Master Of None

1439 1439. Waiting Room

"I see that you are ready." Remey had managed to find Su. She wasn't surprised that Midnight was next to her as well.

"Of course. I need to train against people I don't know. The adventurers guild has opponents but they look at me like I will be a teacher and not someone to fight seriously." Su had the right idea. Because there was fame, who she and the rest of the party were, she knew that she would not be taken as seriously all the time.

"I agree. I train mostly against dummies or you guys. Even the dragonkin hold back a little since they think they might offend a royal dragon." The slight crack of Remey's knuckles broke the air since she was wearing her gauntlets.

"Did I hear that you were worried about a real match?" An unfamiliar voice came from behind them in the large waiting room for participants. They had waited a while already because the matches took so long and there were so many people participating in the battles.

"I can't say we've seen you around anywhere. Have you been hiding out so that you can't battle? Or did you just get here from the forests?" Su recognized the elf as a forest elf immediately. The clothing and stature made it clear.

"My squad of spell blades was sent to examine Genesis and partake in this battle to prove the strength of the combined efforts of multiple races." It was no use hiding anything. The slim elven woman stood tall with pride for her mission handed down by the queen herself.

"So you came to get your butts kicked. That will be easy enough. Just hope you don't have to deal with us." Remey knocked her fists together with a metallic clang. She was not going to give away any of the skills she had been working on.

Midnight responded with a growl as well. "Sister says that she will also show you how weak one race is compared to the united races." Onyx slithered up after searching for the others since he had gotten there.

"Onyx, glad you made it to the front. They are about to send us to the next open arenas. They are taking notes and scoring competitors to go to final rounds in the next two days. These are all preliminaries." Su shared what she knew much to the displeasure of the ignored spell blade.

"Arrogance. I have seen only that in these waiting rooms. Bring proof when you face my blade." The forest elf scoffed at them as a guard came to bring more of the participants forward.

As much as Su could have been surprised, she was not. She found herself facing the very same female spell blade that had just been trying to talk up her strength over others. It helped that everyone but Gil and Walker had not worn anything identifying. Their medals, plaques, and other things had been left behind so they could be less conspicuous. Of course, that was not a perfect plan since so many people recognized Remey. However, the spell blade did not recognize Su.

"Now I can show you just how strong Genesis is. Just try and hold yourself together in front of the next forest elf queen. She is over there watching." Su started with taunts immediately. It was insanely effective since Su had managed to spot Alma sitting with the others right away. She even heard Walker cheer for her from the stands.

"Battle!" Each arena had its own referee so that they could manage some of the dangers. Most of them had come from the demi-human kingdom due to their extensive knowledge of coliseum battles. It was one thing that Scylla had already been complimented on in her planning.

Su didn't hesitate and kept herself ready to take on any hit that came her way. Naturally, her first move was to use the two shields. They had the greatest area to cover her from most sides. That was a good thing because she quickly found out that the spell blade she was facing had darkness elemental affinity.

A single darkness elemental blade flew through the air in an arc. It was enough to force Su to brace herself. What is unexpected though, was that the blade barely pushed her back. Even her shadow under her feet wasn't affected by it. "That's all?" She looked at the also stunned spell blade.

Su had been expecting the hit to push her back or make her trapped by her own shadow. She had been much more cautious. Yet, what Su had not taken in to account was her magical defense having risen along with the toughness of her armor's magical defenses. She had become a much stronger person than she had been when she first saw the spell blades in the forest elf city.

"Come on! Try and actually hit me!" The taunt was incredibly sarcastic causing the spell blade to fall for it without any reservations. Four more blades of shadow flew through the air while Su waltzed forward laughing at the spell blade. This was not the normal Su battle style but one that completely relied on taunting.

The strategies Su had were not very numerous. However, she had developed one that would mess with an opponent's mind the best. Constant taunts would cause them to get angry or frustrated. That being said, Su gained a massive advantage as the only calm indeed one in battle. It was perfect for battling against someone with more emotional battle styles. Or someone arrogant like the spell blade in front of her.

"Care to test something out for me? I have been training this with Midnight for the last few nights where no one could see." Su hadn't let a single person see this. She had prepared the move and skill specifically for the tournament so that she could show off her own strength.



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