Master Of None

1668 1668. Arcane Threads (2)

The fire in Lisa's eyes was enough to tell every single employee that she had about her feelings. She had not had energy like this since she had shown them all the things they could be capable of. Now she was fired up and ready to work toward a new goal. A new potential that could further her abilities. How could she give up?

The desire to compete with Walker was strong. He was her older brother. Her amazing, hero title holding, older brother. Why would anyone accept that they would be second best? There had to be a better way to do this. A higher potential. And the world seemingly saw this.

Not only had Lisa already started to break the mold when it came to being a seamstress, she had been given the chance to fully shatter the mold entirely. The rune sewn fabrics had been the first step after making things for her brother and family.

She had stepped above what others her age were able to do and pursued things that they would be unable to even comprehend yet. It was the same that Walker and his entire party had done but in a different realm. The oldest master seamstresses and tailors had even seen her skill and gone to see her.

Many that had been in genesis for only a short while had seen her work and expected that she was just an apprentice. When they found that she was indeed in charge, they were shaken. In their world of clothing making, crafting, and general sewing, geniuses rarely surfaced. Lisa had already proven that she had stepped beyond the realm of normal but her system had not reflected that.

The elven techniques to sew runes using elemental energies and crystals was already beyond what a normal seamstress could do. Adding in the black needles set that Walker had given Lisa from Midnight's baby dragon scales, her work had become much more advanced.

Runes, magic, and higher quality materials led Lisa to a new paths that should have been impossible for an average seamstress. Now, she stood as a revered figure at a young age. A figure that was always looking for new designs to mimic. New designs to create. Some things she had done only came from her mind instead of trusted books that many would reference.

that was why the order she made would be representing the seasons. The heat of summer would represent the red fabrics and fire runes used on the first set of clothing. "Miss Lisa, we have the rouge, crimson, faded pink, and stripped scarlet fabrics for you here. Would you like the cherry wood stained thread?" The assistant already saw that all work needed to be halted to support Lisa.

Many had seen inspiration and drive before. But the state that Lisa had fallen in with the massive encouragement from the system reward was enough to fully fall in to a state of enlightenment. Focus so intense that no matter what Lisa did, she could not be distracted. She could barely even change her facial expressions.

"Miss Lisa, I have just taken the winter fabrics out. Would you like them?"

"Miss Lisa, the previously stored harvest season fabrics are here."

"Miss Lisa, I will spread the growing season fabrics left over and untouched for you. They will be ready in three minutes."

Four more demon assistants worked. They had seen the older assistant's actions and followed suit. They might not have much experience but they can copy what others did. They could follow and learn. They were about to see the forefront of fashion right before them. How could they not understand that they were being blessed right now?

The difference between seeing someone work and seeing a master's work was like night and day. There was a chance that they would be able to grasp skills and techniques ahead of what they normally would by following the system. They could work beyond their level just like Lisa did.

Fabric was unrolled and stencils created. Time was nothing to consider. The door had been shut and the orders for pick up paused. All business had ceased for a special order which was not unheard of. It even made the customers more excited because they knew that when this happened, new styles would arrive. For the fashion world, it was a major event to gossip about when a shop locked its doors for a special order.

Wind patterns were made on green spring fabrics. The matching sets of leaves and colors of sun became the base for the seasonal theme. The patterns slowly changed as the runes also did. Lisa had mimicked the seasons as inspiration while also letting the entire set of clothes match the gradual change.

The princess would have the influence of the elemental manas around her due to the immaculate sewn runes. But there would also be the feeling of the colors that matched the outside world. Just like Walker, Lisa had gotten in touch with nature by doing this. It was not unheard of for nature to be a theme for many seamstresses.

However, Lisa had gone above and beyond. The feelings of her mana and the manas that were pulled by the rune sewn fabrics were powerful. They were everything she felt while the season changed. Only a true master of any artisan technique could bring out the emotions behind something. The hidden feelings that everyone had but couldn't describe.

Those working with Lisa found themselves being pushed to their limits to keep up. Lisa had been sewing since she had found her system. She had been made to practice and fell in love with it more and more. She had a head start in her young age but now she had truly shown what they got her.

Many parents would be bad mouthed for making their child learn their system earlier than others. But Lisa was grateful. Her mother and father had seen her potential and passion. They had made her practice when she was lazy and stubborn which helped her learn the basics. Her brother had supported her through this as well. Giving gifts that let her mind expand.

This expanded view was enough for Lisa to lock herself away for five straight days. Mana potions were gathered and used. Sleep was taken only when it was impossible to work anymore. The rumors of amazing new designs for a princess had spread while the assistants learned many things.

Those that judged Lisa on her age were put to shame as she proved she was deserving of the many good things being said about her work. She was not simply living off the heroic brother of hers. She was forging her own path in another unique way. That was why Markus Raven rushed over and waited outside the door eagerly after the seven days had passed.

When he walked in to the showroom on the seventh day, he found everything moved away and multiple mannequins displayed the new baby clothes. The seams perfectly sewn to be adjusted without damage. The elegant runes that copied the very essence of seasons and their matching elemental manas.

The colors that seamlessly flowed as if they were the very embodiment of seasonal emotions. Joys and sorrows of winter to summer were reflected but the warmth he felt was all he needed. Even the cold and darkness of the ice and snow was reflected but still filled Markus with glee. It was a feat that none had achieved. He felt this way about the ancient artifacts he collected. Feeling this way about something new was foreign to him.

"Magnificent. Work that even I could never procure from a master."

"Miss Lisa worked tirelessly to present these to you today. She is currently unwell after her work and will be resting for some time. Please submit the final payment and host a display for these items before you send them to your preferred destination. We hope that you can understand why." The shrewd business woman that had taken up the front room for Lisa was exactly what Markus expected. He would do the same.

"I will be hosting a function to show this to many. I assure you of this. Please leave this for young miss Lisa. I will visit again." Markus had already planned to boast to other nobles the things he bought. He had come here for a reason. Lisa was surely the best of fashion in all of Genesis.

Meanwhile, Lisa had exhausted herself. Her age and the immense stress days of endless work put on her had taken their toll. She could not stay away and Hilda had come to check on her many times. She had brought food and did not interrupt her in the slightest. She had once felt this way during her baking too. But what Lisa had missed while being unconscious was a simple notification.

'The user has completed the quest with immeasurable success. The world has not seen such items in this age creating a new guiding light in the seamstress artisan careers and systems. The user has perfectly aligned multiple races' techniques while adjusting them to match nature and other aspects of the world.

The title; of elemental seamstress has been granted by the world.

The user will be able to better use elemental manas to create unique fabrics, threads, and overall items. This will be able to possess additional effects based on materials and the sewing used. The affinity for all four major elemental manas has been granted to the holder of this title and will gradually appear as the body of the user grows further.

The system advancement of the user had been changed from the projected path. The user will now be granted the Arcane thread master system instead of the arcane seamstress system. The first of the era to hold the arcane thread master system is one of great reverie.

" Stun the world with immeasurable magic. Let mana be weaved in to brilliant emotion. Let all the world see the brilliance of the heart and mind in clothed form."



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