Master Of None

1504 1504. Source

"Walker, we are ready to keep moving. The entire village chose to move on." Su had been with the group of older demons that had made the final decision. They had chosen to abandon their ruined village to try and find a place where they could create better homes.

"Good, It means we can send them back with a few dragonkin guards. They will be able to have a better life somewhere that isn't this close to the fighting." Walker knew this was an important decision. The demons were thinking about their futures here and how they may have more demon soldiers coming to cause them trouble.

"If we have to keep sending the dragonkin back, eventually we will need to split up." Remey was not the only one that had seen this problem. Onyx, Gil, and Su were thinking about it. Alice knew that she could be stopped at any village with worse injuries.

"We will deal with that when we have to. For now, we need to keep moving. I have a bad feeling about the villages closer to the demon capital. It feels like the demon lord has decided that he doesn't need the demon lands anymore. I would hate for that to be true…but…." Walker didn't want to say any more from there. He just wanted to keep moving.

"Brother, before we move on you should read what the harpy is delivering." Onyx had been able to speak with the harpy in the air above them. It had a letter for them that was being passed to all the other groups as well.

"Well? What is it?" Gil wanted to see the paper as soon as it was handed over to Walker.

"A map with multiple points made. It says caged slimes." Walker showed the map to the others.

"You're telling me that there are caged slimes? Why!?" Remey was more confused and annoyed. It sounded like this was getting more and more complicated.

"One is close to us. We can investigate. Midnight and Gil can take the lead now." Su knew where this was going and pushed Gil and Midnight to start the scouting ahead. They had to check out the closest slime to them.

"If they are caged, and the slime spawn comes from splitting slimes then couldn't this be how the slime spawn are being made?" Walker came up with the theory easily. Gil heard it while he had begun to turn away with Midnight.

"If that's the case then Remey should give me a few more potions. This has to be an acid slime of some kind. Maybe Midnight and I can sneak in." The thumbs up from Gil and the approving Growl of Midnight were the last the party heard before Gil and Midnight left the village ahead.

"We should scout out carefully. I need you to tell me if you smell anything around us.' Midnight was already using the shadow wrapping skill. However, Gil had been getting closer and closer with the wind elemental mana. Without him noticing, he had begun to feel the presence of others near him without having to look around or behind him.

This was understandable because Gil was being more in tune with his affinity and the skills that came to him because of his bond with Zephyr. She may have been resting, but she was still there watching everything that Gil did. She just needed to recover the mana that she had used.

Midnight had been able to feel these changes as well. Because Walker had been strengthening the bonds between her and Onyx with himself, she was changing as well. Midnight's attention to all elemental mana was the largest change. She could feel it all. She could tell it was there more than before. It was even more evident when she was around Gil who had the wind elemental mana now drawn to him at all times.

"There are a few slimes over there. But they aren't slime spawn." Gil pointed out the trouble he saw ahead. He had some of the potions that Remey had and dropped some with water in to the wither spike arrows.

From a decent distance, Gil let five arrows fly which landed perfectly on target. Before their eyes, the five acid slimes lost their ability to control their bodies. When their cores were exposed, Midnight jumped in, shattering them with her claws. They had no reason to keep them. This wasn't something they needed for materials and would not be keeping.

Their short battle did bring them to the cusp of a small hill. A small hill that completely lacked grasses and bushes. "This isn't normal. There's a clean line where everything was…" Gil stopped, he saw the reason why the grasses were all killed around them.

There were too many acid slime spawn to allow anything to grow. They were moving around the grasses toward the center of whatever had spawned them. "That's some sort of glass rune covered jar? Cage?" Gil wasn't sure what it was, but as he watched mana gathered around the jar and it shattered. Acid slime body was thrown around everywhere.

From the center, a larger slime rose. "That's a lord acid slime!" Gil knew it was dangerous. He had seen a lord slime before, but this was a lord acid slime. One that would be very hard to be dealt with.

Before Gil could do anything, the slime was covered in mana again. The glass lifted itself and pulled itself back together forcing the lord acid slime to shrink down and become trapped. The slime body that had been thrown away became more slime spawn. "They somehow made a magic device that forced slime to spawn…" Gil was appalled by what he saw. It was a way to constantly attack a place until the lord slime lost its entire body. A literal plague on the lands.



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