Master Of None

1778 1778. One Step Behind

The wyvern queen was clearly very different. There was a lot more control over her movements even though she would have lasting injuries from the attack of the yellow acid slime. But what contributed to the sudden change in mentality wasn't only the fact that she was seeing the beings that she had seen in the ruins as statues. She was different because of her bloodline changing.

The wyvern queen was not influenced by the simple brutality of dragon blood within her anymore. She was now able to discern the differences in a proper intelligent species and a real species. The differences that had been between them and their race before was simple, anger and instincts.

The wyverns had been many in number, enough that if they were more intellectual, then they would have already been recognized as a race. When the dragons had appeared to take the lead of them, the world had enough reason to push for a world quest. A racial quest to help the wyverns.

This turn had shown everyone that the wyverns were not necessarily evil. They were mostly victims of their blood and beastly instinct to battle, fight for their territory, and kill whatever they could for food when they lacked it. These instinctual drivers were too much to resist causing a loss of intellect. By overcoming them, the wyvern queen had already given birth to eggs that would be separate from that brutality and be able to be real earth wyverns.

Therefore, the wyvern race had already been separated, it was just a matter of time before the wyverns would be recognized properly. By finishing the quest, the world was able to place its influence in again and free the existing wyverns of their burdens. Their blood was still mixed, but some of the clouded judgment and brutality had been washed away. Now they would be able to live.

While the world seemed mysterious, the clear message of all of this was simple. The world or mysterious existence that governed everything, the systems, races, and even the mana around did not want to just watch war and death. It wanted everything and everyone to live a pure and true existence. That filled Walker and the others with a great amount of pride and joy.

As Terron had taken the full lead, the other royal dragons had backed off slightly. This wasn't fear or anything related to that. It was respect. Terron had taken the wyverns as a race under him. It was the safe and a dragon taking a village under their own territory. That made the wyverns and everything they claimed as their homes, theirs.

On top of this, the entire mountain had been created by an ancient dragon. One of Terron's blood. An earth dominator dragon had left everything behind so that the dragons could one day find it when there was not war any longer. It was something meant for Terron and the same would be elsewhere for the other dragons. How could they trample on that? It would a great disrespect.

The wyvern queen was listening to Terron as he spoke talking about the rules of a territory, the control one would need over their people. But when the wyvern queen glanced at the royal dragons and to the party, she looked back at Terron before he gave her a nod.

"You are not like them. How are you able to stand with them?" The curiosity was something that had bloomed when the wyvern queen first saw that Walker had acted and used skills to mimic dragons. It was clear to her that he had power she did not. Yet, with this new clarity in mind after becoming her very own race, she did not understand anything. The world was larger than she knew.

"I am human. Just that. But I have blinds with dragons, abyssal serpents, and many other friends. I am not necessarily human anymore due to all of that. But I started simple, I believed in things and stood up for that. I met people that changed the course of my life and got stronger. As I did, I embraced many things. That put me here in front of you and gave us the chance to help you instead of the full war which would have happened if we did not appear on this continent." Walker knew this wasn't really an answer.

"One day, when your wyverns are ready, they can come visit the home that myself and my family, my bonds, my friends, and so many more are making. It is open to every race. Monster races like you, ancient races like the dragons, and younger races as well. Everyone has a chance there. I wouldn't mind seeing the world like that."

A small glint flashes in the eyes of the wyvern queen as she absorbed this information. A potential where she would not be fighting and killing for her chance to grow the race she desired. It would be different, very much so, but it would be better. It would be better. "Terron might even bring you there one day. He has some of the young earth dragons there to learn things. Not many yet, but I know he will be happy with what they learn there.

"First though, Terron should be showing you to help your people become organized. He has already created entire spaces for a village near the water. I bet he will show you things I haven't seen yet. I bet he will also show you a way to live with the angels instead of fighting them. In the future, they should also help you in return. Food, safety, and family. You'll have it all."

Walker seemed to be putting words in Terron's mouth but Terron didn't even flinch. What Walker was saying was true. Terron intended all of this as the guiding dragon for the wyvern race. The earth wyverns would be able to learn all that and more. They might even become a dramatically different society because of their time in the world compared to what would have happened if the eggs the wyvern queen had birthed hatched in to a world of battle instead.

"Seran, you should have already reported this, right?" Walker looked at Seran who nodded quickly. "Then we should head away. Terron has a lot of work to do and the wyverns are calmed down a lot. Even the little ones that came back are waiting for their queen to say something, we can't get in the way of that, right?"

This was a little pushy but Terron appeared to be grateful for it. He had a lot to do and had just shouldered a large amount of work. Things that would keep him from his own territory. "As agreed, we will watch your home. Nothing will touch your elder dragons." Current made a simple promise before following the party away. None of them stayed in the same chamber. But just as they left, Walker swore he saw one of the wyvern queens' eggs shake just slightly. Even if it didn't really happen, it made him that much happier.

"The things we are left with is a loss of a dragon to our cause. Terron is strong. He is not with us now." Su was torn because she knew the importance of Terron being here.

"I will manage without him. One dragon would be enough to handle this issue. My light will cause those undead to fall and we will find those demons. They have the bodies of wyverns and have dared touch a dragon's ruins." Rise was understandably worked up. She was just showing now.

"These slimes are what I'm worried about. That slime breeder had more lord slimes with him and managed to get whatever wyvern bodies using them. He even left one to attack as a disposable attack against the wyverns. If the queen died, they would have gone berserk." Gil made a clear point that the worst could have happened. But they hadn't actually thwarted any plans. Just prevented the side effects.

"It feels like we are just reacting every time we have to deal with the demons. How do we get ahead" Remey spoke with a frustrated tone that everyone felt. They all felt the same way when the demons were brought up.

"I have a feeling that they will be with the undead too. They took a wyvern's body, why would they need it?" Mordant growled a little after saying this. "We will take down the undead and erase that potential. We just need to speed up our plans." Mordant seemed willing to make some sacrifices for this. He would not be fooling around now.

"Then that's that. We will start moving in a few hours. Seran, we can leave you here to handle things. You fought wyverns so you can help show them the opposite of battle. It should be better for those that were at odds for them to learn about their future. You can be biased and have your view altered by what you see changing." Seran didn't respond for some time until he nodded a little.

Walker had imagined some pushback but saw that Seran truly wanted to keep the Wyverns accountable. His soldiers would be the same as well. "The Fel empire might not be ready for us, but we are coming. We will need to rely on the life mages, crystal healers, and everyone else we meet to help us out. Hopefully they can handle a speedy movement to assist." Walker looked at everyone and saw they were already prepared to move. No one had expected a long rest after this. It was a little sad but just the truth they had to face with their goals and ambitions.


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