Mercenary Black Mamba

433 Chapter 41 Episode 26: Ampadombe Fist of Justice

Swaa~ The smell of mint filled his head. His incandescent brain quickly cooled down. It was the power of Jeong Shim Gong, planted by the teacher in the early stages of his training. Samdi opened his hand and rolled his eyes as big as a wheel, and caught his eyes. He rolled his eyes when he was in trouble and when he lied.

There was no other old fox, whether it was the words of the master, or by his own judgment. He remembered pretending to be embarrassed by the baptism of the Hadong sisters' eyes last winter. As humanity rapidly progressed, the number of stages was higher than that of the faster Sun Woo Hyun. His master made stiff logs into insidious old raccoons.

"The Master!"

Suddenly his nose became numb. It was the master who had reached the Peak of Cheonmubong, in Yeonheohapdo Island. Hadong House and Deoksan House would take care of it, but would it be as good as a student? Samdi needed to take enough nutrition like the relevant protein and vitamins. He missed the hermitage when the greenery was thick. In front of Black Mamba, he was only a less fallen disciple who was hit on the head by bamboo rain.

"Good job. Well done."

Samdi's bruised face relaxed. Black Mamba smiled in response. Who else could control themselves if they were not Samdi? Even if Mu Song and Noh Ji Sim protruded in pairs from the guardian, they could not press themselves. He had almost killed the hostages that he tried to save. Silence fell on the vacant lot.

"Whoa, what is this?"

He looked back at the hostages that were scattered. He was relieved, but the innocent hostages must have been surprised.

Even if he trained for a hundred years, he was wrong to become A Tangjung. The magic of epidium can be imprinted and sealed on genes, but it cannot be rooted out. It was impossible, unless he extracted his soul like concrete and transfer his body to Adras.

"Is that actually a human being?"

Lee Kang Chul widely opened his mouth. He did not think that he was a human from the beginning. Didn't he see the smashed guerrilla home base and a pile of corpses when he came to the ground? It couldn't be humans who had cleaned the corpses of the hundreds of guerrillas. "My chest became stuffy as if I had a paralyzing nightmare."

He was old enough to reach heaven after having gone through many hardships. His heard was also shaken by the grief and sadness, contained in the roar. Did he feel sadness? Who was the maker? Was he sure?

Black Mamba looked at Lee Kang Chul. The red light disappeared and anger flashed through him. Lee Kang Chul quickly lowered his gaze.

"Hey, Lee Kang Chul, didn't you say that you're living in guilt? Of course you should. You know that n that day, Kim Mal Soon disappeared."

"What? No way!"

Lee Kang Chul jumped up like a bolt out of the blue.

"Kim Mal Soon disappeared from the bridge. The restaurant was deteriorated and all the answers were in the hands of others."

Black Mamba spoke as calmly as if he was reading the morning papers.

"No way!" Where did she go?"

"I don't know... I'm sure they're wandering somewhere in the sky..."

Black Mamba's voice was heavy.

"What about your son? What happened to your younger son?"

"Shut up! A bastard like you don't deserve to ask anything. What happened to my son? A nine-year-old orphan would not have grown up to be happy. Did the tall man secretly send school and living expenses like Jerusha Abbott (Judy, the main character of Jean Webster's novel Daddy Long Legs)?"

Black Mamba lost his temper and yelled loudly. The time when he crawled around with a bucket in the Mak Jang, and filled his stomach with the leftovers of the restaurant, passed like a flashlight. He controlled his anger and remained calm.


Lee Kang Chul gritted his teeth. His gums were already rotting and clenching his teeth brought pain that his nerves. No way that was real... He could barely believe it, but the person standing in front of him was actually Kim Mal Soon's son!

This was the guy that Kim Mal Soon had taken care of, like a mother hen to a chick. She had fed him, and gave him money and watched him grow up. It was a very long time ago.

"I had no idea. The following year, after the construction of the Dangje Tunnel, I came back to Seoul. I couldn't forget her, not even for a moment. But I couldn't even think about looking for her, because I was so timid. The only people who knew what happened back them were the three people who met in their home turf. The other person was the young child of Kim Mal Soon. I have nothing to tell you, even if you kill me. How can I live after what I did to the woman I loved? If you just point at me, no... if you just look at me.. that friend will finish me. I have no more regrets, but please, give me some time. I have children too. Although I never gave a thought about getting married, I found myself in an arranged marriage after I turned thirty. Because I'm the only child, it was up to me to carry my parents' torch and continue the lineage. I have a seven-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter. The only reason I survived was because I could not bear leaving my children behind. Give me time to deal with my property so that my young children can survive. Please show mercy! I'm just an animal making a shameless request!"

