Master Of None

1302 1302. Unique Golems

Walker had narrowly avoided Remey testing out everyone else's skills that they had trained. She had been cooped up in the alchemy guild and had too much energy to burn. Although, she had managed to train with the alchemy fire spirit to a considerable degree. Since she had nothing else to do while organizing and teaching the newer alchemy guild members, she had been using alchemy fire to make some basic salves and balms. That way she had become a little more resistant to the burns that alchemy fire could cause along with having sharper control of it.

Surprising them all had been Midnight that pushed Remey toward her room to rest. It seemed that the temptation to eat the giant earth ant meat was enough to get her to split things up. It was a fact that the tamers had gotten involved for the additional food source to feed their tamed monsters so this was also backing that the meat must taste good. At the end of the night, Walker didn't argue that everyone was heading off on their own to rest. He had spent some additional time outside on the back patio enjoying the clear night sky with Alice. She had somehow developed a love for the stars and singing to manipulate the starlight.

Once morning had rolled around, Walker was yet again being pulled out of his bed. This time it was Remey nearly dragging him by the foot. "I swear, you go and train and then you become a brick that can't move the next day. Everyone is awake but you. Even Alice was awake and helped your mother make us breakfast." Remey just kept shaking her head as Walker started to come back to life and look around. She did find it amusing when he jumped up and started to rush about the room preparing.

Her laughter only grew when she noticed that he was wearing his shirt backwards after coming back out of his room. "I'm up. I sear." Walker followed Remey down the stairs and to the front where everyone else was waiting for him. They each had a steaming hot sandwich in their hands while Alice had two. She had been waiting to hand it to Walker. It was very clear that she was proud to have helped make them and spend time with Hilda. On the other hand, Hilda was secretly gossiping now with Su's mother about how she was going to have the best daughter in law soon. Hilda fully expected that Walker would fall head over heels and marry Alice one day. It was a mother's intuition.

"Thank you. I could smell them all the way up the stairs." His face was flushed while grabbing the sandwich but he continued on. "Onyx, good luck with the hatchlings. And all of you, don't go giving my little brother trouble while I'm away. If you do then we might not bring back a snack for you." The little hatchlings partially understood what Walker meant and popped their heads out of the shadows to nod their heads the same way that they had seen Onyx do.

"Be safe. I will be waiting for everyone." Onyx was sad that he was unable to travel but he was true to his commitments. There was nothing that would pull him from his current goals. Everyone knew this and fully supported him so he would patiently wait until he could take the hatchlings on a journey outside as well.

"It looks like the rest of us are all set. The golem army should be outside of the city right?

" Walker knew that they would be all lined up and ready to go but he didn't want to miss any changes that he had missed.

"They already left. The rest of them are heading out now." Remey had gone on a very early walk to see what the first two squads were heading out the third was going to the closest ravine and would be getting there at the same time as the other two squads got to their ravines. It would ensure a consistent attack that would stop the other two queens from sending their giant earth ants to attack the weaker colonies that were splitting off.

"Oh, then let's get there quickly." Midnight huffed in approval and burst out the door with everyone quick to run behind her. She wanted to be the first to see what the golems were doing and if anything unique was in the army. The party's last trip there had produced an interesting effect on the forging that was happening within the dwarven city. Therefore, they all wondered if more golems controlled by elemental spirits had been created along with any more dragon style golems.

The party was not let down when they saw the size of the golems lined up ahead of them. Instead of the basic working golems that the party had seen, there were smaller ones for communication. But what truly took the cake were the large golems triple the size of the working golems. They were incredibly heavily armored and set up to tank major attacks. They were also the carriers for large carriages full of supplies that would be used for repairs and other such things. The small group of healers were aboard one of the carriages and Walker could make out a few familiar faces from the instrumental side of the cathedral. One was the strings player that Su had spent some time with but still not spoken with the rest of the party too much. Su was surprisingly shy about such subjects.

"Look! That's a serpent type golem. It looks a lot like Onyx!" Remey was in love seeing the golem. Her eyes went wide as she saw the unique line up next to it of unique golems made for this squad.



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