Master Of None

1627 1627. Cornered

"What do you mean you want me to make ten of the mana gems? I can't just make them that quickly." Walker was sitting and resting by one of the railings of the ship. The stretch of river they were in was large and it was just starting to break in to morning properly. It was easy to see if any monsters were under the water and nearby, therefore, Walker was not worried that he wouldn't be able to pull himself and Alice back if there was an issue.

"I am asking for them so that I may bring them to the highest point of the sun. they will have purified light elemental mana within them. I will see their limits before any armor or items are created with it." Rise had been stuck with the idea of the natural light gem that Walker had made for the necklace that Alice wore.

It wasn't jealousy but more the fact that Rise wanted to see more made. She wanted her dragonkin to be able to make them along with being able to experiment with them. But even worse, Mordant had become interested too.

"If you were able to make light mana gems like those, then you should be able to make pure darkness mana gems. I would expect you to try to make them without my pushing but… I want to see your process." Mordant knew that Walker could tell he wanted them for other reasons. He wanted to match Rise but also be able to sue them for the armor that had already been ordered.

The singular reason why Mordant wanted Walker to make them was that walker had the ability to add the natural mana to them. It made a much better potential than just a pure darkness mana gem.

While the pure darkness mana gems would be perfect, they were not all Mordant wanted. If he had the natural mana to bolster his darkness elemental mana then he would have the boost of strength that came with it. The idea of using natural mana to force the darkness elemental mana to condense due to the fact that the natural mana contained a mix of all mana forcing the dark mana to follow the flow.

"So you both want multiple elemental mana crystals using different elemental manas. And you both want them before we get through today?" Walker looked at the two of them as if they had just asked for the most ridiculous thing ever. But Mordant and Rise seemed a little out of touch.

"You both know that it will take me a few hours to make as many gems as were in Alice's necklace. But using different elemental mana in between two long processes to make fewer gems than you want. Not to mention that none of us even have the mana to make all that. That doesn't even take in to account the fact that we need to worry about mental stress, condensing mana, and just, in general, having enough materials."

"Oh, the materials are there. We were sure to do a little looking around to survey the conditions." Mordant smirked a little. It seemed that he had already taken this a step further.

"There are a few of those blacksmiths that have gone looking around as well. They were interested in your fire control. They could take on the role of creating while you and others add mana to the flames." Rise had also thought this out. Walker felt that he was being forced in to a decision that he had absolutely no say in.

"Let's try it." Alice had become much more focused. The sunrise was nice and all but she was going to be able to help with something that wasn't healing again. It would be interesting and a different use for her songs. She had even been inspired to write a song that gathered light elemental mana to share with others. It was not her best work but she thought that it was an important step in broadening her horizons.

"Hey, what's going on over there?" Gil had come up from the alchemy lab to get some fresh air. Remey and followed him since she felt that it was a good idea as well. The two had been hard at work after the blacksmiths had been given the guidance needed to make smaller harpoon arrows. They had even promised to make them so that they held the assassin jacket's venom.

"It looks like Rise and Mordant and are trying to make Walker work again. They were all in the forge earlier from the gossip I heard. It should be fitting since he has been lazing around here for a  while." From what Remey could see, Walker was cornered and had to do whatever he was being asked. Especially since Alice looked so interested.

"Poor guy. He is going to miss his patrol but have to make so much more than he even knew. I bet they will capture Midnight while she naps too. But as long as I avoid it I should be fine. We have the excuse that the poisons we are making need to be bottled after cooling." Gil was glad that he could remain safe from any additional work. He was already preparing arrows with multiple archers for multiple archers.

"That doesn't seem likely. They spotted us." Remey wanted to go right back to her safe and sound alchemy lab. It was already tiring having to make sure that the other alchemists kept up their potion production. They had been trying to stock up the mana and health potions since they had the time. Especially since they had brought so many herbs with them.

"You are up here just in time. I will need some of your partner's flames to help Alice and I. we will even have Midnight helping. If you and a grand fire elemental spirit help attract fire elemental mana, then I can mix it with the light that Alice condenses while Midnight uses decaying flames on another furnace." Walker had a sly look in his eyes. One that he really didn't like.

"We are also dragging Onyx to train too. He will be sitting with me between the furnace I pour light and dark elemental mana in to. He can help the balance between them without causing any trouble." This was growing more and more.

Instead of being down that he had been caught, Walker had begun to think of ways to drag everyone in to it. "And since Su will be left out it would be unfair that she did not get a chance to train her other elemental resistance skills. Gil, you're the only one that isn't helping. I would ask you to help since you can guide elemental mana in to arrows from elemental crystals. But I think it will be better that you come and give us ideas for creating arrows with runes on them."

"Wait, arrows with runes on them?" Gil was a little lost. How had the topic gotten to runes on arrows now?

"You may not understand since most light and darkness dragons remain in the sun or the shadows. However, we do have the rare dragonkin following us that have the skills for archery. I will allow you to create them special arrows using draconic runes if you are able to create a metallic design and metallic bow. It is something I was told you would accept in challenge?"

Rise spoke as if she was looking down on Gil. Even Mordant was giving him a look that said he did not believe that Gil could do it. Walker had made this plan on the roll and been able to trap Gil perfectly too. It would also keep Mordant and Rise's attentions divided between multiple projects. A perfect chance to keep them from asking for more.

"Well, I know a lot of the elven archers would enjoy sharing that experience with the dragonkin. Especially seeing a new kind of bow made with metal for those with strength to use. Even the arrows would be tougher to be able to be fired by them." Gil knew he was stuck too and just decided to go with it.

But what was going on in his head was even better. He was thinking about the poison harpoon arrows and how he would use them as the base for the design. He just needs to steal away an few of the rune carvers on the ship. There were only a few that had to monitor the runes being use around the ship but that was fine. They could easily take on more tasks.

"In that case I will go and get your champion and serpent. It will be an easier time for us all to meet in the forge with the blacksmiths." Mordant let Rise head that way first. He was excited and had fallen in to the same thought process as her.



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