Master Of None

1315 1315. Guardian Ant

The rumbling coming from the deeper tunnels meant only one thing. The guardian ants had gotten wind of what Walker and Midnight had done before retreating. They had found the destruction and began to rampage at the orders of their queen. The guardian ants were raised specifically to protect the colony and the queen. The soldiers were nothing in comparison to them. Forget any ability to gather food or to dig. These guardian ants had none of that.

Instead of these characteristics, the queen had raised them with battle and defense completely in mind. That meant much tougher carapaces and higher strength. Where the bear golems were meant to be shields and hammers, so were the guardian ants.

"We have big ones incoming. Where are my shields!" The king of the deep caves was not fooling around. He knew that the battle had been a cakewalk up to this point. They had had an easy time defeating soldiers and crushing them for the support golems to remove. Barely any dwarves had been injured but some golems had been broken to the point that they needed immediate repairs. This left the front line weaker. Luckily, the king of the deep caves had his elite soldier near him and he saw Midnight and Walker return.

"What did you two do down there to cause the guardians to leave the queen's chamber so fast?" He was impressed but serious. He needed to know what would be happening in the further tunnels and what orders to hand down.

"We froze the eggs. As many as possible. The eggs were moved to a second tunnel and we almost missed the soft dirt that they used to hide it. Ants are sneaky but we are sneakier." Walker and Midnight both stood tall. The vicious grin they both held reminded the king of the deep caves that the two he looked at were not some soft children. The two had been in multiple adventures that consisted of multiple battles. As young as they were, they had faced death and used their determination to push past that for strength. It was easy to look at Walker and Midnight and forget that they were heroes that stood at the pinnacle of the future for an entire city created by multiple races.

"The enemy is in chaos. Take them down and charge toward the queen's chamber!" This was just the advantage that the king of the deep caves wanted. He needed to push in to the tunnels faster to keep the pressure on the ants. If he let up then they could escape or potentially group up against them. That could not be allowed under any circumstances. "You two, fall behind me and save your mana to cause more trouble when we get to the queen's chamber. The bear golems will tear a path through the egg chambers for us."

While the king of the deep caves spoke, the bear golems moved through the tunnel. They had made their way through the front line and down the tunnel behind them. They were slowly but one swipe of their paws caused the soldier ants in front of them to fall. They easily pushed toward the previous egg chamber and widened the space to the secondary egg chamber.

Nurturer ants had flooded the area desperately trying to save the eggs while some of the larger soldier ants broke away ice crystals. But one ant showed a ferocious nature that Walker knew well as a guardian ant.

'Giant earth ant guardian

Specifically raised by the queen of this colony, the guardian ant is born for battle and battle only. They lack the necessary means to survive alone due to the lack of ability to properly break down their food. Without the colony they are weak. But they make up for this in the battles needed to take over territories and protect the entire colony. They have incredible defenses along with brutal attacks. They are incredibly sensitive to the vibrations around them. They have small weak points in the gaps between their armored bodies.'

"Midnight, aim for the spots between the shell of the ant!" Midnight was still using the shadow wrapping skill. She was the first to be able to move and get near the guardian ant. This let the king of the deep caves prepare to deal the finishing blow with his pickaxe.

The flame covered claws of Midnight caused the shadows to peel away. All eyes were on her as she slashed at the joints of the guardian ant's legs. It screeched in pain when it felt the burn of flames. The distraction allowed the king of the deep caves to heft the large pickax over his head and leap forward. With a force that could shatter any stone or ore, the king of the deep cave pierced the armor on the guardian ant's head. The massive ant was crushed in seconds with minimal distraction. The years of mining and strengthening himself were not a waste, the king of the deep caves showed off exactly why he was considered a king of the deep caves.

There was more rumbling as the bear style golem pushed through the tunnels. They were going to be the first to carve the path from the frozen egg chamber to the queen's chamber. The force that it let out caused more soldier ants to come rushing but for some reason another guardian ant did not show itself. "Those bugs know we are coming and will stay protecting their queen. Be ready for the real fight. I want you to slow them down using the same skill you did here. If you have more I want you to use them too." The king of the deep caves didn't even stop to breathe after his attack. He passed another order to Walker and continued forward.



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