Master Of None

1291 1291. Lost Runes

"Do you really think that Walker will spend all day in the mage tower?" Gil had met up with Alma after he had done some training and Alma had finished her work for the day. It had already been a few hours and no one had seen Walker leave the mage tower. They felt that he had pushed himself a little and was punishing himself by locking himself away.

"Honestly, he is very determined. Look at the ideals he has pulled together here in Genesis. It seemed like everyone had been hesitating to make all these things happen. Every kingdom held back and played along the edges. He was able to come in to a good group of people and push his ideals forward. It was the feather that caused an avalanche." The phrase was not very popular in general but perfectly describes how everything had come together.

The work that the party had done was not major in the grand scheme. It was a small piece of the larger picture. The party had managed to find the common ground that the races could grow on. They found the aspects that all of the races had that could aid each other to grow strong and powerful. Well, I guess I will let everyone know. If I tell Alice she might head in to the tower herself. Not that it would be bad, I think Onyx has already thought of heading here to let the hatchlings go to the light elemental floor and recover their stunted growth." Gil was not wrong. Just at that Moment Onyx had wandered up with Alice.

"Arora, that is Gil and Alma. They are family too." Alice whispered to the little heavenly serpent hatchling in her arms. It raised its head ever so slightly to glance at the two before closing its eyes as if committing their images to memory.

"Did you say that brother is in the tower? That's a good thing. He has been holding off on proper training for other things." Onyx curled up slightly while thinking. "I will head up and wait for him on the light elemental floor. We could use the food and the runes, it's the best place to rest. I will speak with the guards to request that others remain quiet when they get there." Onyx was not going to bother Walker but he would climb to the proper floor so that he could do the most while he waited for Walker.

"Are you all going up to the light elemental floor of the mage tower?" Gil raised his eyebrows while looking at Alice. He wasn't sure if the high priest and everyone else in the cathedral would be too thrilled about her being gone for so long.

"Yes, my father is resting well after I sang for him. He told me to do whatever I need to, to make my future in to what I desire." Alice spoke with the most firmness she had shown in some time. Gil didn't even have the ability to reply.

"Then go ahead inside and train to your heart's content. We will let everyone else know what is going on so they don't worry." Alma took the chance to pull Gil away. She figured that someone should go and tell Su, Remey, and the rest of their family that Walker, Onyx, and Alice would be busy training and making sure they were ready for the future.

While Onyx led the hatchlings in to the mage tower with Alice at his side, Walker was hard at work.

"Fleur, I am going to move up again. We have been to every single floor and meditated but we still haven't found the right spot yet." The problem that Walker had come against was that he felt that he was missing something every single time that he would move up a floor. The mana was too strong and pure making it easy to manipulate but tough to understand. If he focused on a single elemental mana then he would lose his balance and be unable to use natural mana. Not that he had a perfect balance at the moment since his understanding of fire and earth seemed to be the highest.

Walker could feel that Fleur was not comfortable either. She was getting the mana she needed but she was not able to easily mix it. The primary issue was Walker's ability to mix the elemental manas inside his own body with his own mana. Therefore, Walker was now heading upwards searching for a way to get to the higher floors where the elemental runes seemed to go.

"These runes are the same patterns on each of the elemental floors. They don't go back downward so they have to go somewhere." The hope he had was that he would find a place that all of them crossed and he could meditate on balanced mana to better help his overall understanding. Then he would be able to work on his fusion of elemental manas.

"See?! This makes no sense. This floor is so small but the rines are nowhere to be found. I can see where they go in to the ceiling from the lower training floor but then I get here and it's just a small library floor." The place that Walker found was a round maze of a room. The bookshelves were made to wrap around in a circular formation that one needed to wander through to get to the next staircase. But there were no visible runes but for the bookshelves that helped preserve the books in an ancient language. There was also the fact that no one had made any progress translating the language so the floor was abandoned until the archaeologists understood it. Less chance to damage the books. Where could the runes have moved if they continue on the next floor?"



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