Master Of None

1331 1331. More Impossible Things

Walker found that the arcane scribe was right where he had been the last time he had visited the mage tower. "And here I was worried you might not be around," Walker smirked while he spoke. He was surprised about how many scrolls were around along with how many other people had appeared attempting to learn from him.

"I can't very well leave. I have a fair bunch here to learn about what I do. And I still have some of your order to complete." From what Walker could see the arcane scribe was only partially telling the truth. With so much help he had definitely more than completed the order for Genesis. But with so many there to learn from him, it appeared that the arcane scribe had met his match. He didn't want to travel away before he felt accomplished enough in his teaching.

"This is a guest of Genesis. His name is Mordant, he is a royal darkness dragon. I brought him to meet you since I want to give him some of the magic scrolls that contain the spirit speaking skill. He already has a partner that travels with him. I hope to help them speak to each other properly." There was a hint of surprise in the arcane scribe's eyes since it was not every day that a dragon visited him.

"I can make that happen. I need someone to judge the work of these youths around me. Some of them have perfected copying the scrolls. I do need to remind you that they are not guaranteed to work every time or teach a skill perfectly. Most you will never be able to learn the skill in life." There were many strong emphases on the words. It appeared that the arcane scribe had to say these a decent few times to people that would not believe him or chose to ignore his words and get angry anyways.

"This was explained clearly to me. I do not expect miracles but appreciate the task you have been working on. I look forward to using such items." Mordant had a tall and appreciative tone. But in no way did it let any of the strength and pride in his aura escape. He was still a dragon that demanded respect.

"That stack there are about thirty. Take them as you please. I will continue my work." Walker wanted to watch the work but knew that creating a scroll would be insanely hard without the proper rune knowledge. Walker would need to study and practice drawing runes over and over to even think about making the most basic of magic scrolls.

Walker took some while Mordant also did. They both nodded to the arcane scribe and headed toward the tower entrance. They both knew that the skill to speak to elements spirits was valuable and Mordant was making a mental note to repay Walker at a later date.

"The floors might be crowded because there was a breakthrough recently. There were a lot of floors just with books that couldn't be taken away from them. They were full of runes making them very hard to understand let alone read. Eventually, I was meditating trying to get elemental mana to flow in all the rooms to one floor. I pushed the shelves a certain way and they fell in to the floor. That was how we found the longest rune formation yet. It was more or less a trial and error random occurrence but worth the investment since it increased the output of the tower. The runes had not fully been active yet." The fact that this was the case was stunning. Everyone knew the time that went in to rune carving. For there to be so many in books that connected to create an enhancement was incredible.

"I am more interested in those that created such a place. Have you discovered anything that specifies the race?" Since Mordant knew of most races, he thought he might have some answers for Walker.

"Nothing at all. We haven't even found records of what they were. No relations to current races. From what we understand, they left the underground for some reason, most likely dangerous monsters, then they created the desert city which was later taken over by the desert elves before they in turn perished. The reason that they left the city is unknown but they left intentionally after understanding elemental runes to a certain degree."

"Interesting. I have not heard of such records before. I will approach the keeper on my journey home. It will shine some light on things if I ask correctly. He is wise but very careful in what he divulges. There is always the potential to cause strife with certain information." This was true. Walker could understand that saying certain things could cause trouble. Especially if it was related to where an entire race could disappear to.

Hopefully, the older ruines underground will shed more light on how they developed. But without bones or anything fully intact we haven't seen much. They haven't even shown themselves in their murals on walls. That's very different from the other races we have seen. They did depict many ancient monsters though. Some are obviously monsters we have now but in their highest forms. It could help many people understand monsters and hope they may become their own races. I feel that the harpies will become the next recognized race. They had been taking over the mail delivery and growing in importance."

This mentioning of becoming a proper race made Mordant recall the grey haired spiders and goblins. He had seen a few wandering about but not many. The idea that monsters were claiming their race and intelligence was unheard of. These things were not an easy thing to come by in any historical records of the world let alone all in one generation.



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