Master Of None

1896 1896. Playing With Space

Walker had found himself with a new audience watching the skills he used. He didn't miss that Current had come out of the negotiations with the angels to look at the mana he had sensed. It was natural that the ice dragon's domain skill would attract Current since it technically used the water elemental mana in the air to cause this skill. However, he noticed that Current was perplexed. 

With a single wave, Current moved toward Walker, his curiosity strong enough to remain silently waiting for Walker to speak. "I just realized that there is spatial mana in a lot of things. We can all use it without realizing we use it. But that doesn't mean we all have an affinity for it." This didn't make much sense to Current. 

"The water mana manipulated by the ice dragon's domain skill is pulled apart by the spatial mana because of the way that the skill expands to cover a larger area. It is focused on changing the already existing water elemental mana in to ice. That's normal. But the spatial mana makes it evenly spread out instead of just here and there in large spots. It's why the skill can happen. But when the spatial mana is pulled back." 

Walker exerted a little force to make the ice melt more. He saw the spatial mana able to move and used the broken spatial rune as a focus again. The spatial mana also snapped away and the ice started to break away even faster. 

"You might not see it, but the spatial mana being forcefully pulled back once I started melting the ice made the ice dragon's domain skill fall apart faster. So I should be able to replicate this with other elemental manas using minimal spatial mana to use as the key to other dragon domain skills." The small rant was a little odd and not perfectly put together just yet. 

"I can understand what you mean. It is the same as the life magic healing. We have life in us, but not all healing uses it. But everything has life mana even though we may not use it at all. It is there because it is part of us." Current could compare what he learned of life mages and healing. That Was enough to show that he was somewhat following how Walker used the ice dragon domain skill. 

"Sort of. But the thing I need to figure out is how to make the spatial mana do what I need. I can make space somewhat follow my will, but it does not bend to what I want and it does not stop doing what it naturally does. It's not a matter of force but a matter of understanding the flow it should have." This was the results of what Walker had read and seen. 

"Let's see about fire." Walker saw Current back away as a ball of fire took shape in Walker's hand. 

The fire was easier to call up now that Walker understood that fire and even natural mana was just part of a whole. The true mana manipulation skill was really helping keep mana cost down as well. The flames in his hand came with a very fluid feeling that was only because of his higher degree of control. 

As the flames spilled down to the ground, Walker tried to let his mana pull on the spatial mana that naturally gather around the broken space rune. This time, he felt it shift with his will. It was as if it knew that Walker wanted it to join with the flames this time. Not that it remembered, but that it was the same shape it had taken before. Or maybe it was Walker who had the same feeling and was able to grasp the very same effect because of this. 

Regardless, the flames spilling and growing around Walker began to spread out. Some took root and burned the ground making the land in a circle around Walker turn black and cracked with steam exporting off. Some smoke appeared, but it was gone too quickly to cause any issues. 

The circle of flames all around Walker were hot and could cause many issues if they were having to fight or even walk through it. This was an intense field of danger for even the most basic users of fire. But for someone like Ignus, this would be an ideal place to use to his advantage. 

Walker could sense that he could make fireballs appear all around him if need be. That he would have no trouble making his fire elemental skills work faster. That they would even be more powerful and last much longer. It was a very empowering feeling. 

When the system responded saying he had gained the flame dragon domain skill, Walker ceased the skill and began to pull on only the spatial mana itself. Instead of resisting, the natural environment helped him. Without the flames dying down, the spatial mana pulled back this time. 

The fire wanted to retreat since it was not in a place it could easily burn. Without the spatial mana holding it apart, small bits of fire mana came together leaving certain spots burning while others had gone out already. This left a barren and burning area. Spots that burned and spots that smokes while others just looked like they had already started to cool. It was an odd spot that seemed like someone had failed a skill instead of succeeded. 

"Now that was interesting." Current moved back toward Walker with an even more curious expression on his face. 

"That Was what happened when I pulled at the partial mana in the same way that I pushed it before. It didn't exactly come to me and go from me as I wanted, but I had a better grasp of how it moved. That caused the fire mana to gather together without much guidance. Meaning that spatial mana plays a bigger part in larger skills than we know. It is just the way that mana flows. Space is everything and lack of space is also an effect. Interesting, right?" 

Current looked at Walker as if he was looking at a child that had just figured out how to use a new toy. This was surely the way that anyone else would also look at him too. But that aside, Current also looked fairly impressed. 

"You understand that you are already starting to show results after a few hours, correct?" While Current was sure that Walker would keep learning things, he wondered just how much Walker had changed. It was clear that he was learning faster and even grasping things that no dragon he knew of was able to grasp. 

"It's definitely been a lot longer than a few hours. It feels like I have been working on this for days. Especially when I was just looking at all the work and the broken spatial rune…" Walker realized that his sense of time had gone off. But that was weird. How could his sense of time been affected like that?

After shaking his head a little to disciple the thoughts about time and space interacting with one another, Walker refocused. Trying to understand how space and time influenced one another would bring him down a rabbit hole that he could not study. It would take a lot more time to figure out. 

"I think that teleporting must be some way of moving faster through other things. Like space mana is able to gather in one place and make someone move without the influence of other things. It can naturally influence other manas to make them remain in balance. But what if there was a lack of something in one place caused by spatial mana." this sounded even weirder. 

"For example, the apple was a test object. The lack of an apple in one place and the fact that an apple is somewhere else in space. So, using the space mana to make it go to where it was lacking would make some sense in theory. So basically, I need to learn a lot more about what lack of space and space might have in common." Walker felt he had a lead on how to make what they needed. But making runes with that in mind was still a lost concept to him. 

"That's it! Lack of space!" Ezra reacted with a large yell. His voice rang out and made all the angels witnessing Walker's skill to look at him with curiosity. "We can make a space where spatial mana is linked with a rune. Then I can make one rune lack the mana it wants then one rune too full of mana. That is how we move things. That should work. We just need a rune. What kind of rune though?" The rants had begun, but this time, Walker was right with Ezra. 


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