Lee Kang Chul was sobbing loudly as he made his speech.

"Is that what a Korean father looks like?"

French people also have irregularities, but they do not take unlimited responsibility like Korean fathers. Black Mamba remembered the last appearance of his father, who was breathing hard and clutching his young child's hand.

[Ssang-ah, mom, mom] [I ask for my mom]

His last words were barely spit out because he was choking on his phlegm. Ever since his mother had disappeared, his father's last words made his heart ache everyday.

'You must survive... take care of yourself, my child.'

His heart went blank. What if he left his wife to his son and died suddenly?

Samdi, who had been listening silently, searched through the rustling backpack and took out a flat metal case. The elaborate silver case was the Kojibazigol that Emile took care of when leaving Paris. If he felt down, he had to pull a punch.

Suddenly, a black hand appeared in front of his face. It was holding a white cigarette that contrasted prominently against the black skin. Black Mamba was holding out a cigarette and offering it to Samdi.

Samdi smiled and took out his lighter to light up the cigarette. The tips of Black Mamba and Samdi's cigarette went up in flames at the same time. The zombie version was on the mind and chloride.

The savory smoke hit his throat, entered his lungs, and passed through his larynx. The cigarette smoke went through his body and his anger slowly dissipated. He had changed when he became an orphan. The outside world had showed him its teeth. Every day, he would lick his wounds and moan angrily. What crime did the young child of Lee Kang Chul do to make him deserve to be an orphan. Black Mamba's fierce eyes softened.

"This jungle is also known as The Forest Of The Devil. Are you confident that you can escape here safely?"

"If you let them know that I am alive, the government will send a rescue team for me."

"Ha ha ha ha! Look at you! Who do you think you are? Even the Grim Reaper doesn't care about you. And yet you think so highly of yourself."

Samdi shook his hand like a thunderbolt and grabbed a huge reptile that was creeping down the tree that Black Mamba was leaning on. The snake struggled to escape.

"Look at this, it's different from other snakes. This one always attacks. If you think about it, you almost died in that moment. The good news is, this snake's flesh is delicious, even though it's venom is powerful."

Samdi bit into the huge five-meter snake, even as it struggled in his arms.


Lee Kang Chul's face became white. When he was first kidnapped and taken by the guerrilla forces, he had witnessed how scary Black Mamba could be. He had also seen two guerrilla soldiers getting bit by this exact snake, and they had died almost immediately. His heart was rattled by the immediate danger that surrounded him. But the giant mercenary eating the live snake was the scariest...

Black Mamba stared blankly at the bright eastern sky. The upward air current brought the smell of blood from the camp to his nostrils. The operation was a success, but the tightness in his chest wasn't going to be lifted so easily.

What was the point of the bluff called National Treasure? What was the point of being a billionaire? What was the use of the ability to bless heaven and earth? He did not want this kind of life to cover his blood. Sitting at the dinner table with his mother and his late father, all he wanted to do was to eat his food.

Suddenly, he recalled the words of the master that were nonsense to try to reveal the temptation. As expected, it was a very great inspiration.

"Master, that is the reason why you told me not to rush."

He almost cried out loud. The two humans had ruined his mother's life. They were so broken that it was not worth mentioning revenge. What kind of revenge would be given to humans living in a time-limited life with impending death? Whoosh- Black Mamba blew out his cigarette smoke.

"Korea is a country that does not spare its people. You have already done it to dispatch the rescue team. You would have died on the agenda. You know your condition, right? Sepsis has already progressed in your organs and bone marrow. Korean medicine can't save you. I will send you to France in a military plane. And I will send you to Korea after the treatment. The procedure is of a high quality, but the medical expenses will be high. I don't think you'll be able to afford to pay it, not with the poor salary of a public official. But I'll pay for the treatment, so you don't have to worry about that.

"What! What are you saying?"

