Master Of None

1538 1538. Lower Village

Mordant looked up at the sky for a few moments as Rise was leaving them. He had a slightly sad look on his face. He knew that it was not fair that a royal had become so strict and twisted. The values that they had grown up with were made in to a strange and unfair set of rules.

"She used to be more relaxed. She was still strict. Light is like that, it is transparent and in the open. How could light not be close to the rules?" Mordant seemed like he had respect for his opposite element.

"But something changed? What happened? If that's not too much?" Walker knew that the dragons couldn't be so foolish to just change randomly. They had their reasons to do what they did.

"It is true that dragons are extremely resistant to illness. But that's not the same for the eggs while they grow within their eggs. That's why we make one large egg for every generation. Each of us has developed close rules. That's why I did not bring an egg with me. A hatchling is more resistant."

Walker realized what Mordant was getting at. He understood what he was saying and could already feel the pain that a dragon would feel if such a thing would happen.

"That year, when Rise had her first, was when the caretakers relaxed too much. It was no one's fault. A problem that none could have perfectly controlled but there was a chance that they were negligent. A single dragon born would have been a blessing…"

Since it was clear what had happened, Mordant stopped where he was. Walker could easily understand how such a loss for the light dragons would change the way they acted. How it would force them to adhere to extremely strict rules regardless of how strange they were.

There was also the understanding why light already being considered a purifying elemental mana, would push them to believe in hierarchy and purity even more.

"So that's how it started. Now that she, they, are like this… it will be tough for them to relax ever again." Walker wasn't sure how long ago this had happened, but it was still enough to shake the light dragons.

"Let's go and see the real dragonkin village. I have been there before. It's not what those up right dragons like to admit exists but these dragonkin need homes. It's also the dragon champion and guardian that keep it together."

It was a fact that Mordant was still tired from helping transport Walker so far. However, he had regained enough energy to make a critical appearance along with walk about for some time.

The side of the village was what Walker expected to be a sheer cliff. When he reached it, Walker looked down to find that there were many stone steps heading down. Clean cut and clearly well traveled.

As Mordant took the lead down them, Walker began to see that there were small holes carved out of the white stone. These were homes for the dragonkin where they didn't have to follow the incredibly strict cleaning rules of the upper village. It may not have been as pretty but it was home.

Some younger dragonkin were moving around training or entertaining themselves. The pair managed to see one returning from a hunt. The dragonkin had some sort of monster but also had become dirty in the process. Something that wouldn't be acceptable in the upper village.

"Wait, you are the dragonkin guardian." Walker spotted a familiar face from the royal court. He could tell by the armor more so because it was much higher quality than the other dragonkin a round.

"Lords, what brings you to such an unclean place? I can escort you to the proper village." The guardian didn't expect to see them and had fallen in to a general respectful habit. It was better that way than risk disrespecting a royal dragon.

"No. We wanted to come here. Walker is here for the first time and already spoke to Rise. Some of your fellow dragonkin and Rise will be going to Genesis after some convincing." Mordant summed things up simply. It wasn't enough to truly get through about what had happened but enough.

"Is there anything you require from us?" The dragonkin guardian was a little unsettled. This was not a normal occurrence for them. The only dragon that came here was the dragon champion that was very close to their dragonkin guardian.

"I just wanted to see. Maybe have a word with you and your champion. I didn't see a champion flying around so they must be here." Walker saw the understanding coming to the dragonkin guardian's face.

"I will find my champion for you to speak with. They were handling a small matter before you arrived." The guardian rushed off while Walker and Mordant watched the dragonkin come out more from their homes to investigate.

"They seem better off than I expected." Walker was sure that based on the attitude and rules of the light dragons, that there would be some tougher living conditions for the dragonkin here.

"They are tougher than you think. These ones here have some fight in them. The light elemental dragonkin are actually very efficient swordsmen. Better than most other dragonkin. It has to do with the founding royal light dragon. She valued the clarity that the first dragonkin warrior had. He used a sword with clear and proper intention."

The small history lesson was not what Walker expected from Mordant. He knew a lot about the light elemental dragonkin and dragons. "You come here more than you let one? Don't you?" This was the only logical conclusion that Walker could come up with.

"Just because Rise is my opposite does not mean I do not care about her. We are all royal dragons. We must be there when things happen." Mordant had put a lot of thought in to everything.

With the changes that he had seen personally and the influence of Walker, he had seen a potential. A potential for more than just a few of his fellow royal dragons to come together.

The ideal that all royal dragons could come together was something that spoke to Mordant a lot more than he had anticipated. Improving themselves and growing in to more powerful versions of what they knew resonated with him.

Now there was the potential to pull a fellow royal dragon from the past that haunted them. "I want to see everything come together," Mordant mumbled under his breath as the guardian returned and another figure came as well.

"Welcome to the secondary level of the light dragon village. My lord has already met with you and now it is time for me to fulfill my duty. What would you like to see lords?" The dragonkin form of Rise's champion was very close to the other dragonkin. The only differences were the sharper features and large wings in his back.

"Well, I know you have met Su. Since you and your guardian are going to be close to Genesis with Rise, you are invited to spend time with my champion and guardian." Walker knew this would mean a lot to them.

"We will accompany our lord when the time comes." Both responded quickly. They couldn't hide the small light in their eyes. Su and Midnight had made some impression on them while Walker had made an impression on all of them. This was just the time to remind them of it.

"There are places to train, a tower for you to focus on elemental affinity training, and food you have never seen before. His village is a single place but has a great many connections." Mordant smiled softly while tempting the pair.

"If you would like, we are about to test the skills of our youngest dragonkin warriors. It would be an honor to have two royals witness it before they go before our lord." This was an invitation that held a lot of respect.

"Of course, we would never say no to that. The next generation is always the foundation. I would be foolish not to see the potential." Mordant took the lead following the champion and guardian.

"We have a special training area for the sword moves we have passed down for generations. They are always improving and brings us great pride." Both the champion and guardian seemed excited to show off.

With the mana that Walker could feel, he realized that this was not just swordsmanship. It dealt the same as when he had seen the elven spellswords. The influence they had over mana in swordsmanship was what's eat them apart from others. And as they came to the training area, Walker found that this was extremely similar.



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