Master Of None

1654 1654. Just A Swim

As Walker considered making Su a new shield, he wondered what kinds of materials he might need. The eternal orb was already a unique piece of equipment. It literally felt like a part of his body at this point. The materials for that had been rare enough that he had yet to see them again. But Walker also felt that the shield would no0t need the same materials.

The eternal orb had to have mana rick materials because they were going to have to change their form. The idea to change form had been with Walker's unique system in mind. He had the master of none system so he had to have tools and weapons of all sorts.

Su needed to have a shield. If he could also find an armor that matched it would be ideal. The current focus that Su had on earth was because she was partnered with the grand earth elemental spirit. However, that did not limit Su. She was bonded with Midnight and Walker who had all affinities. She was already able to use skills that required other elemental manas than earth.

That meant that the materials needed would have to be flexible enough to hold natural mana but also have the innate strength to resist the strongest attacks. That meant that Walker needed a wide variety of tough ores. Ores that even Ignus couldn't crush the way that he crushed the spiked water bear's shield.

With this realization, Walker sighed and looked at the others. He was sure that Remey and Gil could handle things when it came to the affinity potion. He was suddenly motivated to handle some small hunting. But even more, he knew that the waters around him had others patrolling. He was just sitting there losing the chance to explore a little and gain a better understanding of water and air.

This was the distraction from his current train of thought and no one noticed him walking to the edge of the ship. "Leon is on patrol now, right?" The demi-human that Walker asked was one that had just returned from his patrol.

"Yes. The merfolk team is out. Their second team is spread on the opposite side of the fleet." The demi-human was surprised to see Walker coming up to him. He had just finished patrol and expected the heroes to remain in preparation for anything terrible or dangerous ahead in their journey.

"Good, I will go and find him." When Walker stepped over the edge of the ship and in to the water, no one that witnessed it could keep their jaw from dropping. Some even rushed to the edge to see if Walker had been left on the top of the water floating and stranded.

What they didn't imagine was that Walker had considered the ability to swim to be too low to keep up with the ships or merfolk. He had already seen it before in the underwater battles, he would be too slow so he had to use his skills. But the question was, which skills would be best?

For that, Walker looked toward Current. He was a dragon. He was the one that was closest to water when it came to all the dragons. He was still able to move through water the same as the air with his wings. That meant Walker just had to use some of his elemental manipulation and create a slightly altered pair of elemental wings.

The formation of the wings was simple, Walker was surrounded by water. It was there to take shape. Adding in his control, the water was able to solidify slightly in to ice in some parts. The bones of the wings he emulated became ice and the open webbed portions remained a semi frozen and semi liquid state. It was a slushy mix that allowed Walker to use the grand elemental manipulation skills that he had to boost the speed that the wings carried him.

Naturally, some energy burst around Walker as he did this. He had altered a significant amount of water at once so why would the water remain calm? The saves alerted everyone looking down before they saw Walker jump in to the air with the newly formed water and ice elemental wings. They thought that he had jumped in to a fight with a monster but in reality, he had been creating the elemental wings they had heard of.

With a wave, Walker was off back in to the water. He was able to bring the air that hid in the water to him. It was something he had realized he could sense better after helping with the wind runes. The main reason was because some of the water around them had been separated from the wind elemental mana that it had mixed with.

The runes had been good at pulling these manas apart to be used elsewhere, it was why they made the ships speed up so much when there was little breeze or currents at the top of the ship. But knowing that they were mixed together was a basic part of mage knowledge, the act of separating them perfectly was harder. Yet, when Walker added a little natural mana, the elemental manas separated easily.

Therefore, Walker had no reason to worry about breathing. He could constantly make his own air while under the water. This didn't stop the merfolk that he found from wondering how he was doing this. The look of a human moving through the water with dragon like wings and creating breaths of air was a sight to see. It was something none of them had seen and now they could only wonder what new amazing things they would see next.

Since the other merfolk on patrol saw Walker, it made sense that they would report to Leon. That made it easy to follow the few swimming around the ship and meet Leon. He had been leading the ships underwater with a sharp eye toward the darker deeper waters below them.

As much as Walker wanted to look up at the ships and enjoy the strange sight of the hull floating in water, he had a sense of eeriness from the deeper waters. This was the sense that there was something larger hiding in the darkness waiting to swim up at any moment.

It was a sure thing that the dark waters held danger. But they also held mysteries. Deep mysteries that many would struggle to comprehend. No one had explored the oceans. They were too dangerous. Ships couldn't even pass through the top layer let alone someone diving deeper in to unknown territory.

With a few hand motions, Leon got Walker to move to the surface while they kept swimming slightly slower. "Did you get bored of the ship and come to see what life was like here?" Leon knew that Walker would get curious easily. How could he not? There were many things to explore here.

"I just wanted to help out a little. Learn a few new things. Challenge myself to make some skills bend to the form of water. I can keep this up for a little while so I can join you. Just show me the ropes." Walker didn't let Leon keep talking. He dove back under the water and joined the other merfolk near the front of the ships.

Their ability to swim was natural. The Merfolk's speed came from that. They were born in the water and lived in it. They even breathed it along with the air if they so desired. These facts were not lost on Walker while swimming near them. He could only emulate their fluidity and adjust himself accordingly.

When he saw a shape out of the corner of his eye, Walker prepared the eternal orb to attack. Its sword form flashed and made the Merfolk react instantly. They rushed toward Walker and stood in his way. Leon showed himself after catching up with Walker and shook his head.

'Sun bather

This fish is unique to the surface of the ocean. It bathes in the sun constantly to accumulate warmth. It will then dive deep at night to blind prey with bright flashes of light. It is known as a deceptive fish because it can actually expand its mouth four times larger than its body. It can consume prey much larger than itself.

But it is not overly dangerous. The true danger comes from the blood in their bodies. It holds a unique scent that attracts all manner of carnivorous fish. They are literally called the flash of death when something kills them and releases the gathered light elemental mana from inside of them.'

Walker was stunned. He nearly brought ruin down on the ships if he had not checked the all around appraisal after being stopped. Now he would have to be much more focused. He had too much to learn.



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