Master Of None

1275 1275. What's Wrong!?

The old arcane scribe looked at Walker. His calm and serious appearance seemed to be the key to how he was able to create these scrolls so well. "Those in your hands are the originals you helped me make. The blood contract, all around appraisal, and all around spirit speaking skills. They will work the exact same as your skills do with the same mana cost to whoever activates the scroll. But the copies I made from them are different." Walker was very serious. He was listening to every word because he knew they would be extremely valuable.

"I am lucky that you made multiple scrolls of the all around appraisal and spirit speaking skills. That will help me continue to replicate them to a higher quality. But that is it. The copies need more mana to use and have less of a chance of working. Of course, there is always a chance that someone will learn the skill in the scroll based on their system, but that is now much less. You see how this is an issue for some?"

"I use very little mana for the all around appraisal skill. Almost none at this point since I have understood it and it's not even a real active skill. The spirit speak is a passive skill now so that's no issue either. But I can see the problem with the blood contract. It uses all of my mana and a drop of blood." He wondered how the sill would pay for the additional mana.

"That is correct. That skill will need someone to help the user drink a mana potion before and after using it to prevent damage. Their body will be over taxed by forcefully withdrawing mana. That is why people should not rely on these scrolls with their lives. They could end them the same as what they are using the skill on." Now Walker knew why they had been foolish in the past. The party had once used a high tier healing scroll on Su's mother. If Su had not been in optimal condition then she may have lost herself in exchange for her mother. That was a danger the entire party had been blind to.

"Don't look so serious. That isn't a problem. Just have them wear those fancy mana gems I see all the mages wearing around here. I swear, more mana gems than I have seen anywhere. Even the northern city doesn't have that many. Although I see some strange ones come off those ships." Expecting this old arcane scribe to have been to the northern city was nowhere near what Walker had imagined. He had said that he traveled but across the desert?

"What's the northern city like? I still have never crossed the desert there and only heard a few things about the cathedral." The information could be valuable.

"Ha hha ha, I can tell you that another time. The way you have that scroll clutched I might need to make a new one. Head to whoever needs it and collect those copies there. I made a deal with you and will make many more. Just be clear with the fact that the copies may fail and come at a higher cost." The arcane scribe went back to his work leaving Walker a little disappointed but focused on heading toward the cathedral. That had been his main goal in the first place.

As soon as Walker began to leave he watched many of the nearby mages and other magical system users rush toward the arcane scribe. It seemed that the old arcane scribe had seen him coming and shooed away those that were trying to learn so that Walker and he could speak privately. It was a respectable act and Walker felt that he should find a better way to thank the man that Alice had spotted in the market. He had proven very valuable to Genesis since so many people would have the knowledge to create magical scrolls now. Even if they weren't perfect.

Many copies were left behind, they were better off taken by the rest of Genesis, specifically the guilds. They would need these things to keep developing. Many people would bring rare items that needed appraisal or would want to meet and speak with spirits. The elemental spirits were already playing a major part in the development of the city.

Lucky for Walker, the cathedral was more or less quiet today. They had canceled their concerts to prepare healers if needed for a battle. It was also a very light week for injuries due to the new cautions taken when building. It also helped that many of the buildings were built leaving just the large guilds or farmhouses left to improve.

"Sir Walker! I was told to watch out for you. Please come this way as fast as you can!" One of the nuns under the high priest was waiting outside looking around fiercely. Her robes were obviously in disarray since she had been rushing around the entrance to ensure that she would be able to spot Walker as soon as he showed his face. She grabbed Walker by the arm and nearly dragged him inside the cathedral toward the room where the heavenly serpent had been absorbing light elemental mana.

The pressure from the nun's voice made Walker fear that something had happened to Onyx and Alice as they had come back to the cathedral. There were so many possibilities. Were the hatchling abyssal serpents sick? Were Onyx and Alice somehow harmed by them? Was there a problem with the light elemental mana they had been channeling? All these and more worst case scenarios ran through Walker's mind as he started to push aside the nun and sprint past her. His hand nearly crushing the blood contract magic skill scroll in his hands. He could barely care for it at all since those he loves might be in harm's way. Nothing would stop him.



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