Master Of None

1698 1698. Land Oh Land

Through the long effort of getting every ship through the coral maze, everyone had been able to take their time and recover from battles, training, and anything else that had stressed them. The goals they all had were cleared up to some degree. Every soldier, warrior, and leader of their ships knew that they had to arrange a port for themselves to stop. It would be their base camp for the time being.

The main issue was that they had no idea of where they were or of what empire's lands they would be setting up on. It could cause some issues if they just went out and started to map things out without a thought.

The terror that a dragon would bring was also clear. Not only this, but just the fact that the scent of dragons would be around was sure to attract a wyvern, this was their land. One thing though that Walker decided to do was to take a walk in the sky with Ventus. She could maintain her dragonkin form while he made the water and the air form a fog that seemed to be a cloud in the morning.

The idea to hide themselves had come from Elise who had complained that the fog in the mornings was annoying for the harpies to fly in. Stella also didn't like it because the fog would settle on her feathers making it a little harder to fly.

Hearing this, Walker had the smack in the face idea to hide their surveying of the immediate area. He and Ventus could check out what was going on so that they could have a better plan of where they would travel. It would be better to spread out in small groups unless they had a plan of transit for everyone. The main forces would have to remain back and protect the ships though. If the ships were lost, they would lose everything.

"Walker, there should be a good height for now. There are clouds in the sky so we are camouflaged against them." This was even better. The perfect blue sky that was around all the day before had become the partly cloudy sky. No storm clouds had gathered but they were puffy and pure white clouds. That seemed to be made of cotton. It was ideal for them to hide in if they spotted something dangerous.

From the height that the two had gone, they could see beyond the beach that was just near them from the waters where the ships had set their anchors. The beaches were long and covered the coast as far as they could see. But there were no signs that anyone had been around them at all recently. Even the trees and grasses that came right up to the beach were thick and seemed full of plants both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Remey is going to go wild as soon as we set foot on the beach. I would not doubt that she has an alchemy and herbalist group prepared to catalog everything. The old master alchemist and Trish are going to be very jealous when we get back." Walker's chuckling made Ventus wonder just how Walker could remain so positive at all times. It was a strange infectious attitude that greatly seemed to make everyone around him want to be more.

"What about beyond those trees? There seems to be a trail." Ventus shook her head and cleared her mind before focusing her eyes. She was a wind elemental dragon. She had the sharp eyes to hunt from the highest of heights in the sky. That made her able to make out the small details of a trail cut through the trees and moving beyond them in to a small opening in the forest.

"That could be the first way we head. Can you tell if it is older or newer?" Walker knew that his eyesight was nothing compared to Ventus's eyesight. The more she was able to discern the better.

"It's well used. There is not a single bit of growth around it. They even lined it with sand from the beach. A smart decision since the salt should stop basic plant growth." Ventus saw this as a smart use of natural resources without putting in much effort. She would be sure to use such strategies like this when she returned to her villages. Moving a little beach sand would be easy for her.

"That means we might have a village nearby. Let's see what we can find if w- That's smoke right there. That's the first location we go. We can send a small group to investigate. It should be simple." From what Walker could see, it was a simple fire. The smoke wasn't blackened by anything burning that shouldn't be burning. Just the average burning of firewood.

"Then that is our goal. We will send a few warriors too so that things are safe. They can hide. Mordant should deal with that." Ventus knew that she would not be able to fly freely and drop her dragonkin right in to the midst of whatever was there. But she still wanted to. It was terrible that she could not use her full power without the risk of drawing many enemies. Holding back was not a dragon's strong point.

"We will have a lot more information soon. The moment we do, then you will be able to get a real look at this Sigil continent." Walker could feel how Ventus felt. He wanted to go with her to the skies and see just what this place looked like. He already understood that this continent was massive. But that would have to come later.

The second that the pair started descending, everyone began to move. They had already prepared lifeboats to go ashore with a few people that could start building the temporary camps they needed. Archers and Mordant's dragonkin were the most active because they would be handling the majority of protection while hiding in the nearby trees and shrubbery.

"We have a lead on a potential village. We will go and check it out the moment that we set foot on land. There is a ban on using fire or anything that could signal an enemy. If you break this until you are told otherwise, you will remain on the ships until we return home." Walker said this loudly enough so that everyone would have to understand. It would be passed to the other ships as a heavy order.

"We are moving out!" Walker's second shout was a little louder and caused everyone to move faster. Scylla walked through the air while Walker did as well. She wanted to step on land first but was rivaled by Leon swimming just as fast. Even the royal dragons wanted to be the first to step on a new continent. Not a single person on the ship had a different thought. They had to be serious, but to be the first on a new land? That was a wondrous feeling that made their heart hesitate to beat for a moment.

Yet, they all should have expected that the darker brown flash that moved passed them all was Terron. The earth elemental royal dragon that had been tough through a journey away from the earth that he was so deeply connected. He had managed the uncomfortable position and even flown in the air to defend the ships when need be. Now that he had his earth back, he would be able to strengthen his knowledge and catch up to the other royal dragons that had chances to advance where he had not.

As Terron touched the sands, they seemed to move with his will. Slowly, the sands flattened themselves and made a better place for the lifeboat to land. The scary part was that there was no loud sound of all the sand moving. It was nearly silent. This was the depth of control that Terron had over everyone else when it came to the earth manipulation. The depth of understanding that made Walker's seem microscopic.

"Welcome back to land Terron." Walker made it to the sands with the others and saw that Terron was hopper than he had seen him yet. This was a true love for his affinity and the desire to be one with it. It was a side of a royal dragon that was normally seen as stubborn and harsh that no one ever saw. It was even funnier seeing his dragonkin act the same. They were all overjoyed.

"Get your information. I will change the land to create the camps afterwards." Terron only responded with this before he focused his eyes on the harder earth that made up the land ahead of the beach. It was clear that he wanted to go out searching through these unexplored territories.

"If you go out there without my golems, you will lose the chance to excavate more tunnels. The caves here have to be massive." The king of the surface managed to get to the beach as well and immediately started bargaining with Terron for control of caves for them and the dwarves. It was a strange sight.


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