Master Of None

1345 1345. Healthy Potential

"Weak but dangerous…" Mordant couldn't help but mumble under his breath. He had not expected that such a system user would be here. This man was strange yet could give away the key weaknesses of anyone.

"I agree. It is a massive trade off for knowledge. But that knowledge could be leveraged and abused easily." Walker saw the very same potential that Mordant did. They were of like minds when it came to the fact that this bestiary scribe could write their very beings in to a perfectly understandable plan to defeat them.

"I can tell you are both apprehensive. But there is no need. At a young age, he was discovered and brought to safety within the guild. The current guild master found a curse system user to assist with this. If he is ever forced to work against his will to record or share information, he will perish. It was a step necessary to retain his free will." The bestiary scribe nodded slightly before returning to his mumbling. "No, the first hatchling, let me see."

The dragonkin elite warrior helped the hatchling stand and wake up. The little hatchling was confused to see the surroundings but did not seem perturbed. Instead, it was absorbing all of the new sights and smells. "Bright eyes and vibrant black scales. This hatchling received a great deal of nourishment while developing. However, she is small and lacks the potential for magical skills. I would say she will be very good at hiding away. The claws are also sharper than average. Ah, you see? Already understanding some of the meaning of my words."

The bestiary scribe glanced over and began to report some things as well, "High affinity for darkness eternal mana. Low physical attributes. Was born with the shadow wrapping skill. Weak pure dragon bloodline, strong darkness dragon bloodline. Young age, high potential to live over three thousand years without any training." The high life expectancy was actually small, for a dragon, yet where it differentiated, was when the bestial scribe said it could live that long without training.

The reasons that the dragons trained their elemental affinity was because they would become stronger, yes, but they would also become able to live longer by acclimating to their elemental affinity and understanding it. Some dragons such as Mordant could even replace some of their mana with darkness elemental mana to use as their own. That ability was very valuable for some when injured or weakened. It was something that Walker had still not realized he had done by bonding closely with Fleur. Natural mana also flowed within him more strongly than most living beings.

"Really? Such potential? But she was the weakest in the clutch. Her siblings kicked her from the nest as soon as they hatched." Mordant was surprised by this but knew that this hatchling would have suffered in comparison to her siblings.

"Next," the owner of the egg building was ready to keep moving. He knew he needed to get the job done properly. " strong male, weak darkness elemental affinity. Opposite of the young lady. Some broken baby scales must have been in a fight after it hatched. Otherwise, very healthy, blunt claws, sharp teeth, and a very focused gaze."

The bestiary scribe looked again, "weak darkness dragon bloodline, weak pure dragon bloodline, small amount of earth dragon bloodline. Very young, high potential to live over a thousand years without training. Could potentially use decaying breath attack with better strength than an average darkness or earth dragon due to fusing the bloodlines. Best for close combat training." These things were also very interesting. It was like seeing the potential the hatchling could have.

"He was vicious. Attempted to fight his father when he hatched. Couldn't even be settled down easily. But when he was hurt he tried to throw rockets and was ousted. It explains why. His mother was distantly related to an earth dragon." It was not unusual for the dragons to interbreed between villages. That way they would strengthen bonds or find dragons with bloodlines necessary for certain growth situations for the villages.

"Last," the last hatchling was already away and moved about examining the eggs. This was unusual but not bad. "Very intuitive and understands the lives in the eggs already. Look at how carefully she sniffs each one to remember them. Weaker physical scales but very healthy. Larger wings than the other two. Very attentive to sound. Dull claws. Somewhat rounded teeth. An odd but very healthy little lady."

"Low darkness affinity, weak pure dragon bloodline, weak darkness dragon bloodline. Combat potential is weak. Potential for ancient dragon age…high. Physically weak. Mentally strong.high flight ability after growth. Born with the skill small appraisal. Very good." The bestial scribe had praised this hatchling after seeing that it had an appraisal skill.

"Small appraisal is the appraisal skill that lists what something is and that's all, correct?" Walker received a nod from those around him. He thought that the skill could be bad at first but when considering how fast this hatchling could learn, he was impressed.

"Mordant, you seem to have brought gems with you." Walker grinned thinking about what he had heard.

"It appears we may need to reevaluate the way we search for talent. These are niche skills but impressive in their own rights. Walker, I expect you to give them everything." Mordant would not go back on his word. He was impressed by the evaluations of the bestial scribe. But he knew that the very specific places that these hatchlings would fit in to were hard to maintain. They would need constant watch to ensure that the others their age would not abuse them in some way or form. It was easier for them to be away from the village. This realization finally left Mordant to accept that he was entrusting Walker with a generation that could form Genesis in to a proper dragon village. One that Mordant would plan to visit often.



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