Lee Kang Chul listened to Black Mamba intently. He was in shock and his eyes grew so large that they looked like they might burst open.

"Why are you doing such a big favor for me? I am your enemy. I made you an orphan, and your mother..."

"Stop it. Let's just say it's because we're all humans. No... let's say it's because of your son and daughter. I don't want to leave them as orphans in this world."

"Hahaha, th... thank you! So much! I will never forget your grace."

Lee Kang Chul was speechless. He was not expecting this reaction from this man.

"Don't say anything that is embarrassing. As you can see, me and my colleagues are not ordinary humans. Keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone about what you've seen here."

"Okay. When I return home, I will search for administrative data from all over the country and find Kim Mal Soon even with all my assets."

Lee Kang Chul clenched his teeth. The indiscriminate passion of his youth made his beloved woman and young son unhappy. He wanted to live without regret for the rest of his life.

"Don't do that. I don't want you to bring more problems to your family. Just raise your children well."

"I am sorry. I am really sorry."

Tears flowed down from Lee Kang Chul's white eyes. It was the thought of his children being able to grow up without having to go through the pain and sadness that he had experienced. The harsh life anger that the orphaned would have experienced so far has collapsed.

"I am sorry, I have no shame." He couldn't stop crying.

Lee Kang Chul's sobbing did not stop.

"You make an old man feel such shame..."

Samdi slipped around. He took out a white handkerchief embroidered with roses from his combat suit pocket and wiped away the tears. This was a gift from Lady Edel, asking her to protect Tubai Burpa well when leaving Novatopia.

"The foolish master! What is my master thinking?"

No matter what, the human being named Lee Kang Chul was the enemy of his master. What was the point of showing him mercy? Just rip his head off! Why did his master think that this was a good idea?

"I can't help but think he's making a mistake!"

Samdi muttered quietly to himself. He knew a little bit of the big master's instruction to do as he wanted and not to leave any hesitation.

Tutatata- The loud sound of the rotor shook the sky. Black spots appeared in the dimly bright eastern sky. It was the Gazelle helicopter that flew from Benia. Samdi shot magnesium signal into the sky. The signal, which shot up in a puff of smoke, burned brightly from 300 meters above.

Two mercenaries and three safari-clad men got off the helicopter. Paul, the mercenary with a strong physique who took the lead. The skinny human that looked like a toothpick was DGSE Information Division Manager Flover Mackiss. They stopped and stared at the terrible battlefield.

"Whoo! This looks terrible. It looks like the angel of death came here and brought hell with him!"

Mekisi, whistled. Heavy rain overpowered the fire, but the burning spot was even worse. Hundreds of torn bodies, half-burned bodies, and fallen neck bodies are piled up.

Mercenaries and intelligence officers who were in charge of a pile of corpses that had been drained of blood and swollen in the water also took off their cranes. The old Okeophila Smaragdina mentioned by Black Mamba was likely to open their mouths widely.

Paul rushed forward like a rhinoceros, disregarding the hostages and the piles of corpses. He held Black Mamba and lifted him up.

"It's great to see you again, my friend."

"It is all thanks to the lucky charm you gave me. Take this necklace."

Black Mamba took off the Misbaha on his neck.

"Just take it."

"Isn't that a keepsake from your mother?"

"It's okay. It's just a cheap 'Misbaha' that I bought for 10 francs in downtown Djibouti."

"What did you say?"

Black Mamba made a face.

"Ha ha ha! Did not you always say that everything was up to you?"

Paul laughed out loud. Black Mamba smiled too. Paul, who did not know how to joke, had also changed a lot.

"Captain, thank you".

"Captain that is really you. Is anyone injured?"

"I was bitten by a leech. It itches so much that I think I'm going crazy."

"You have been seriously injured. Ha ha ha".

Paul laughed out loud again. Who else can defy death if not Black Mamba?

"Special adviser, long time no see".

Mekisi bowed his head deeply. "Do not touch Azuremer's damn house, even if you kick the general manager's butt." It was an oral phrase that all DGSE executives know.

"Manager Mekisi, What is the matter?"

"The main building is responsible for the informants here. I am sorry I could not help you properly."

Mekisi went closer. He was the successor to the chief of the intelligence department Miguel, who died after overwriting Baeklin. He had no intention of touching the dirty Black Mamba's damned house.

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