Master Of None

1325 1325. Styles Of Leadership

"This is the Genesis building. It is the main building for meetings, representatives, and other important gatherings. That is the alchemy guild, adventurers guild, and crafting guild. Then that building you can see in the distance is the tamer's guild. From there you can also see the cathedral spire. And of course the mage tower." Walker would point out the different sections that the races had created on their own later. But for now, these were the most important buildings in the city.

"It seems wise to have them all organized together. Better communication. But what are those writings about? I have seen a few. A competition? I believe you mentioned mostly battle related competitions and forging competitions." Mordant has seen the additional herb gathering competitions for the young adventures.

"That is mainly for young adventure's guild members. They are getting experience, a chance to move up a tier in the guild, and gathering herbs for the alchemy guild competitions. The potions made will be sold aligned with a test for members of the alchemy guild. It will be very interesting. However, if you have alchemists or herbalists, they can participate as well." Walker knew that he had not put much focus on the herbs since he knew that the dragons may not find it as interesting.

"Ah, I see. I do not have much in the way of alchemy in my village. I will look in to it and instruct my dragonkin to do the same. But, I wish to have my dragonkin witness the competitions in their entirety even though I may not stay for such lengths." It was clear that Mordant was avoiding making promises. He was in charge of a dragon village and branch villages, if he left them unattended he would be neglecting his duties.

"Wait, one moment." Walker moved past a guard that was keeping the streets clear. It was a respectable thing for the welcoming of Mordant, however, Walker had seen two children playing a game behind the guards. One little girl had slipped and scraped her knee. Walker had seen it out of the corner of his eye. "Now what are those tears for? You are fine. Just watch." Walker held his hand and made some funny looking movements with his fingers. In the seconds ahead, a green glow radiated from him and the small scrape healed as if it wasn't ever there. "See? Nothing to worry about."

Walker stopped as he watched the obviously older brother of the little girl help her up and run off. They continued their game as Walker rejoined Mordant. Watching it all happen, Mordant had seen the definitive difference in Walker compared to the royal dragons. Because the dragons believed in strength, they would not have stopped to heal or help someone that had fallen. The child should grow up and face it themselves. Yet, because Walker did this he could see that Walker had brought the races together through more than just strength or a unique system. He had played with their emotions of caring and family. It explained a lot about who Walker was and would keep growing to be.

"The dragons may learn more from you than you think," Mordant spoke but soon gestured for Walker to show him the way. This was an unfamiliar place for Mordant and he did not want to hold back anymore. "And next time, you don't need to clear the streets for me. I should follow your laws while here and walk through the streets equally with others." Walker didn't know where this came from but grinned in response. As he had believed, Mordant was the most accepting of the royal dragons.

Mordant's eyes did not stop moving while he saw the different races working together within Genesis. He clearly saw how the entirety of the city was governed by multiple officials. The fact that so many had come together and worked at such an astonishing pace explained why the markets that he had strolled through were so packed with goods. The many forms that were being processed and explained to citizens showed the degree of thought that went in to the formation of Genesis.

"We have the meeting room this way. The dwarven representative is still occupied while the demi-human representative is dealing with an old problem recently rediscovered. That leaves the merfolk, elven, human, and various guild representatives." Walker opened the door which was quickly looked at by all such individuals including a few other attendants. The addition of nameplates at each seat was great since Walker wouldn't need to introduce everyone by name right away. There was also a large table created and added to the room for the meetings and potential maps.

"This is the royal darkness dragon Mordant. He has come ahead of his family to see us." Mordant did not miss that Walker spoke of the dragonkin and hatchlings as Mordant's family. It was a note that Mordant had not specifically focused on as a royal dragon. Yet, it fit. This was the exact way that his village should be seen. If a single member was harmed, the draconic price he possessed would not allow for the perpetrator to go unpunished the exact same way that Walker felt about the city of Genesis and the residents within.

"Welcome to the Genesis building meeting room. I trust your journey was pleasant and that you have met the vice guild master of the adventurers guild, Barry." Clara stood up right away and introduced herself. Mordant raised a single eyebrow at this. He had indeed met Barry and seen the monstrous strength that the man had. It had put high expectations for humans in his mind seeing a man take on a rogue dragon without any assistance. It was a feat that not many could accomplish when Mordant had last seen humans fighting to take a small village as their home.



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