Master Of None

1694 1694. Bring The Light...Sword

'Undead coral octopus

The coral octopus has symbiotic relationships with unique corals of its choosing. They will grow in to armor to protect it while becoming one with it completely. The coral will then excrete poisons that come from what the coral octopus consumes.

The coral octopus is still perfectly balanced with the coral that had now taken a deeper root in its body after it died. With the undead darkness mana and energy within its body, the coral had mutated and grown too. It is tough enough to defend the coral octopus while still consuming whatever it eats. This is an extremely unique undead monster.'

Walker cursed internally seeing that he was facing a tougher undead. The coral octopus would have been weaker if it wasn't an undead. The reason it was so hard to beat now was because the coral that it had been balanced with was now taking over. With the undead ghost ship captain in control, it was now a force to be reckoned with.

The sword of the undead captain also carried deadly attacks. Every slash sent a wave of strange undead energy and darkness decaying mana at them. The only things that could block them were the light elemental attacks of the dragonkin and Walker. He was silently praising Alice for the fact that she was buffing everyone to help purify the undead.

"We will hold the monsters here, you face the controlling monster!" The dragonkin that said this growled as soon as he had finished. Every single dragonkin reacted together with this decision. It was incredibly impressive to see them all move without even looking at one another. It only came with the fact that they had trained together and knew each other so well. No one else could do this without such a bond.

The dragonkin sprinted toward the coral octopuses. They were already prepared to take a few hits and trusted that Walker would easily defeat the ghost ship captain. Especially since he had the strength to attack and defeat many other undead using his control of mana. They had all seen the strength that walker possessed. Now they would be the reason he could use this strength.

Coral octopuses lashed out trying to kill the dragonkin over and over, but as the swords covered in light elemental mana struck the coral, the octopuses found that they were losing parts of their tentacles. The dragonkin's strength was much more than it appeared. They could easily break the coral that had overgrown on the rotting bodies of the coral octopuses. The result was enraged undead that were even more reckless in their attacks.

Seeing that the light affinity dragonkin were more than living up to their word, Walker did not hesitate to use the light elemental mana around him to create some light elemental dragon wings. He didn't want to charge through the octopuses and possibly get struck by their tentacles laced with poisons.

The poisons were already hitting the dragonkin and making their white scales look weaker and darker. It was fast moving proving that Walker had to push himself even harder. He could not allow a single warrior to fall here. They had so much preparation with the healers and light affinity attackers on their side. This unexpected situation was actually perfectly countered. Losing someone would be a massive hit to the morale of the entire army traveling to this new continent.

With a blinding flash, the light elemental mana condensed on Walker's back. He had copied the style of Rise's wings and shrunk them to fit his body. They were radiating a light aura that started to counter the buff that the ghost ship captain had used on the undead. This was a massive boon for those fighting anywhere near Walker. But it was not the intentional result.

The wings flapped and Walker leaped over the octopuses fighting. One struck out at him but he had already slashed down with the light elemental buffed swords. The lightning sword style showed its speed and efficiency as it cut apart the coral octopuses' tentacle. This didn't slow Walker down in the least.

The ghost ship captain let out a gargled roar as it gathered more of the death and decaying manas around him. It seemed that the ghost ship captain had finally been properly threatened. It was ready to fight face to face with Walker.

The darkness mana that attacked Walker was coming front he chipped and rusted sword. It directly collided with the crossed swords that Walker had used to defend himself. The decaying mana started to make the light elemental buff that Alice provided fade. It truly spoke to how corrupted this undead ghost ship captain was.

With a large push, Walker added some wind elemental mana to his back. It gave him enough strength to force the ghost ship captain back a few steps. It also allowed Walker to regain more of the buff from Alice's singing. This boost was what he focused on. He had the light elemental mana from Rise and Alice that he had gathered on his back, now he just had to use it correctly.

The focus of the mana on his swords was something that Walker had already learned. Light elemental mana could be used to make a second blade that would attack after the real blade. He had done this, but he had not created a wave like blade the exact same as Alice's that was made of completely pure light. Purifying light focused on purifying undead.

The light flames that walker had made when he was in the undead filled ruins were clear in his mind. They were purifying flames that had turned many undead to ashes. Now he had to channel that same feeling in to the light elemental mana that he wanted to throw as a thrown blade. The same as skills he had seen.

So many things Walker had seen and learned could be brought together. He had missed this since he had not been in the right situations to spur his imagination. The right pressure to force his hands. Now was the right time.

The light on his wings faded and Walker was left with the light elemental mana forming a larger greatsword in the air. It was the same style as Alice would use but it followed Walker's movement. The ghost ship captain thought that Walker had weakened when the light wings disappeared. It was foolish since it had not noticed the light gathering above Walker.

The charge from the ghost ship captain carried an immense amount of darkness decaying mana. It was the core mana that brought the resentment and strength of the ghost ship together. Fighting with all it had was why the undead captain had only grown in strength. Why the ghost ship had persisted for so long. Why the undead bowed to it and followed every small order. It refused to perish so long after its death.

Walker felt the puzzle pieces connect. He didn't even look at the system since he could tell the mana had settled in to the largest light elemental attack he had. Even in the day, the light would have shined stronger than anything else Walker could make. But in the night, it was blinking.

The large light elemental mana great sword struck down with Walker's two swords together. The combined attack hit the ghost ship captain and the entire ghost ship. The results were as anyone expected of Walker, complete and utter victory.

The light radiated from where Walker was causing the entire ghost ship to lose the darkness mana that had long been holding it together. The undead around followed suit falling to pieces or completely becoming ash before everyone's eyes.

The purifying great sword had done its job, but it had also used a much larger chunk of Walker's mana than expected. He felt that he had just been drained dry and needed to take a knee to recover the mental faculties he needed to move on. Unfortunately, the ghost ship crumbled and everyone on board found themselves in the waters. If it weren't for the merfolk and golems, they would have sunk right to the bottom.

Alice surprised everyone by being the only one that he managed to somehow land in a lifeboat without being soaked. However, her job was still just starting. With Remey and herself becoming the focus of everything, she had begun to heal the wounds and poisons that everyone had taken on due to the undead.

No one had died, but the poisons were plaguing their bodies. Even Walker could tell that he had small scratches from the attacks of undead around him. He had been too caught up in the battle to notice them, but the black lines leaving from the scratches proved that poison ran in his veins. It was going to be a long night of healing for him and many others. The ships would remain anchored.


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