Master Of None

1364 1364. Stopped

"Who would dare to stop my warriors from marching." Ignus felt immediate rage when he saw the two figures emerge and stop the front line of dragonkin from proceeding. "I will squash these ants before we move." It felt like a direct insult to his pride for his warriors to be stopped by those that did not hold any power in his lands.

"Let's wait and see what the kids have planned. They need a moment to learn here." Barry had been silent after the last battle with a rogue dragon. He was not one to waste the time that he needed to recover. His skills took a heavy toll on his body, hence why he had such a developed physique.

"You speak as if you know something I do not. Speak of it now." Ignus was barely able to hold the flames back since he was ready to fully transform back in to his dragon form to show power.

"That archer there is Gil. he's another hero title holder in Walker's party. Next to him, is Alma. She is the future queen of the forest elves. Well, at this rate, the future queen of all the elves. I would bet that they are heading toward the flame elf city." Barry felt a little like he had won a small battle letting this information spill.

"The elves hold no power over me…but I will allow them a moment before I demand their purpose for stopping me. These are my lands, not that hatchling claiming to be a nature dragon." There was a still lingering distaste for Walker since he had made a large splash in the royal dragon court.

"Think of it as you being the wise senior allowing two hatchlings to learn a lesson in communication. Your warriors seem to be upset that they are stopped as well. Won't it be interesting to see how they react to others? If they can't handle basic communication they may not be allowed in Genesis at all." This was the final nail in the coffin. Between the raising up of being a wise senior education his warriors and the threat of not being allowed in Genesis, Ignus was mute. Hit thoughts trapped.

"You dare stop the lord's march!? State your purpose before your punishment!" The leading dragonkin warrior was not fooling around. He immediately fell in to heated words against Gil and Alma.

"I am the future queen of the elves."

"I am the hero title holder Gil Representative of Genesis and family to the royal nature dragon Walker. Do you dare to insult the lord within my home!?" Gil didn't hold back. Alma had been unable to speak fully.

The force that Gil had put in to his words made Alma surprised. She had not seen him become so forceful and powerful when speaking. It was as if she was looking at a different person. One that hadn't allowed her to finish and one that could easily butt heads with every warrior here.

"This is the territory of the great flame dragon Ignus. Do not dare assume you have control here." The warriors seemed to hold back slightly while making this statement but it was progress.

"We would have passed you by. We have no need to bother with you. However, we know of the duty you have to clean up your mess. There is a single rogue dragon along with multiple zombie dogs ahead. Deal with them yourselves or build a bond and ask us to join you. I will give you five minutes to decide." The force was still within Gil's voice. It rivaled the power that dragonkin warriors attempted to add to their voices.

"Well isn't this a fun little meeting? Gil butting heads with a dragonkin warrior and even making them take a step back. I can't wait to tell everyone about this." Barry walked right to the front from where he had been standing. He was smiling with a devilish look in his eyes.

"I heard the same as you did. Watch the way you speak to my warriors. I will disregard it due to your information. But remember this, I am the lord of this territory and I can turn any I see fit to ash." The heat gathered slightly as a tall and large dragonkin form came in to sight. The warriors fell to a knee to greet their lord.

"Then you will also find it valuable to know that Lord Walker is on the way to your village with his champion and guardian. They have a gift from Genesis. The honorable Lord Mordant visited and is currently there now. They encouraged Lord Walker to invite you personally. It is respectable to do so instead of a flimsy letter." Alma was again shocked that Gil had not backed down but even pushed a little more.

"Uninvited visitors…" Ignus softly spoke before the heat grew again, "You will join this battle and learn. See how powerful a true royal dragon is!" Ignus leaped in to the sky. The burst of flames around him caused his draconic form to be revealed.

Deep red scales with yellows and oranges patterned throughout. Harsh claws with matching teeth, both able to shred through any enemy. Trailing flames fell from the massive wings that fanned out and lifted Ignus even higher. He had kept himself held back in dragonkin form to hide from the prying eyes of rogue dragons. Now that he knew where one was, he didn't have the need to worry. Instead, he would show the true power he held. The power of flames hotter than any other could muster in his territory.

"I would stand back if I were you. He may have said you are joining the fight, but he is just showing off. He did the same to me when I first joined their little walk." Barry laughed when he saw Ignus preparing to breathe flames upon the rogue dragon.



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