Master Of None

1514 1514. Unknown Power

"Midnight!" Walker could only shout at Midnight when she jumped off the back of the demon captain. She was about to jump forward to attack again. Unfortunately, she was slammed back by the spiked mace of the demon captain.

"Walker, you stay." Alice rushed to Midnight. She would heal her while Walker stayed to keep fighting. The party would have to do without her singing to buff them further.

"You worthless piles of garbage try to take what's mine. Lord Envy said this would happen. He told me that my village would be attacked by the weak after the king executed his plans. I will show you exactly what true power is!"

The demon captain was getting beaten by those he deemed weaker than himself. It was strange for everyone to see just a maddening look come over someone so quickly. The demon captain had completely fallen in to the belief that overall physical strength made him the most powerful. Wrath had the same ideology to the point that it had driven him to lose his mind to the rage that came with only being physically strong.

But where the captain was different was in his greed. He wanted to own the things that came with power as the sin title holders did. Therefore, when Envy had handed him something to make him stronger, he had put every ounce of trust in it.

The vial that the captain took out from his pocket was larger than the average potion vial. It was similar to the kinds that Walker had seen before. "Those are just like the vials we trapped slime cores in…"

This prompted Walker to use his all around appraisal. He saw something that he knew would cause a lot more damage. Something that certainly would not be making anyone more powerful.

'Volcanic slime core

The volcanic slime is similar to a fire slime or a magma slime. The only difference is the incredible amount of condensed fire elemental mana that makes up its core. They will do so to protect themselves from predators and to combat the explosiveness of the volcanoes they live in. Unfortunately, they have a very nervous nature when compared with other slimes that could be called calm in comparison.

When the volcanic slime finds itself in a strange environment that is not a volcano, it will release large amounts of fire elemental mana causing large flaming explosions. This is why they are considered one of the most volatile slime species. Their core will sometimes break due to these situations. If not, multiple explosions can occur.'

"With this, I will erase all of you. No one will try to take my village from me!" The demon captain opened the vial and swallowed the volcanic slime core. There was a look of triumph while he waited for something to happen.

"Su, use the earth fortress! Now!" Walker's voice came out in a loud scream of demanding energy. He was not just asking. He was ordering it. Su had never heard Walker take such a powerful tone filled with emotion. It was one that she knew could only mean extreme danger.

"The earth shield and earth spirit were in her hands in less than a second. "Scylla, get them out of here!" Walker's yell to Scylla immediately after made her know that this was not just some move to make sure that they were away from a dangerous demon. It had to have more behind it.

Walker slammed both hands on the ground which had started to form in to an earth fortress in front of Su. With his grand elemental mani[pulation, it changed shape and completely wrapped around the demon captain whose face had become pained. He was feeling the strange changes occurring as the volcanic slime core became active again.

The steam that escaped the demon captain's lips proved that extreme heat and pressure were being released by the volcanic slime core. "Su, it will explode. We need to stop it." Walker had rushed with all his might to get right next to Su. The two were still pouring their mana and stored mana in to the skills.

"It's fire, right? Flames or an explosion? That was a slime core in there. I can help, I know I can. Just let my alchemy fire spirit block what we can." Remey hadn't let Scylla pull her away with Pnyx, Alice, and Midnight. Instead, she had pushed herself to get right next to Walker and Su.

"Just leave and get to safe-" Walker's voice was cut off as Remey channeled all of her mana in to the alchemy fire that surrounded her arms. The alchemy fire spirit started to pull at the fire elemental mana around them.

"It's not just alchemy fire I figured out." there was a rumble as the pressure from the volcanic slime core had begun to fully release the mana it had stored. It had awakened to find itself in a dangerous atmosphere. One that was not at all the volcano it originated from. One that made it feel on edge and panicked.

Stop this attack!" Walker gave up and focused on the attack that would come from the fire elemental mana escaping the slime core. Su did the same and so did Remey.

While this happened, Fleur left the eternal orb. She knew that she could help. She knew that she could do more. It was the interruption of natural mana that had forced her to show herself now. Instead of directly helping Walker to pull at mana, her ability to feel the mana at a deeper level had shown her a path to make this all go away. To fix it and save those she was fond of. To save the person who she was bonded with and would rise to become a world spirit with.



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