Master Of None

1673 1673. Darkness In Ice

The shattering ice was the challenge that Walker encountered over and over. For whatever reason, he was losing the balance. But it could all be added up to the division in his attention. Having to walk through the air to keep his pace and also to maintain the balance between two different elemental mana that would prefer to be separate was taking its toll.

However, he would not be giving up. He knew that the more things he could do the better. The more fusions of mana that came naturally to him would be more means to defend those he cared for when he was in danger.

This desire only grew the more he forced the two elemental manas together. The falling black ice crystals were like a shadowy snow falling around the ships. Unknown to Walker, many of those on watch had noticed this and were wondering what was going on.

They did see that they were slightly more covered than before though. The shadow ice crystals falling were covering them from view to a small degree. In their eyes, they saw Walker doing his best to protect them in case anything out in the ocean spotted them. It was just another reason why they had to praise the heroes that had already helped create a new home for them and show them the beauty of the other races.

After another slight stumble in the air, Walker wondered why this was so easy when he formed the dragon wings on his back. The elemental mana always came together with the skill no matter what he did. It wouldn't fuse but even though it was in battle with the other elemental manas, it did not react so negatively. It remained balanced and somewhat combined.

The idea that the natural mana and his mana coming together in those skills made the most sense. But that was what Walker was doing at the moment and having no result. Why could he not fuse the shadows that came with the darkness elemental mana in to the ice?

'The skill shadow snow has been taken from the dark snow queen system. The user has learned the skill shadow snow through the constant creation of ice crystals bonded with the darkness mana linked to shadows.

Shadow snow- 10 mana per hour

The shadow snow is ideal for cloaking things in darkness when in the icy cold parts of the world. While only effective in the night, it is an ideal way to hide something larger from prying eyes. It has a higher mana cost but can work very well with the environment to cut down on the cost of mana.'

The system responded with exactly what Walker expected. He knew he would end up with some form of skill but for now, it was just a shadow snow skill. His efforts to force the shadows in to ice was not working which led him to this. A skill that had a very specific usage in very specific situations. It would even cost him more mana if he wasn't in a snowy and icy area.

"wait…I keep fusing the darkness mana inside the ice and not the other way around…" Walker's ideas changed as he read through the skill and thought of his process getting to it. The shadows that he manipulated with the darkness elemental mana were causing the ice crystals he made to shatter. That was the reason for failure, the darkness was not something small.

Walker was taking the shadows and darkness elemental mana that would naturally spread out all around in nature and forcing it to condense. This added pressure to the ice and water he used. Naturally, the shadows would expand immediately after losing Walker's control so that they could return to their spread out state. It was the same when trying to control the wind. It was not easily bound.

The larger amount of water that came up to Walker now that he was confident in what his mistakes were made many look back toward him again. They had seen the falling shadow snow end and wondered just what they would see next. But they were shocked to see the shadows wrapping around Walker even more as well as the water.

The ice and slush mix that formed reminded Walker of the time he first made the frost whip. It was an interesting skill that he really liked for its versatile battle uses but also for the fact that it used two forms of water. Now, he did the same with the water as he let the shadows surround it.

As the darkness mana condensed slightly, it did not immediately spread out. Waker was no longer forcing it in to a certain shape. Instead, the dark mana was being the holder of the ice and water that Walker added to it. Instead of translucent dark ice being formed, Walker saw that the shadows themselves seemed to wrap around every piece of ice, dying it darker than coal.

The ice was somewhat sinking in to the shadows. The odd way that Mordant had helped Walker travel through the shadows came to mind. The biggest problem that Walker had was that he treated the darkness mana and shadows as if they were a flat thing. But they had layers. Many layers. How could there be an entire plane of darkness mana if it was only a flat thing!? He had been too naive.

This realization caused Walker to double down on what he was doing. The icy shadows that rotated around him like strands of black ink were standing out in comparison to the sky. The mist that fell from the clouds only made the scene more dramatic to all those watching. They witnessed the birth of crystalized darkness which could still flow.

'The skill abyssal ice has been taken from the shadow wyrm system. The user has learned the depths of shadows and used it to fuse with other elemental manas to create a skill unique to the plane of darkness and the plane of water's overlapping edges.

Abyssal ice- mana cost depends on amount and environment

This ice is known only to those that have mastered the use of both water and darkness. Those born in it can control both to come together within their bodies and be used to attack, defend, and many other things. There are even some creatures that can be born from it if in the correct place in existence.

The ice is as dark as the abyss of the dark elemental plane but has the form of flowing water and ice. It can be used in many ways and is a skill only made to facilitate the easier creation of this abyssal ice. The uses depend on the creativity of the user.'

The moment that the shadows flowed around Walker creating pitch black crystals, he knew that he had succeeded. His thinking had been wrong in the beginning. He should have looked to bring the two together instead of forcing one to merge inside the other. It was a simple mistake but one that had stopped him from gaining a new understanding.

But the system had given him the abyssal ice skill nonetheless. It was interesting since he was stepping in to another realm of understanding. The pure elemental planes overlapped. That was new news to him. It was surely news to others as well since the plane they lived on was separate to a degree. However, just like Ibis, it was possible to call the monsters from the elemental planes to them. It was just a matter of understanding how this all worked.

The theories and potentials for these things swarmed Walker's mind. If he put too much more thought in to it he would end up melting his brain. For the time being, it was better to shackle these thoughts away from his mind and focus on the main fact before him. He had finally succeeded in fusing darkness mana and water mana by changing forms to ice and condensed shadows.

"Hey Walker, want to come down here and tell us what you just did?" Those watching were very curious. Walker had not realized that he had become the focus of many on look out for the night.

"Sorry, I was probably a big distraction. I fused darkness mana and water mana. I changed the water in to ice and used the shadows as the carrier of the darkness mana. Then I tried to put the darkness mana inside the ice but that made weird snow. So I did the opposite and made the shadows wrap around the ice. Now I have abyssal ice which is found in the darkness and water elemental planes. Kind of cool, right?"

"You say that like you just threw together a simple sandwich. Do you know how many water mages you woke up? Even the dragonkin with darkness affinity came to see what happened." Gil just shook his head at how oblivious Walker was at the moment. It was altogether stunning.



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