantula poison was similar to Atrax spider; it blocked electrical signals that were transmitted to muscles and destroys cells. His heart and lungs had stopped at once, so he did not have time to do anything.

Swalsky's eyes were swollen with anger like they were going to pop out, his facial muscles were twisted. The brain's pain that had not been supplied with oxygen was beyond imagination. McPhee pulled out his Beretta gun. His intention was to put his subordinate out of his misery.

"You don't have to do that." Steve shook his head. The light was extinguished from the victim's eyes. McPhee placed his index and middle fingers against Swalsky's carotid artery. He could not feel his pulse


McPhee face seemed to be deeply distressed. Less than 60 seconds had passed before Swalsky screamed and died. The Shadow Team was one of the world's elites and yet, a single spider bite had brought down one of the crew. Unbelievably, his heart collapsed.

Two of his men had already been killed. The other one was bitten by a wandering black death stalker scorpion. They were both bitten by bugs. It would have been better if they were killed by Black Mamba or even a leopard.

"Oh, Swalsky!" Swalsky's partner was anguished and he went wild with his MP5. He meaninglessly vented his anger by shooting into the sky. Wasusu- There was a sound of raindrops on the leaves.

"Run!" someone shouted. A shower of black fell from the trees above. Tree leeches dropped from the branches when the machine gun shot into the sky.

There were several reasons to be afraid of these leeches. The first one was its camouflage. They were incredibly difficult to spot with the naked eye, especially if they had attached to your clothing or equipment. Their thin bodies were like paper. If the leeches were not discovered immediately, they would cut through clothes and sink their teeth into your skin. The leech's saliva contains hirudin, which prevents blood clotting, and haementin, which anesthetizes nerves. You wouldn't even feel them as they sucked your blood. The only way to know the leeches were on your body was to spot them.

The second reason was the ability to absorb a large amount of blood. When a 60-millimeter leech sucks blood, it's body can expand up to 120 millimeters. The amount of blood a single leech sucks reaches 100cc. Five of these leeches was enough to send a person into a state of anemia.

The third reason was the parasites and bacteria that were infected during the blood absorption process. It caused multiple abnormal symptoms such as chills, redness and diarrhea. After three days, you would not be fit for combat.

Shadow had already been covered twice by a rain of leeched. He had no intention of donating more of his blood to these persistent vampires. He ran to death and got out of the protection of Avicinia trees. Outside the dangerous area, Shadow was in a hurry to spray DDT on clothing and equipment and wash his body with alcohol.

"Ugh, I'm sick of all of this! I'm so tired of everything!" Steve had had enough. This was one of the many reasons why he never wanted to come to the Ituri in the first place. It was the third time he had been attacked by leeches. He wanted to get rid of it right away and get out of the jungle. Of course, it was just an idea.

"Sergeant Steve, are we still going in the right direction?"

"The GPS signal is clear. The Devil Spring is 4.5km west of the current point."

Sergeant Steve checked the screen and confirmed the navigation.

"Good. Let's just go!"

The biogenerator in Surfund's body had stopped, but there was no way to lose their direction as long as Tutle and Octopus continue to send location signals.

"Wait a minute!"

McPhee stopped Steve and pointed to a giant tree 30 meters ahead. Steve increased the sensitivity of the night view. The bark of the giant tree had been peeled off. He looked back at McPhee. Was it a coincidence? The look meant that. Elephants or monkeys sometimes peel trees. McPhee pointed his finger at the sky. An artificial structure hung with leaves was seen at a distant height.

"Are they Pygmy People?"

"The Pygmy don't make such elaborate structures. They roughly make it, use it, and throw it away. Sam and Doves, go check it out."

"On it, Sir"

Sam and Doves stuck to the trees and quietly made their way towards the structure. Although the aboriginals would only attack them with weapons like arrows and spears, there was nothing wrong with being careful with their approach.

Ulumbo, looking down at the ground from his Boma. He gently bit his teeth. The group of soldiers had appeared unexpectedly. They didn't seem to be the typical guerrilla army since they moved with highly trained movements. .

"Hey? Is there someone up there?" Doves yelled from under the tree.

"Yankees... "Ulumbo's face became wrinkled. The Yankees were Mahaduraka's enemy. Mahaduraka expressed hostile feelings toward the Yankees several times. It was said that the Yankee were the ones behind the monster's release in Ituri. It did not matter if it was Yankee or not. In Ituri, they were all enemies except Mahaduraka and Pygmy.

