Master Of None

1312 1312. Down The Ravine

It was very clear that the army reached the edge faster than expected. It also was clear that everyone had used very small amounts of mana or stored mana. This was a good thing since they would need to be able to fight faster in the tunnels. The king of the deep caves gave orders for the ballista golems to move to the edge and change their angles. One or two were immediately grabbed by pincers of the ants that had been waiting on the edge to attack. It was a tactful way for the ants to gain food when they were in ravines or large holes. Even small normal ants would do such things in nature.

The immediate response was for the ballistas to fire at the ants of the edges, taking them down and lowering the steel ropes as well. "We move as one!" The shout caused every rope to be locked in place with golems following down. The fallen ballistas and golems became surrounded by their fellow soldiers while the ants were mercilessly beaten back. The dwarves did not dare allow a single ant to claim an injured dwarf or golem as their victims.

Gil had become much more serious. He glanced at Walker before he pulled four arrows out of his quiver at the same time. Walker knew that this was the moment that Gil was waiting for. He had clear paths to multiple targets. The ants had begun to react to the attack and were flooding in to the ravine. Most were basic workers with a few soldier ants responding. This wasn't an issue since the bear golems that Gil and Alice had once been atop were now descending to act as shields and enter the large tunnel.

The arrows that Gil had chosen were the earth elemental arrows he had made. It would normally be expected that the earth affinity monsters would be able to defend against the earth type attacks. However, this would prove to be false since the ants just excelled in moving earth to create their homes and did not boast any earth related defensive skills. Therefore, when the arrows landed and caused spikes of stone and dirt to form piercing the giant ants, they were massively injured and easily taken out by golems.

This increased the efficiency of the battle as Walker and Midnight descended the ravine using their skills. Midnight flapped down on to the already cleared end of the ravine while Walker used the elemental wings skill. His goal was a unique combo he had been thinking of and now with his better elemental sculpting and comprehension, he could pursue it.

The wind and earth were drawn to him. With Midnight slapping nearby, she breathed dragon flames on to his back causing a combination of earth, wind, and flames to become his wings. The sight lit up the dim ravine while Walker held the eternal orb staff high. The elemental wings had many shaped feathers that Walker modeled after a harpy's feathers. His idea was simple, use them to attack the ants coming out of the giant tunnel that the golems were trying to reach.

With a single wave of the eternal orb staff, the feathers left the wings Walker had used a decent chunk of his mana to create. They did not immediately hit everything in front of them, but that wasn't what they were meant to do. The earth cracked when they hit and released the air within them. The flames that were around the feathers were fueled by this and caused small explosions cracking the defenses of the ants nearby. This allowed the golems to easily plow through. It carved a path for them to enter the large ancient tunnel with ease and leave the remaining ants for the sweepers to clean up.

Midnight caught Walker in her claws before lowering them both down to the bottom of the ravine. She looked at Walker happy to have performed a combination with him. They had easily worked together with their bond directing them without words. While Walker was slightly weakened from the use of the skill he was guarded by multiple golems as they progressed. He needed to calm his heart and use the shadow wrapping skill along with Midnight. They would stay near the king of the deep caves while Remey and Su followed behind with other golems. Gil and Alice remained at the top of the crevice cleaning up what ants were left there.

"Remey, switch!"

Su smashed forward knocking one of the giant ants off balance. She was aiming for the sides and legs to force the ant in to a weakened position.

"Down you go!" Rmemey's fist smashed the ant right on the head. There was a sickening crack as the earth affinity knuckles slammed through the tougher shell. There was an odd fishy smell but it didn't seem to affect Remey at all. She was already rolling to the ground with her eyes on the next ant. All she needed for confirmation was the hit to know that she had done irreparable damage and that the giant earth ant was done.

"We have an incoming soldier ant, form up and prepare to intercept!" The golems followed the order from the elite soldier. They slammed together metal shield walls that they carried along with their axes.

"Commander, split off. Remey and I will handle it!" Su slammed together the twin shield and dashed forward. The light built up around the shield in front of her before the collision with the even larger soldier ant. The pincers aimed at the shields were like twigs, they snapped in to pieces.

"Ha! Weak!" Remey followed up with a downward kick. "How's that for unveiling my axe kick. No one expected that hmmm?" Su and Remey nodded at each other. They were a pure force of defense and offense when partnered up. Nothing would stop them.



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