Master Of None

1472 1472. Night Thorn Poison

"Walker, use a healing skill now. There isn't any poison leaving through those cuts now. Su, I need you to get the bandages set up so Alice can soak them with the healing potion." Remey had shown everyone the healing skills she had learned through her studies in the alchemy guild.

While Remey could not actually use a healing skill, she had the in depth knowledge about what would and would not counter poisons. This meant she could select the proper herbs to make in to a salve to put on the cuts. From there the healing potion soaked bandages would slowly cause the healing potion to absorb in to the skin. It would promote long term healing as long as the bandages remained clean.

"The boy needs more water. He had fewer cuts and scrapes compared to his father. But he is still unconscious. It appears that the stress got to him." Su could tell by the way the boy was breathing.

The breaths were panicked and shallow. This showed that the boy had fallen in to a stress induced unconsciousness. There was also the lack of mana adding to the condition making his body unable to process everything. The addition of night thorn poison didn't help because it caused numbness to spread everywhere.

"Have him drink this. It's not the best but some of it should push him to calm down." Rmeey handed a vial of what appeared to be water to Su who did exactly as she was told.

"What is it?" Su didn't know how things had changed so fast. The body had calmed down almost instantly.

"Sugar water. The kid looks like he hasn't eaten anything and needs the sugar to start his body again. It doesn't help much but the reaction of eating stops some other bodily functions from falling out of balance. I heard Trish teaching it and remembered it. This is the most I can do."

Alice clapped nodding her head. She had heard the trick used too on younger children when they would have mental freak outs where they would hyperventilate. It worked well when the mothers brought them in to the cathedral in a panic.

"The more you know… what about the father?" Walker could tell that his breathing had calmed and the color returned to his face. But there were no signs of the wounds healing faster.

"It will only show in time. Let's move them to the waypoint. We can have the help of other healers as long as we move slowly and carefully. We already scared the arrow sparrows away more than we needed to. They might not even return to these nests. There aren't eggs here." Walker knew they were losing time on their trip to the border but it was worth it if they managed to save these demons' lives.

"Not safe…nee…run." The mumblings of the man were hard to understand but Walker could tell he was dreaming about the escape he had just done.

"More madness coming….immune….wrath!" The man bolted up from his lying position in fear before collapsing again. Su and Alice had to rebandage a few cuts before he was able to rest properly again.

Gil and Walker managed to put together a rough cot to carry the man with. Onyx grew to his larger size and allowed Su to help hold the boy up on his back. With Gil and Walker holding the man's cot, they were able to get him on top of Onyx as well.

Walker was sure to use his earth manipulation to bury the deceased horse. He hoped that it would become one with nature again after working so hard to rescue the two demons from the demon land's cruelty.

"Onyx, move slower than usual and help us get there sooner." Walker knew that between him and Gil, they could stop any injuries from growing.

"I will move as fast as you say I can." Onyx would not be pushing his speed. He knew well that it could open wounds in to a worsened condition if he was reckless. The time they had walked felt as if it had been thrown away but their return to the waypoint.

However, when they were seen in the distance, the adventurers rushed over. They saw the demons hurt and made room for them. By this time the boy had started snoring and had his cuts mostly healed. The father was still in poor shape.

"Alice, Remey, Su…you are three powerful healers that deserve everyone's respect. I hope we can learn from you while you are here." The healer took the lead and saw the work that they had done. She clearly respected the alchemy focused healing, Alice's healing knowledge, and Su's perfect support. It wasn't even something Walker argued with since he had used healing magic as well.

"As soon as this man wakes up we need to tell him his son is safe and we need to speak with him. He mentioned a sin demon title holder. I don't think that was a coincidence. I think that Wrath is running rampant through villages." Walker had built his own theory and felt that it was right on course.

"Understood. We will join our skills and work to heal him. You brought him just in time. We should be successful based on his current state." The healers focused on their new patent.

"I thought that things would be bad when we found the arrow sparrow nests…but this? Not what I wanted to see today." Su was feeling stressed about the state the man and son were in. she had not imagined people would do such risky things to flee the demon lands. It was terrifying if things had gotten so bad there that people were throwing their lives aside to rescue those they loved. The army needed to arrive sooner.



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