Doves sent a hand signal and shouted, "Come down immediately. If you don't come down, I will kill you."

"Are you crazy!" Ulumbo did not understand him, but it was clear that he wanted him to come down. Will they surrender and save their lifes? Will they die fighting like men? Will they be treated as prisoners if they become surrender? They can't even did it.

There was no word human rights or humanitarian in Africa. If you are not an ally then you are an enemy. When you capture your enemy, cut his wrists and ankles and cut his genitals. This was to prevent revenge not only for yourself but also for your descendants. That is the law of Africa. Yankees were no different.

What if they were chasing Mahaduraka?

Mahaduraka's good face came into his mind. It was a face that was more human than any other human. He also remembered the scary face of Samdi, who used to scold him for being a weak guy but secretly took care of him. Samdi, who beat the monster with his bare hands, was desperate. If only they had their bows, then they wouldn't have to worry about these invading Yankees.

Without the protection of Mahaduraka and Samdi, they would have already died ten times over. The days with Mahaduraka were the most rewarding and happiest in his life. He was treated as a human being and praised. He did not want his hands and feet to be cut, and he did not want to confess the deeds of Mahaduraka, his master.

"Crap! I did not even hug a girl."

He remembered Yaniku, the girl who was looking at him. Yaniku, who was 15 years old, worked in front of his eyes. It was unfortunate. He was able to meet a loyal woman and get married, but he was possessed by evil spirit. As expected, when something good suddenly happens, there was silence.

"I am not a weak human being."

Ulumbo clenched his mouth and clenched his glove handle tightly. There were 50 bullets. No matter how well-trained the soldiers were if they got shot, they die. There was also a grenade obtained in droves. He wanted to prove to Samdi he was not weak.

Doves was kneeling on the ground and aiming at the structure in the tree. The tule was clear, If they don't know you, you are the enemy. Article 1 of the Shadow Rules was to exterminate all enemies. Doves lifted his left hand and bobbed his head twice. It was a signal to overpower.

Tang-tang! Ulumbo was faster. He stopped breathing and pulled the trigger carefully. He had learned how to use firearms when he was trained as a local ally, and Mahaduraka had also taught him how to shoot before leaving.

"No way!" Doves fell backwards. Blood poured out of his throat. His bulletproof uniform only protected his chest, but not his neck.

Sam crawled over to his partner. "Doves!"

Ulumbo stared down from the trees and he immediately saw Sam's movements, even from a height of 30 meters. He took aim and fired consecutive hits. Puck- A bullet struck Sam's back, but it didn't pierce the bulletproof plate. Sam jumped and took cover behind a rock. Punch, punch, punch, Sam shot his gun in retaliation. Ulumbo quickly dropped down to the floor.

"What!? Where did he get a gun from?" McPhee was not expecting a gun fight. He gritted his teeth. He has assumed that the natives would attack with simple bows and arrows.

"Shoot the whole thing down!"

Kakakaka- two tablets were destroyed by the machine gun. Wooden debris splattered. The Boma structure, woven with very thick logs, endured a 5.56 millimetres Minimi bullet. Ulumbo fought back with his Glock from time to time, but he was slowly but surely being overwhelmed. He had no other choice. He pulled put the safety pin from his grenade.

"Here you go. Eat it and get out of here!" The grenade fell while drawing a parabola.

"It's a grenade! Take cover!" McPhee shouted. The Shadow Team scattered and ran.

Steve shouted, "Billy, take good care of him!"

"Whoops!" A giant Mestizo, who was more than two-meters tall, kicked the ground. A man who leaped 10 meters hit a falling grenade with his palm and blew it. Boom- A grenade that bounced like a bullet exploded in the forest.

"Take good care of him!"


Billy pounded the ground and raced. The Parabellum bullet flying from the tree struck Billy's chest, but he didn't care. Billy, who shortened the 40 meters space at once, threw a fist with running elasticity. Quang- Billy's fist shook a giant. Boma was stubborn and shaken.

"What the heck! He is Samdi."

Surprised Ulumbo spilled all five bullets left in the ammunition. Billy stepped down. The bullet was stuck in vain on the ground. Billy, who had stepped down, kicked the ground and flew like a shell.

