Master Of None

1294 1294. The Bonds Seen

Elemental mana flowed around Walker. He was using the eternal orb to condense and store as much as the orb could hold. From there he was slowly mixing the manas together to create the natural mana that he would need to use better skills and manipulate elemental mana with more fluidity. However, the mental strain was where he was feeling the pressure.

Since Walker had dedicated himself to mostly magical skills he had been constantly taxing his mind and body. He had decent strength and endurance due to their travels and the fact that whenever he trained he would use movement skills in some form. Yet, he had skipped out on the long periods of meditation that most mages would do to expand their mind and strengthen it. Being able to find their own calm in the midst of elemental chaos was why a mage would be able to do great and wondrous things with their elemental magic.

It wasn't that Walker had not meditated before. But it was too short of a time. He should have taken a longer and slower method to understand each elemental mana. Now he was left with a rougher use of elemental mana that had been trained through pressure and experience. This was not all bad since it led to him having the high earth sculpting skill and a better understanding of earth elemental mana in general.

Walker had been able to grasp the fire elemental mana better because of his bond with Midnight along with the training he did originally. One of the first elemental skills he had was fire bolt which he rarely used now due to his recent focus on other elemental manas and physical combat. If he was able to put some time in to truly understanding fire and potentially understanding the golden flames that Midnight breathed, he might make a major breakthrough and could create draconic flames.

There was also the potential to understand dark elemental mana better. He had the shadow wrapping skill along with the black flames which were rarely used. But other than that he had only manipulated them here and there in reference to training and light elemental mana. This was also the case with light elemental mana since he rarely used the skills he had that revolved around it. They were hard to use for him because of his lower understanding.

The positive was that Walker had already delved in to these elemental manas. He had used them to learn skills and had the grand elemental manipulation. On top of that, he could manipulate natural mana. This went even further when Fleur joined him to manipulate the manas.

"Alright Fleur, I am going to try and meditate the right way. I read it in a book that a master mage wrote. It was only a copy but it was enlightening. All the meditation I have done has been nothing real compared to how this is supposed to go." Walker prepared himself and took a deep breath. He had the perfect environment, the perfect instructions, and the time before the golem army would head out to go after the dwarves' enemies; giant earth ants.

"I have no body….I am only mana….flow with the mana around me and take the journey through its life…" Walker repeated words that he remembered from the writings. This was mostly to control his breathing and calm his mind. Everything was buzzing around him since he had become very sensitive to elemental mana through his bond with Fleur. However, he felt it was calming. He was almost more at home when surrounded by this dense elemental mana than he normally was.

There was a warmth spreading from his beach where Fleur was pulling the eternal manas toward the spirit mark. The eternal orb hovered over Walker's head as it directed even more elemental manas toward him. He could tell that the mana was mixing slowly but that was not his focus. What he was focusing on now was how his body interacted with the mana.

Walker knew that he had the problem where his mana would bleed out of him due to the over absorption and strain he had placed on his mind and body. His body couldn't store the mana within it because there was weakness. Yet, for some reason, Walker felt that he was actually becoming stronger. Every single breath brought in different elemental manas and allowed his body to separate from his mind.

It was almost as if Walker was looking down on himself. He could see how the different elemental manas of the world melded in to his human body. He even could see faint twinges of red strings around him. As his mind calmed he was able to feel that these were the bonds he had. One with Fleur that speckled with every elemental mana. It nourished and shared his spirit with her and vice versa.

The storing that had small black and white speckles around it was clearly Walker's bond with Onyx. it seemed to disappear then become bright again and again. Walker felt that he was inheriting some of Onyx's unique characteristics. He could feel that over time the connection would be more than just a bond but one that shared skills and traits.

The most powerful was the bond with Midnight. The string was thick and golden flecks danced around it. Walker could tell that it came from the unending trust he and Midnight shared. There was an untold connection that shared their souls with one another, therefore, sharing Midnight's true dragon champion bloodline with Walker to a very small degree. This was also how Midnight gained the natural mana affinity from Walker.

All of them were connected and Walker felt that he was understanding his own being much more while he allowed his body to bond and become shaped by these forces. The natural mana was building up as it melded with his body.



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