Master Of None

1893 1893. Spatial Goals

Walker didn't even realize he had fallen asleep. When he woke up he was certain that it had been a few hours. But he was surprised that he found himself with a new skill at this time. It wasn't a skill that would break the world or that would shock everyone. It was just a useful skill that came from the fact that he and the rest of the group had been pushing forward and resting for shorter times. He was sure the others could learn it too. 

'The skill, trained resting has been learned. Every being that requires sleep can learn this skill. 

Trained resting- passive

This skill can be learned through controlling the times the user rests. It is also gained through perseverance to abstain from resting. Due to this balance, the way that mana flows is enhanced when resisting. Therefore, the body, mind, and mana are all better recovered. There is also a better sense of refreshment from resting. 

Shorter periods of rest will better enhance the user. The rest will be just as efficient as a longer rest. The more that the user improves this ability by using their own balance needed to active and inactive periods, the better their quality of rest. 

This skill is often gained by scholars as they work on grand studies or learned by soldiers who travel and strive to grow.'

While Walker looked at the skill, he realized he had not woken up by himself. He had been woken up but the sound of voices approaching the small tent set up for him slightly away from others so that he could take some time for himself. 

The voices were not overly loud but they had mentioned his name. The first thought that came to him was that these people were here to wake him up. But when he heard the words space and teleportation runes, he realized that these were the spatial mages or researchers that had come from the Fel empire. 

With a deep breath and a little water manipulation, Walker washed his face and stepped out of his tent. He was glad to see that he was actually able to sleep for six hours which was a massive boon compared to how much he had been able to rest lately. But even better, he had been able to gain a skill that allowed him to feel better. 

The knots in his shoulder and the dark circles under his eyes had faded which made him look like the leader he was to the party and to Genesis. He was clearly more refreshed. But the fact that he had recovered some of his mana, specifically, natural mana in to the spirit mark helped immensely. He could tell that Fleur was still slumbering within the spirit mark to regain strength, but he could also feel that she had gotten stronger along with his understanding of mana opening up as a whole. 

"You must be the leader we were sent to find. I was dragged out of my lab you know. I had to put research I was doing for the last twenty years on hold. Do you know what-"

"This is Ezra, he is an odd one of the Fel empire researchers. He has led three breakthroughs in the understanding of spatial mana. His efforts developed the unique item, spatial bag which is yet to be replicated, the rough spatial rune that created it, and also the ability to use spatial magic to teleport small objects within the same home to different areas within that home. I apologize for his rudeness. He does not often meet with others that are not his assistant." 

The angel soldier that apologized looked like he was used to these actions. It was easier to understand that this soldier was most likely a guard for such a valuable researcher. He would have dealt with many things this researcher did that could have caused trouble or even would have been dangerous in one way or another. Not to mention the general amount of time the two most likely spent with one another. 

"I am Wakker, thank you for coming as fast as possible. I should let you know though, that whatever research you were doing might get forgotten after you see this." Walker smirked as he pulled out the eternal orb from the high spatial storage skill. 

While Walker was limited in the spatial skills he had, this being the only one, he was certain that just by using this one skill he would have trumped whatever this researcher was all caught up in. 

Ezra stopped speaking. He even stopped breathing when he saw Walker putting different items in to the high spatial storage and out of the high spatial storage. It wasn't just the sight of the skill, but it was the fact that the skill was openly showing off spoken spatial mana even though Walker couldn't control it. 

The single bit of spatial mana that would escape every single time that Walker would use the skill was enough to resonate with the small spatial affinity that Ezra had. He had enough knowledge to be considered a spatial mage, but his actual system was different. 

"I am only a spatial magic researcher. They call me a spatial mage, but I can barely manipulate the spatial mana. How can you so easily do that without researching and controlling the mana? what is the source of spatial mana for your skill? How can you sense what is within that storage? Is it an isolated space from time? Or is it a secondary overlapping space? Did you create an entire world to store items? Is this a spatial creation type skills? What-"

"And now you have done it. The last time he found a spatial mana crystal the size of a thumb nail he was like this. He will run out of things to say in just a few moments. For the time being, why don't I show you the journals he used when learning how to use small teleportation for objects within a singular space. Then we can go over the diagram of the rough spatial rune."

"The rough spatial rune was a broken rune discovered and then Ezra altered and repaired it. He technically created the rune based on what it is now since it was modified to work. I am sure that it will be the center of whatever you may want to research. I am lacking details. But I assure you, that I will be able to translate Ezra's ramblings."

Walker looked at the angel guard and felt that it was even deeper that the guard had learned about spatial magic from Ezra. Also about Ezra's personality. "I have a feeling that you might have gained a little from working with him. Can I ask what system you use?" Walker saw a glint in the angel's eyes. 

"I am a rarer swordsman, it is called the dashing swordmaster system. I have the ability to focus on my speed to use higher class sword skills. I also have a master title called the unseen sword because of my speed. It makes me the ideal guard for someone trying to play with the essence of space. I have saved my researcher from multiple accidents with such speed. Sometimes space does not like to be tampered with." This was both a good piece of advice and also enlightening about the stronger of the Fel empire angels. 

The strength of the angels in the Fel empire was high because of unique qualities. Hence why he was with such an important figure. But knowing that there was danger in spatial mana was important. Walker appreciated the warning again since he knew that he might get lost in this sort of task. 

Learning about mana was dangerous. Magic could go against the user if they were not careful. Walker had felt this danger multiple times while experimenting. If he had not used the senses and skills he had to manipulate mana, it would have been riskier. He was lucky up to now that he had so many good pieces of knowledge to help him. But where he was even luckier was the fact that he had affinities for all manas. 

"I look forward to learning with you then. We are going to be trying to make the first ever teleportation rune formation that can send us back to Genesis and possibly back here faster. I have no idea how we will do it, how long it will take, and what we need to research. But I have some scrolls left from a unique individual that should enlighten us." Walker smiled widely as he prepared himself to delve in to this mystery. Especially since there was a very tempting unknown result coming because of him opening scroll to be able to use as his textbook. 


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