Master Of None

1614 1614. Radiant

The sudden additional pressure to make the light denser around him caused Walker to instinctively pull the mana around him faster. This sudden tug on the natural mana caused the light elemental mana to become much denser in a rapid burst.

The light that formed around Walker's hands and half his arms was not completely formed compared to the light gauntlets he had created around his hands to defend the light blades. This was not the issue though, he wasn't sure how the deflection would go since he had still not formed a skill, but Walker couldn't think of this in the moment.

His hand was already in motion to strike aside the light blade. The light on his arms seemed to still be taking in the light while he was moving. The second that the light blade hit the gauntlet that had formed, the light blade shattered. The reaction between Walker's super charged light armor and the light blade which was not backed by natural mana was dramatic.

The parts of the shattered light blade adhered themselves to Walker's arms as the third light blade approached. Walker could only keep himself in motion while a smirk grew. The feeling of the natural mana bolstering the light elemental mana to another level made Walker understand.

The flow of mana was highly influenced by the compounded natural mana. It was something that Walker had already felt before but in a much smaller sense. The sudden emotion Walker felt, the adrenaline, had pushed Walker to instinctually tackle a stronger grip on natural mana. Thai in turn allowed him to manipulate the light elemental mana much more powerfully. That was why he did not fail to burst in to a greater smile when the system proved that he had acted properly.

'The user has allowed his body to act on instinct. The user has properly molded natural mana to assist in the creation of higher skills. The skill radiant armor has been taken from the angelic warrior system.

Radiant armor- 5 mana 10 natural mana

The user will bolster their defenses immensely using the continuous flow of natural mana to meld with their own and light elemental mana. It will create armor of the user's molding out of light elemental mana. The condensed light elemental mana will be able to repair itself from surrounding light elemental mana.

The user will be able to walk normally with this armor as long as they expend mana to fuel it. This skill is normally unique to angelic warriors and those with unique methods of manipulating light elemental mana. It is a great symbol of power in some cultures.'

The radiant armor was not fully created but it was clear enough that it was able to be formed. Walker's arms and part of his torso had been covered in radiant armor similar to Su's armor that Walker had been envisioning. The last light blade didn't even need to be deflected. It hit Walker and shattered adding to the armor's growth.

"Alice, I learned a new skill. It's from copying how you were making armor. It's called radiant armor and I bet you can learn it!" Walker's sudden shout of excitement was enough to somewhat startle Alice who had become focused on Walker's sudden change in light manipulation.

"It says it needs natural mana and I can condense natural mana in to a mana gem. That means I can have equipment altered so that you might be able to make a better armor around you. But you can control mana through a unique skill, your singing! That means you should be able to make radiant armor without natural mana!" Walker could only feel more excited thinking about how he and Alice would be able to match armor in battle. To show everyone around them brilliance.

"Su will be very jealous you stole her armor." Alice's response was not at all what Walker had expected. Her tone and laughter as Walker looked at himself made him feel a little silly. His radiant armor was clearly a copycat of Su's armor but he had done so since it was the most familiar after his own armor. And when anyone thought of defense in their party, Su was who they thought of. She was their guardian.

"Fine fine, I will try and make it more unique, but we should go back to the ship's forge. I am sure I have a mana gem around that we can alter. Some of the blacksmiths might be able to help us make a necklace with a string of mana gems. That should work. Then I will store the natural mana in them." Walker was running off on a tangent. He hadn't even realized that the armor he had made was dissolving and Alice was trying to drag him toward the ship.

"You're back a little early? Did your light show get tiring?" Gil had come down from the look out tower when he saw Walker stepping through the air holding Alice.

"I had a great breakthrough in using light elemental mana. Actually, Rise might like to see what I am working on. I will get her too. Then I will head to the forge and make something. Can you take the next patrol spot from us?" Gil just shrugged, he didn't mind since he was getting restless. He wanted to take the elven archers with him to test the arrows they had made.

"Good luck, but remember that you owe me an extra slice of bacon at dinner." Gil's price was fair. Walker would make sure he held up his side of the bargain.

"Rise! Can you come down? I have something to show you!" Walker heard the flap of wings before Rise glided down from the clouds. She looked annoyed until she felt the denser light elemental mana around Walker.

"You managed to learn a little something. Hm?" Her interest was enough to keep her focused. The only time that she felt this density of light mana was when she used slightly stronger attacks.

"I did, it's a skill called radiant armor. I assume you can use something similar. Alice used her song to make some armor but it was partial.  Tried it and found out natural mana could help it from. I made radiant armor but a pure light version of the skill is possible with unique skills. Alice has her singing and you have draconic skills. It should be possible for you to make light armors as well as Alice and I."

"So you have called me to see such a simple thing? I can create armor if I desire." The scales on Rise's arms formed a shining layer of light mana scales. She could easily make an entire second skin to protect herself.

"Interesting. The dragon version is a second set of scales… but the version I use is this." Walker pulled on the natural mana to form one gauntlet of radiant light armor. The shine was dense and seemed to nearly match the scales on Rise's body. "The natural mana boosts the strength. If I can refine the skill I can use it better." Rise watched as she saw Walker also had more to say.

"If I condense some natural mana in to mana gems, then maybe, we can use them to boost the light mana we all use. Alice and you can have stronger light armor or skills in general with it. If we had a natural mana rune gathering pattern we might even be able to make an inscribed mana gem." The idea seemed too grand. The only thing that could do this was the eternal orb for now.

"So you believe you can bring greater strength to all of the skills a dragon or even a human has by creating natural mana gems? To control natural mana to a small extent. That does sound familiar. When the nature dragon was recorded in our history, they were able to greatly enhance every dragon's strength in battle. It was not just an addition to a story." Rise was becoming even more interested. She had not believed the stories, yet, now she was realizing just how true they were.

"So this has been seen before. Even more evidence that we should try it. Do you want to come to the forge with us? We will try to make a mana game and maybe a few smaller ones in to a necklace. Then we can test the theory properly." Walker's exuberant attitude made Alice want to drag him right to the forge. Even Rise was showing a little excitement.

"I will overlook this endeavor. It is only right to prove this theory with me as a witness. Especially if it will influence the growth of other dragons." Rise kept herself proper while she kept up with Walker and Alice moving toward the forge.



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