Master Of None

1683 1683. We Can Do It Too!

"Brother has been working hard." Onyx could see the other ship and had gathered what had happened from what others had told him. Midnight and him felt a little left out. The two had wanted to help more, but found themselves at a loss.

Onyx was limited to staying on the ship. He knew how dangerous it would be to risk swimming out even with his largest natural size. Midnight on the other hand could not have withstood the waves and wind. She was still too young for that. It had been why she was left to just help hold some mages from falling overboard.

"Not strong enough." Midnight's response was exactly how Onyx felt as well. The two didn't feel strong enough. They were up close and personal fighters. Even with Onyx using light and shadow to make blades from a mid ranged distance, it was still not much at all. The same could be said for M midnight's flames breath attacks.

"I know you want to ask the other dragons for more guidance. I'm sorry that they are busy now sister." Onyx could feel that Midnight was annoyed by this. However, she did see that they were also training to get stronger. It was just how things would be for now. There was a lot to learn.

"Brother used lightning just now. I saw it wrap the ship. And Alma redirected the rest of the lightning. They did so many things…" Seeing his older brother do so much had made Onyx truly feel small again. It was the same feeling he had when he hatched out of the egg for the first time. Small and weak, but with powerful guardians.

Naturally, Midnight had felt that way for much longer. Walker and the otters had appeared out of nowhere to find her when her mother had left her to protect her. In a way, Midnight had been feeling just as small even though she was gaining the strength of dragons more and more every day.

"I bet you can mix your dragon breath attacks to make a lightning attack like that too." Onyx had no sooner said it, that he regretted it. Midnight had already jumped in to action and was looking to start practicing. Even after the storm, the two had enough energy for a little training. Onyx had just wanted to rest though since they had no idea when the next thing would happen.

What was scarier, was the fact that both Midnight and Onyx had sensed what Walker was doing. They had had a strong bind and as much as Walker sensed things, they did too. This was something that Walker often forgot about since he was focused on what was coming through to him and not what he was sending them.

That meant that Onyx and Midnight felt every single moment of Walker learning how to manipulate all three manas to create lighting. How he was using natural mana and understanding his control of it. And how he had been able to constantly let mana flow through his body to more or less forget that he had a limit on the mana within his body. A true way to use the bare minimum of his body's mana to manipulate mana around him.

While using natural mana was not something that Onyx could achieve because he had not even figured out how to manipulate anything other than light or darkness, Midnight had already grasped skills that were related to all elemental manas. She had the true dragon champion bloodline that allowed her the affinities naturally. Onyx was limited to his bloodline as an abyssal serpent.

However, that was not a reason for anyone to look down on him. Onyx had already figured out a few things about his ancient origin and how his species was split in to two versions. He had also understood how to use the light elemental affinity he had without learning that he had that ability as a species beforehand. It was already considered something great for him and naturally, Onyx wanted to pursue this further.

Midnight suddenly huffed out a large puff of smoke making Onyx worry. He had been too distracted with his sudden thoughts that he did not realize that Midnight was trying to mix elemental mana inside her body to make lightning breath.

"Sister, you should try it in very small amounts. Brother does that when he starts to mix things as well. He does it outside his body too, not inside!" The worry that Onyx had for his sister was the same that she had for him. Even though she was technically the older sibling in their family, he worried about her much more. She was a dragon that could fight head to head with other powerful beings, it would be wrong not to worry.

"What if you made a flame breath stop in front of your mouth then let it shoot out?" What Onyx was thinking of was when Walker used the fire bolt attacks. They seemed to make a small ball form first. But if Midnight did this at a larger size, then she might be able to have the time to mix mana. If there was an explosion or anything negative when mixing them, the damage could be healed better than if it happened inside her body.

"Try it will just fire first. Then move on to mixing fire and wind if it works." Onyx was like a teacher. Between the two, Onyx was definitely the smarter. He was a scholar of sorts because of his goals. He was trying to find his past and his species' future. Midnight on the other hand, was carving a path herself. She just used her natural skills and bonds to do it. She didn't need the hyper focused intellect that onyx did. It wasn't that she lacked it.

"I can try!" The following growl was not just Midnight's additional approval of the idea. It was her determination and clear happiness knowing that she was not alone in this endeavor. However, she was even more surprised when she saw Onyx start to manipulate his shadow to form a ball of moving shadows.

"Sister, I can do this with my shadow, you can easily do it with your fire!" Onyx's guidance was even better. He had a very close control of his own shadow, let alone darkness mana. He had purely focused on it and light so it was easier to show than just tell.

The fires that normally built up in Midnight's heart were slowly released from her maw. She had done similar things when forging and training. She could make slow flames and they could be used to deter things. However, they were better in forging because they maintained a constant pressure and heat.

Since Midnight had not worried about controlling the flames after they left her maw, she had not realized that she couldn't do it first try. The flames just moved away from her and dissipated. It stunned her. She hadn't expected it at all after seeing how easy it was for Walker and Onyx and many other mages.

This made her a little angry, but as she saw Onyx slowly observing and looking for any tiny thing he could do to help, she calmed down immensely. Her heart even beat steadier after feeling that he was right there supporting her. She was his big sister and he was her little brother. They were family and couldn't get angry around each other if they were both working to make the other stronger. This was something she had seen and was glad to be able to live up to.

This reassurance made Midnight reach out with the mana that normally stayed close to her body. She used the same feeling of when she formed the bone armor around her and when she used the shadow wrapping skill. Instead of focusing on her whole entire body. She focused on her mouth and right in front of her.

The flames acted like soldiers pulled back in to attention. Midnight had the control, she just hadn't exercised it correctly yet. Now that she had kept the flames from moving forward, she watched Onyx move the shadows out of the corner of her eye and copied him. The flames obeyed her quickly.

A small ball of fire grew larger in front of her. But it was also growing more dense. The moment that Midnight felt it had reached a strong level, she released it in to the ocean and watched it fizzle out. There had been no reaction yet.

"Sister, we aren't filling the center of it! I completely missed the feeling. The entire thing needs to be solid!" Onyx felt like a fool. But Midnight just nudged him with her snout and reassured him. They were learning together. Onyx would use light and darkness and she would use elemental flames. They would be using the same attacks together.



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