Master Of None

1708 1708. Herbs And Monsters

"Red tipped ivy, it is basically just a common weed unless you harvest only the smallest red leaves before they turn green with only red tips. The baby leaves can be used to make a tea that helps the stomach calm down." Walker had listed a significant number of herbs so far but he had just realized that the land around them had started to change.

The grasses were growing in less dense groups as the trees and bushes had started to take over. They had only been walking for a few hours but the tall grasses and fewer trees had been replaced. The beach was far enough behind that it was impossible to even see anything without flying above the trees and in to the air by a decent margin. The party had forgotten how fast they could move now that their levels were higher.

'Pig tail grass

The pig tail grass is known for the curly tops that it has. They are rarely used for alchemy due to their weak healing abilities. However, they are used in high class cooking to brighten and enhance a dish. They have a strong onion flavor that mixes well with many things. The slight healing properties also transfer over making it perfect for spiritual cooking.'

"Spiritual cooking?" Remey was confused. They had nothing of the sort back home. The only cooking that came with healing or added bonuses were extremely rare systems that were closer to alchemists than anything else.

"I assume it is something that is unique to Sigil. If there are foods that can be made using these kinds of herbs, then it means that there are better ones. It says weak healing properties, that must mean that there are those with strong healing properties." No one rejected Walker's theory. It was actually kind of amazing to imagine wounds could heal just by eating a certain dish.

"Yes yes yes, don't worry Midnight. If you can't make Walker learn it then I will. It sounds very good for when we need a good rest between adventures." Su was already conspiring with Midnight. Walker could only accept his fate. He would have to learn the new form of cooking before he even tried to leave this continent after they finished their business.

"Wait, Walker, that herb looks weird. Don't let Remey touch it." Gil stopped Walker and Remey from moving for a second. He was looking at a small plant with a large bell shaped purple flower. The shape was odd since it was too large. It appeared that it shouldn't fit on the plant it was growing on.

"Oh, that looks like the powder blossoms. They went extinct in the elven forest because there was a species of rotten sparrows that ate them all. We killed the rotten sparrows but they did their damage years ago. I read about it in books." Alma had been silently walking further behind but had managed to catch back up after sending more elves around to scout the area. Now she was looking at the same plant with them.

"Let's see what these ones are all about then." Walker wasn't surprised that Alma had caught up. He knew that she would catch back up after finishing her orders and evaluations of the area with her trusted guards. She would also be right with Remey when it came to plants. The two could be the very reason that his mind became the same as an alchemy textbook for anyone in the alchemist guild.

'Purple powder blossom

This is a plant that grows only after a large rain. They are similar to mushrooms however, they had a more plant like structure. They are a strange mix of mushroom and plant. Inside the bell flower is a massive amount of pollen and seed. When the flower blooms, it spits these seeds and pollen all around it in one burst.

The pollen is often poisonous causing many symptoms depending on the color. The purple coloration in this powder blossom is able to cause fever and sweating. The other colors can cause a range of side effects such as paralysis, blindness, numbness, and even death depending on the mana it has absorbed over time.'

The group listened to this with some surprise. Gil, Remey, Alma, and even Alice all saw that there was value in these plants. They could be used for healing, potions, and even in battle.

"I could use these to paralyze an entire hoard of monsters with this." Alma also thought she could do more. If they encountered an army she could stop them in their tracks without killing a single soldier. That was the best kind of victory when it came to war. One without spilling even a single drop of blood.

Rmeey's thoughts were different, "I could make numbing medicines to use for people who had larger injuries, but I could also make sure that we have better antidotes against plants similar to these. That would make the herbalists more comfortable hunting for herbs we can't grow." This practical use would greatly help the herbalists just learning or trying to get the rarest and most dangerous herbs. Not every herb was all good.

"Those are great uses but what about bringing them back to the forest?" Alice had taken a more sentimental thought. She recognized the uses that these plants would have. They were pretty but useful for medicine. She was healer, how could she miss the chance to help others?

There was also the fact that Alma had shown some sadness not being able to see a plant that had once existed in her home. The forest had definitely been affected by the loss of a plant that had once been there all year round. It was certainly a food source for certain animals and monsters.

"Alice, you are great! We should bring it back. The elves that used to collect them will be ecstatic!" Alma jumped and jugged Alice. She was glad that someone was supporting something that she hadn't even considered doing yet because she had been too focused on the fact that she would have to use them to fight.

"I guess that means we will be looking for every color then." Gil stretched a little and started to glance around. He was going to keep a sharp eye out so that Alma could gather more of them as they went. The bugs of the flowers could be taken and stored carefully so that the pollen wouldn't get anywhere and cause any issues.

Meanwhile, Su pulled a few people aside that were close to the party. She had them send the message down that these herbs and plants were dangerous. It was best that if anyone encountered them of any color that they were wary of them so that they would not bloom and cause any issues.

'Weeping oak

That is a not actually a tree but a monster. It is not active during the day and will place its roots in the ground. At night, it will lower its branches and start to use them to help it move. In the center of the trunk it has an empty space where it will trap prey and slowly dissolve them similar to some of the venus fly trap monsters in other forests.

The dangers these possess is that they will match the trees around them, however, they primarily copy oaks since they naturally have limbs and bark like skin similar to them. However, the leaves they grow are actually closer to feathers which are great for use in many home goods.'

"Oh, and that tree is actually a monster. It's sleeping now but  it's nocturnal. It might try and eat us at night." Walker stood in front of it and pulled one of the leaves off. He found that it was actually very close to a feather. The leaves had smaller pieces that came together to smoke a leaf shape. they would definitely be useful for pillows, beds, and blankets. Not to mention anything else that could be related to jewelry.

"And you just decided to pull off a part of it? Brother, you need to be more careful!" the sudden reprimand from onyx made everyone raise an eyebrow. It was rare that onyx was the voice of reason since he was always watching and learning instead.

"I knew it was sleeping so I just checked it out. We should just keep an eye out for them. I doubt they can harm us if we let a little mana flow around us." Walker pulled some wind mana around him and saw the branches stiffen against the small breeze he created. The weeping oak clearly felt the threat instinctually. "See? We can make them steer clear of us. Just let everyone know to keep themselves prepared at night." This was a quick addition to the messages passed down from them but a very good one for those that might take a night watch later.


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