Quang- The giant who was charged with the shoulder charging fight shook violently. A horizontal shortcut to support Boma was pulled out. Boma, who lost his support, fell. Boma that fell on the ground was smashed. The nest has been destroyed, but the eggs cannot be strong. Ulumbo became like a frog in the ground. The spine and ribs were broken and the organs burst.

"Oh my god!"

Ulumbo opened his eyes. Extreme pain awakened the mind. It was a Halo-Banjo phenomenon. He forcibly turned his head and looked up at the sky. Lastly, he wanted to see the blue sky, but he couldn't see it because he was covered by a Canopy.

'Crap, I wondered if flowers bloom in my life...….'

Tears flowed down from Ulumbo's eyes. It was unfair. He could meet a good woman and get married, but at the end of the day, he was dawn. A black shadow covered Ulumbo. Buddedik- He stepped on the weak neck with his heavy feet. This was the end of Ulumbo, a smart young man in Shangane Village.

"Oh, no. I need to get information."

Major MecPee was sorry, but it was late. Once ordered, the Predator did not stop until another order was issued.

"Captain, I was hit in the neck with no luck."

Sam appeared with Doves on his shoulder.


MecPee kicked the tree. Three out of ten members were excluded from the battle. Two were beaten by bugs and this time by a bug-like guy.

"Is Lieutenant Heyri and Lieutenant Lewis connected?"

"No, the signal is going, but it does not answer."

"I am going crazy. What is going on?"

Major MecPee's face was deeply distressed. Nothing in the world was going right. It was a mess.

"Did they drop the communication device in the water?"

"What do you mean, the communication device works for a month even if it goes 100 meters underwater."

MecPee shouted at the unfamiliar words of Steve. Communication devices were as important as firearms. Lewis can not manage it carelessly. This meant that some kind of accident occurred in Team B. However, it was not possible to split the remaining seven subordinates and send them.

"Team leader, he used The Glock Gun."

Sergeant Stove, who was investigating the destroyed structure, found an indigenous pistol.

"Native people are not AK but they use Glock?"

Local intelligence officers recruited from China or the Soviet Union sometimes use pistols, but at best they use 54 types of pistols copied from Tokarev Gun.

MecPee, who received Glock gun, frowned. The total number had been erased. The identity of the dead natives was very suspicious. Steve looked at Shadow, who was searching for native artifacts. Now was not the time to pay attention to clumsy things.

"Major MecPee, we do not have time. Don't forget that the mission comes first."

Steve urged him.

"Oh my god, you punk! Go."

It was no use trying to vent his anger. MecPee cursed the pilot who dropped his team member in the wrong place and ordered him to move.

The shadow team led by Steve arrived at Senote, called Puddle, around 11 a.m. In Kadanka, the emergency treatment for Areva hostage was completed, and it was time for Samdi to break Oselot's bones again.

"Everyone, be on guard!"

Under Major MecPee's instructions, Shadow entered the four-way boundary centered on Senote.

"Agent Steve, what are you going to do with the lifting when you do not even have an encouragement?

Major MecPee looked into the stiff Devil Spring like soup and worried.

"There is a Predator that is a hundred times more efficient than Kwon Yang Yang, so what is the concern? Billy, check out 3 types of Grendel and bring Surfund."

"Oh my god!"

Billy jumped into the Senote without hesitation from Ilho. An hour later, a terrible figure that seemed to be a combination of crocodiles and snakes popped up on the surface. It was similar in size to the head of a buffalo. Billy threw Surfund's head to the ground.


The eyes of Shadow team members widened. Surfund died with his vertically torn eyes wide open. They were told in advance, but the visual shock that the vicious eyeballs stared at was formidable.

"Oh my god!"

Steve was even more surprised. Surfund's neck was cut off, and something impossible happened. The shell of Surfund boasts the strength comparable to that of the NIJ Level III bulletproof suit with ceramic bulletproof plates inserted. It was at the level of defending 7.62mm NATO FMJ bullets. It was not just the skin. Bones are as strong as titanium.

"Billy, find the body, too."

Steve shouted. Mestizo did not hesitate to jump back into the swamp. Major MecPee shook his head excitedly. It had been five years since he was dispatched to the committee, but there were many things that were incomprehensible.

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