Master Of None

1307 1307. Are They Monsters?

"What do you think is wrong with them? They have been walking the entire time. Even miss Alice has been walking. Doesn't she feel tired?" One healer that had volunteered to go on the expedition to slay the giant earth ants was whispering to the other healers. He was amazed that the party chose not to stay resting within the carriage where it was safer and kept their energy up.

"You've seen them train. They are monsters themselves. If they weren't kind hearted the world would be a dim place to live." Another could see that the party was in a league of their own.

"But she was never like them. She was the same as us. Miss Alice always healed and got tired having to sleep after. We have the same problem. But now she is using her skills constantly while keeping the pace…training shouldn't fix that so fast." They were all stunned. The Alice they knew had changed in to a completely different person since she had come in to contact with the party. More importantly, since she had started to walk alongside them.

"None of you really know who they are, do you? When they visited my home they were unsure but figured things out fast. Really fast. It took them a few days but they had the entire city along with our kings behind them. It's not that they are monsters with amazing systems. They are people with amazing determination and courage to push and prod at what others won't. You should all try it. From what I see, that girl controlling light elemental mana was never meant to just be a healer." The elite dwarven guard in the carriage had been cleaning his armor and preparing his weaponry for some time. None of the healers had paid any attention to him. But when she spoke he drew their full focus.

"That's true, the high priest even got more energetic when they showed up. He started to push everyone to work harder and learn more. I know he is deciding who will be the next high priest in charge…but shouldn't it just be an easy choice out of the three best?" The healers were a little confused but began to grasp some things they had been oblivious to. Their eyes eventually fell on Alice who had made it clear that she was not staying in the same place any longer and would be pushing higher than expected of her.

"Alice, how long are you going to make a shield for Su to test hers on? I want to test them too!" Remey and Su had partnered up with Alice to train while moving. The idea was simple. Alice makes light condensed shields. Su would bash at them to test her strength and also try to find the best angles to attack another shield user. Remey wanted to work on her defense breaking fist without the addition of alchemy fire. She still could not master the new move and wanted to be able to use it in more forms. The ideas of defense breaking kicks, elbow jabs, and head butts even came to mind.

"Don't look at me. I will keep manipulating the light to flow around you as best as I can. The clouds won't hold you back even for a second!" Alice had looked back at Walker who was doing his best to understand and manipulate the light elemental mana to condense. He wanted his control to be so precise that it exceeded the rune within the mage tower. The desire was not something he had expected to form but one he strived for. He had felt that he could do anything while in the mage tower. The mana was literally waiting to be condensed, manipulated, and fused in to natural mana. If he felt this way in a battle, then could he share that feeling? Could he make it so that his entire party had the best elemental zone for their battles?

Walker could recall the skills related to elemental zones but they were often mastery skills or very high level. One master skill could create a flooded plain by condensing insane amounts of water elemental mana. A high level skill had been written to cause a tornado surrounding the user to draw in intense torrents of wind elemental mana for a short time. Overall they were the skills written to bring people in to awe for magic and mages alike. Walker had never set his sights on such skills but wanted to be able to dream he would obtain them. And with the potential of natural mana, he thought that between Fleur and him, he might just make a natural mana zone skill.

Walker, another arrow!" Gil had been testing the arrows over and over. His constant use of them left a trail of craters behind the entire army. Walker would repair them as he went back the same way but for the time being, they would remain. The reasons Gil was using them constantly were to perfect his aim more and also his uncomfortable feelings using these elemental arrows.

Gil had an extraordinary aim for a human. He rivaled the elves known for their precise aim and archery. Yet, Gil could feel that he was missing something. Something that kept him from being perfectly accurate from extremely long distances. Combining the two uncomfortable feelings was what he felt would truly push him to the next level. He aimed for the past craters further and further away.

Walker welcomed this additional training. By doing multiple things at once he was sharpening his focus. The only one that was missing from all of this was Midnight. But when someone looked up they would find that there was a small dragon leaping from the three carriage tops flying one to the other. She was training herself as well, casually letting flame plumes out of her maw.



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