Master Of None

1483 1483. Stone Elf City Entrance

"Miss Alma, we are using a great deal of magic. We should stop to rest. If we continue on this way we will incur injuries greater than we can handle." The mages that had come with Alma were there for one reason. To get Alma to the place where the stone elves were thought to have their hidden city.

"Listen here, if we stop. If we rest. If we wait…we might not have a place to go home to. I understand I might get hurt and I thank you for the fact that you care. But every single one of you along with my enforcers have pledged to risk their lives for me. How can I not risk my life for all of you and more!?"

This was the sole desire of Alma at the moment. She knew that they were nearing the mountainous area where the stone elves were thought to exist. The dwarves had searched a few places and avoided the area because they had some details about why they thought this and wanted to avoid conflict.

"There should be statues here under the snow." Using magic, they had forced themselves along faster and faster. The tamer's guild had provided transport as high up the mountains as possible. Alma and the mages were nearly sick with the speed they traveled but had no qualms with it.

The snow that the water mages moved indeed showed some broken statues and other things. There were elven writing in runes along with a few pieces of rusted away armors. "I knew it. This is what the dwarves found when they came looking. The real question is, are the stone elves still here?"

Knowing that the thing they found were very old was uplifting but also disappointing. If the things they found proved to be old and the stone elves had someone become a lost elven species, it would be a tragedy. Not only that but there would be significantly fewer elves joining the war. Not to mention, elves with strong earth elemental powers.

"Is this a plateau?" One of the mages found that there seemed to be no other direction to go. They were seemingly at the top of the mountain.

"Try and use fire magic to brighten the area. I know that it will be hard but working together we can do it." The flame elves that had come were still weaker than they had used to be. Leaving the main city had regressed their strength. But that did not make them weak.

Three of the flame elves came together and created floating orbs of flame. They couldn't move while using the skill but the orbs of flames melted away some ice and snow. They were easily able to see the plateau for what it was.

"This is a door?!" multiple elves shouted in surprise. Even Alma was stunned to see the large stone doorway with carved statues on either side. However, she was struck by the way it looked. It was old but the runes on it were still vibrant with mana. Somehow it was being controlled.

"I will try and open it now." Alma walked forward without waiting for any of the mages or enforcers to act. She placed a hand on the doorway where the mana and runes converged. She could feel a connection and knew that she had to add her own mana. It was the same as many of the doors she had come in contact with before. Specially made so that they had to be opened with someone's mana.

A significant amount of Alma's mana was pulled away before the cracking and creaking of stone echoed through the mountains. The enforcers came forward and pulled Alma back. They were ready for the worst to happen. Instead, what was revealed to them was more than any of them could have imagined.

"Why have you come to our city?"

"Your answer will decide whether we allow you to leave or to stay."

The two elves waiting for Alam had more control of mana than she could imagine. On their bodies they had tattoos of earth runes. But the second elf had tattoos of darkness runes. Their features were also sharper and more elongated.

"Dark elves…" this whisper escaped Alma's mouth in amazement.

"Do not make us restate our questions. My affinity for darkness holds no base here." the dark elf glared at Alma who had shown surprise.

"My name is Alma, I am the future queen of the forest elves. Representative of the city for all races; Genesis. I have come to not only invite you to Genesis but you ask for assistance in freeing the demon race from oppression. I wish to speak to you leaders." Alma was sure that she didn't have the power to compete with the two in front of her. But she would stand true when she stated those she stood for.

The plants that Alma grew around her cracked through the ice and stone to take root. She knew she was abusing her body and mana to make this happen. However, she had to make a show of who she was and why she was not to be trifled with.

The blue ivy that grew around her took the form of a small throne. It was the same that the forest elf queen did with vines and roots of the forest. This look did more than show the strength that Alma had. It connected her to the image of the forest elf queen which any race of elf should recognize from the way she was depicted in writings.

"Forest elves? Flame elves? Water elves? Why would you be together? I expect more answers. Follow me and do not get any wise ideas. You are in our world from here on." The two elves were not giving an inch, however, Alma could feel their hatred calm. They did not seem too perturbed at being interrupted.



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