Master Of None

1287 1287. Wings!?

Seeing that the attacks were blocked and deflected, Alma rushed away with a mischievous look. She was not having any problems with the wind or the dust being blown around. She actually liked that this would make it harder for the other two to get to her. She had the advantage that she could let the roots from the blue ivy catch most of the dust in the air. She was also adept at bringing the moisture in the air toward her to assist the growth of the blue ivy. It was not just her mana that made the blue icy vines grow. She had the unique skills to make them grow faster in most environments.

"Not going to let you get away!" Gil started to rush toward the direction of Alma when he felt a tingling sensation on his back. He knew that it was his instincts warning him of danger. Therefore, he jumped and rolled backwards without a single thought. It broke the dagger skills he had learned from the water elves and merfolk but went with the flow of the forest elf dagger skills. It went with their flow of roots that could twist and fall back on themselves to keep growing.

Walker came down with a single of the two eternal orb swords missing Gil by a foot at least. The other sword arced out and pushed on the wind to make it pick up and change flow. There was a slight giggle from Zephyr and Fleur as they caused the wind to pick up yet again. They increased it using the natural and the air elemental mana around them. This pushed the breeze in to something that could easily blow them away if they were not conscious of what they were doing.

"Here they come. Let's make this day a little more interesting!" The earth mages that were working in the area saw this as a good chance. They didn't need to worry about the wind since they could hold themselves to the ground easily using their skills. But this didn't mean that they were going to shirk their duties. They had a lot of earth to condense and move. Thus, they needed to break some rockets with their skills.

Right where Walker had come down, a large web of cracking earth appeared. Then it fell downward in to a soft pile of soil being moved by the other nearby earth mages to be brought out of the growing crater. This caused Walker to need to jump out or be swept along with the loose soil. He used the wind ripple skill to break out and up in to the air. Yet this was another mistake.

Zephyr and Fleur had been waiting for this. They both knew that Walker had such skills. They wanted to make him avoid using it for travel since he would have a major advantage. When the winds turned on him, Walker found himself being blown away toward another direction. He was a little annoyed that he had fallen so easily in to the trap. He had no way to fight through the tough winds without trying to directly manipulate the wind. "I'm just human, I don't have wings-" He smirked realizing that he wasn't just a human. He was taking on skills and other things that dragons had. He was bonded with Midnight and was told that he would one day possess skills and features that might make him look more draconic.

"Oh no, what idea did he just get?" Gil hesitated seeing the look he knew so well on Walker's face. However, he had no time to worry since he opened himself up to Alma to attack him again. She had been waiting nearby with the idea to strike as soon as Gil and Walker attacked each other. She could care less what Walker was going to try since he had opened up the perfect chance to attack Gil. They were training and paying attention was just part of the experience.

Walker on the other hand was caught up in his head. He had the high earth sculpting skill. He was currently surrounded by dusty wind. A mix of earth and wind elemental mana. How could he not understand what would work here? How could he not try and copy the format of Midnight's wings using his skills? He would be a fool not to attempt this now or in the future.

The wind ripple skill might not work but what if he made his own wings out of elemental mana and the materials available? The dust in the air seemed to be caught by an invisible net. It slowly condensed in to the shapes of Midnight's bone covered wings when she used the skeletal armor skill. He used the flowing air to change the shape and flow between the pieces. Adding in the small amount of water elemental mana in the air and freezing the water made the pieces perfectly meld. He was manipulating three elemental manas at once but for whatever reason Walker felt his mind was clear. It was as if he was finding a piece of himself he had been forgetting about.

There was a slight vibration through his body as he completed the shape. He felt the connection with Midnight become slightly stronger as if their bond had been waiting for them to get closer in this way. The wings he crafted looked to be a muddy mess of ice and dirt but had wind that whirled around them. They were a bit too large for his body but when the next gust of wind hit him he felt the natural reaction to push it away. Even the winds of nature seemed as if they would lose their strength compared to him. He continued to condense these elemental manas in to a better shape closer to what he had seen before. He was going to catch the two running from him using his new idea and the dance of seasons; fifth act, symphony of seasons.



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